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Daniel Moskovich's user avatar
Daniel Moskovich's user avatar
Daniel Moskovich
  • Member for 15 years
  • Last seen more than a month ago
  • Israel
3 votes

Can you do surgery on framed tangles?

3 votes

A Reference for Schubert's Theorem

3 votes

Theorems that are 'obvious' but hard to prove

3 votes

How do I fix someone's published error?

3 votes

Generalizing a problem to make it easier

3 votes

Special Lagrangians and fat

3 votes

What are some examples of "chimeras" in mathematics?

3 votes

Gluing in Morse homology for Hilbert manifolds

2 votes

motivation of surgery

2 votes

What is a twisted modular operad?

2 votes

A textbook on linear algebra where involutions on linear spaces are considered

2 votes

Discriminant locus in knot space

2 votes

What are some natural and attractive open problems in Jones's theory of planar algebras?

2 votes

Order in $\mathbb{Z}/n^2\mathbb{Z}$ of an $m$th root of unity in $\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z}$

2 votes

Theorems that are 'obvious' but hard to prove

2 votes

Is Murasugi's conjecture still open?

2 votes

Quandle colorings under Reidemeister moves

2 votes

Simple yet interesting applications of Calculus or Linear Algebra to Economics

2 votes

Reference on representations of knot groups

2 votes

How would you have answered Richard Feynman's challenge?

1 vote

Pseudonyms of famous mathematicians

1 vote

Clarification of Gabai's exposition of Murasugi Sums in 'the Murasugi sum is a natural geometric operation'

1 vote

Difference between Alexander polynomial and Blanchfield pairing

1 vote

Reference for intersection and linking in algebraic topology

1 vote

Learning through guided discovery

1 vote

Mathematicians working on social choice theory

0 votes

Decide a manifold via its boundary

0 votes

Monodromy in presentations of one group over another

0 votes

Koszul duality for modular operads

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