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Marc van Leeuwen's user avatar
Marc van Leeuwen's user avatar
Marc van Leeuwen
  • Member for 13 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than a month ago
24 votes

Example for column rank $\neq$ row rank

16 votes

Has Reifegerste's Theorem on RSK and Knuth relations received a slick proof by now?

16 votes

Geometric proof of Robinson-Schensted-Knuth correspondence?

14 votes

Explanation why $x,y,z$ are always variables

10 votes

quasi-minuscule representations

9 votes

computing the Weyl character formula

8 votes

Sequence of semi-standard Young tableaux, counting

6 votes

Symmetric polynoms are Hopf algebra ? What for one needs co-product ?

6 votes

Expressing $-\operatorname{adj}(A)$ as a polynomial in $A$?

6 votes

Reference request: representation theory of the hyperoctahedral group

4 votes

Randomized algorithm?

4 votes

Inverting the Weyl Character Formula

4 votes

Restriction of characters of hyperoctahedral groups.

4 votes

Magic trick based on deep mathematics

4 votes

Taylor's theorem and the symmetric group

3 votes

How to cover a set in a grid with as few rectangles as possible?

3 votes

bijection between number of partitions of 2n satisfying certain conditions with number of partitions of n

3 votes

Constructing the sum of two pairs of symmetric polynomials

2 votes

Algorithm for vector space

2 votes

How to draw a Littelmann path?

2 votes

Number of perturbations of the Jordan form

1 vote

Simply connected algebraic groups and reductive subgroups of maximal rank

1 vote

Collecting proofs that finite multiplicative subgroups of fields are cyclic

1 vote

Relative position of flags and the Robinson-Schensted correspondence

0 votes

Kernel of $AB$ if $[A,B]=0$ and $AB\neq0$?