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Chris Schommer-Pries's user avatar
Chris Schommer-Pries's user avatar
Chris Schommer-Pries
  • Member for 15 years, 2 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Notre Dame, IN, United States
15 votes

Cohomology rings and 2D TQFTs

14 votes

Request: A Serre fibration that is not a Dold fibration

14 votes

Is there only one natural transformation from the product functor to itself?

13 votes

Characteristic classes in generalized cohomology theories?

13 votes

Why are fusion categories interesting?

13 votes

Examples of great mathematical writing

13 votes

What is a TMF in topology?

13 votes

Skeleton of a braided monoidal category

13 votes

Good functorial model for BG

12 votes

Torsors in Algebraic Geometry?

12 votes

How unique are extensions of TQFTs to lower dimension?

12 votes

Is any CW complex with only finitely many nonzero homology groups homotopic to a finite dimensional CW complex?

11 votes

I think I have a category enriched in $(\infty,n-1)$-categories. Is it an $(\infty,n)$-category?

11 votes

Diffeomorphisms and homotopy equivalences sliced over BO(n)

11 votes

Do Homotopy Fully Faithful Functors Push-out?

11 votes

Is the simplicial nerve a localization?

11 votes

Which categories are injective with respect to fully faithful functors?

11 votes

Fundamental group of the line with the double origin.

11 votes

What does actually being a CW-complex provide in algebraic topology?

11 votes

What is an example of a topological space that is not homotopy equivalent to a CW-complex?

10 votes

Group cohomology vs. topological cohomology in the case of non-trivial action

10 votes

Classifying Space of a Group Extension

10 votes

Does the classification diagram localize a category with weak equivalences?

10 votes

Homotopy Fixed Points of SO(2) on Fully Dualizable Algebras

10 votes

Smooth manifolds that don't admit a partition of unity

10 votes

Are there other dualities on finite vector spaces besides the canonical one?

9 votes

Are there examples of finite-dimensional complex non-semisimple non-commutative symmetric Frobenius algebras?

9 votes

Equality vs. isomorphism vs. specific isomorphism

9 votes

What category without initial object do you care about?

9 votes

Spin TQFT's in dimensions (1+1)