A Serre fibration has the homotopy lifting property with respect to the maps $[0,1]^n \times \{0\} \to [0,1]^{n+1}$. A Dold fibration $E \to B$ has the weak covering homotopy property: lifts with respect to maps $Y\times \{0\} \to Y \times [0,1]$ such that the lift agrees with the map $Y \to E$ up to a vertical homotopy (see the nLab page for more details. All Hurewicz fibrations are Dold fibrations, but not conversely, and not all Dold fibrations are Serre fibrations. I'm sure I read that not all Serre fibrations are Dold fibrations, but I don't have a counterexample.
My request is thus: an example of a Serre fibration that is not a Dold fibration.
Edit: I have found that a slight variant on this question was asked by Ronnie Brown in Proc. Camb. Phil.Soc. in October 1966, under the caveat that the base is path-connected and the base and the fibre have the homotopy type of a CW complex.