Consider a short exact sequence of Abelian groups -- I'm happy to assume they're finite as a toy example: $$ 0 \to H \to G \to G/H \to 0\ . $$
I want to understand the classifying space of $G$. Since $BH \cong EG/H$, $G/H$ acts on $BH$ and we can write $BG \cong E(G/H) \times_{G/H} EG/H$. Thus, we have a fiber bundle (which I'll write horizontally) $$ BH \to BG \to B(G/H) $$
On the other hand, the central extension is classified by an element of the group cohomology $H^2(G/H,H)$ which is the same as $H^2(B(G/H),H)$. The latter is an element in the homotopy class of maps $[B(G/H),K(H,2)]$ and $K(H,2)\cong BBH$. This map looks like it classifies a principal $BH$ bundle over $B(G/H)$. I find it hard to imagine that this 'principal' $BH$ bundle is not 'the same' as the bundle above, so the question is, how do you see that? From this construction, it's not even obvious to me that the above bundle is a principal bundle.
I would guess (and being a poor physicist, I'm not so up on my homotopy theory), there's a sense that the classifying space of an Abelian group is an 'Abelian group', and taking classifying spaces of an exact sequence gives you back an 'exact sequence'. That gets you a 'principal bundle' (aren't quotation marks fun?), but even then I'm not sure how to see that the classifying map of this bundle is the same as the class in group cohomology.
Any references to the needed background would also be greatly appreciated.