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Vidit Nanda
  • Member for 13 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
44 votes

Results true in a dimension and false for higher dimensions

42 votes

Fixed point theorems

38 votes

What are some deep theorems, and why are they considered deep?

37 votes

Reference on Persistent Homology

34 votes

Good "casual" advanced math books

29 votes

An "advanced beginner's" book on algebraic topology?

27 votes

Inference using Topological Data Analysis: Is it worth it for a regular statistician to learn TDA?

26 votes

Metrics for lines in $\mathbb{R}^3$?

24 votes

When (if ever) disclose your identity as a reviewer?

22 votes

fixed point property for maps of compacts

20 votes

Mathematics of privacy?

18 votes

Persistence barcodes and spectral sequences

17 votes

Equivariant version of Morse theory

16 votes

Taking "Zooming in on a point of a graph" seriously

15 votes

Is it worthwhile to give off-topic talks?

15 votes

Discrete Morse theory and chess

15 votes

What is the intuitive meaning of the coskeleton of a simplicial set?

14 votes

Good covers of manifolds

13 votes

Testing simplicial complexes for shellability

12 votes

Inference using Topological Data Analysis: Is it worth it for a regular statistician to learn TDA?

12 votes

Can we define Whitney stratification algebraically?

11 votes

Computer-aided homology computations

11 votes

Why Cohen-Macaulay rings have become important in commutative algebra?

10 votes

How many triangulations of the genus $g$ surface on $n$ vertices?

10 votes

How much of homotopy theory can be done using only finite topological spaces?

10 votes

Persistent homology over the integers

9 votes

What is a good method to find random points on the n-sphere when n is large?

8 votes

Combinatorial distance between simplicial complexes

8 votes

Homological computations

8 votes

Is there a discrete Cerf theory?