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Praphulla Koushik's user avatar
Praphulla Koushik
  • Member for 8 years, 1 month
  • Last seen this week
62 votes

LaTeX tricks that save time in typesetting

18 votes

Old books you would like to have reprinted with high-quality typesetting

9 votes

Old books you would like to have reprinted with high-quality typesetting

9 votes

Understanding the definition of stacks

8 votes

Homotopy for functors

6 votes

Does every morphism BG-->BH come from a homomorphism G-->H?

5 votes

Terminology introduced in recent years with more than one meaning

4 votes

Outline of the proof that Cech cohomology and singular cohomology coincide on any locally contractible space

3 votes

In Diff, are the surjective submersions precisely the local-section-admitting maps?

3 votes

Algebra for algebraic topology

2 votes

Cocycle description of gerbes

2 votes

References on principal G bundle and connections

2 votes

Atiyah Sequence and Connections on a Principal Bundle

2 votes

Does "integrability condition" have a specific meaning or is it used in a casual way?

2 votes

Is every singular foliation induced by a Lie algebroid?

1 vote

Examples of great mathematical writing

1 vote

Cartan-Weil model for Equivariant Cohomology

1 vote

Connections on principal bundles via stacks?

1 vote

Atiyah Sequence and Connections on a Principal Bundle

1 vote

Localification of a ringed space

1 vote

De Rham cohomology of Lie groupoid

1 vote

Why the third stage of Cech nerve a Lie 2-groupoid?

1 vote

Representaility of morphism of stacks for schemes

1 vote

Understanding the definition of atlas of a stack over the category of manifolds

1 vote

Understanding definition of gerbe over a stack

1 vote

Motivation for definition of Quotient stack

1 vote

determinant of curvature (notation issue)

1 vote

Understanding the definition of $G$-gerbe

0 votes

Yoneda Embedding and pull back

0 votes

Is there a notion of a connection for which the horizontal lift of a curve depends on its orientation?