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Drift of reverse SDE with Lévy processes ($\alpha$ stable distributions)

Given an SDE with a Lévy process with a drift $b(x,t)$ the reverse SDE will have a drift, $\tilde{b}(x,t)$, given by the relation: $$\tilde{b}(x,t) = - b(x,t) + \int_{\mathbb{R}} y \left( 1 + \frac{...
user1172131's user avatar
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Reconstruction of law of diffusion process from call option values

Let $X_{\cdot}$ be a $1$-dimensional diffusion process. If I know the value of the $$\big\{\mathbb{E}[\max\{X_t,c\}\big| X_0 =x\big]:\, c\in \mathbb{R} \text{ and } \,\, t\in (0,1] \big\}.$$ Then, ...
ABIM's user avatar
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Can an SDE be made to follow the flow lines of a vector field?

Let $V: \mathbb R^n \to \mathbb R^n$ be a Lipschitz vector field. Consider a one dimensional Brownian motion $W$ and the SDE $$dX_t = V(X_t) \, dW_t,$$ where we identify $V(X_t) \in \mathbb R^n$ with ...
Nate River's user avatar
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Expectation bounds on supremum of family of martingales

Suppose I fix a filtered probability space $(\Omega, \mathcal{F}, \mathbb{F}, P)$ and on it a Brownian motion $B$. Let $\tau_\alpha$ denote a set of stopping times which satisfies $\sup_\alpha \tau_\...
qp212223's user avatar
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What happens to an SDE conditional on the underlying Brownian motion being close to $f \in C[0, T]$?

The so called forgery theorem for Brownian motion says that for any continuous $f: [0, T] \to \mathbb R^d$, with $f(0) = 0$, the $d$ dimensional Brownian motion $W$ has a nonzero chance of staying $\...
Nate River's user avatar
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Can the solution to a controlled SDE with additive noise have non full support?

Let $W$ be a standard $d$-dimensional Brownian motion. Consider the following SDE $$dX_t = b(X_t, u_t) \, dt + dW_t$$ with initial condition $X_0 = 0$ a.s., $b: \mathbb R^d \times \mathbb R^n \to \...
Nate River's user avatar
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Girsanov's theorem for Gaussian measures as the Cameron-martin theorem with a random shift

Let $H \subset E$ be the Cameron-Martin space of a Gaussian measure $\mu$ on a separable Banach space $E$. The Cameron-Martin theorem states that for all $h \in E$ we have $h \in H$ if and only if $\...
Robert Wegner's user avatar
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Coupling/Ordering of Brownian bridges

Suppose I have two 1D Brownian bridges $(B^{(1)}_t,t\in [0,1]),(B^{(2)}_t,t\in [0,1])$, one from $0$ to $0$ and one from $x$ to $y$ where $x,y \geq 0$. Is there a neat way to show that there exists a ...
David's user avatar
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Is it really interesting to prove well-posedness of unsolved SPDE?

Lots of nonlinear SPDE remained open for decades (especially the non-deterministic ones in higher dimensions because of the regularity of the noise) until Hairer's breakthrough (regularity structures),...
mathex's user avatar
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Pathwise linearization of diffusion processes

Let $W$ be a standard $n$-dimensional Brownian motion, and $X$ the diffusion process given by the solution to the SDE $$dX_t = \mu(X_t) \, dt + \sigma(X_t) \, dW_t,$$ with $\mu: \mathbb R^n \to \...
Nate River's user avatar
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$\Phi_d^3$ SPDE

One of the first prototypes of a singular stochastic PDE is the $\Phi_d^4$ SPDE $$\partial_t u=\Delta u-u^3+\xi,$$ where $\xi$ is space-time white noise. It is difficult to study because $u$ is ...
user479223's user avatar
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Scaling of stopped Hölder norm of Brownian motion

I'm interested in the behaviour of the stopped $\alpha$-Hölder norm of a one-dimensional real-valued Brownian motion $(B_t)_{t \geq 0}$ for $\alpha < 1/2$. For fixed $T>0$, self similarity ...
user2103480's user avatar
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When does an Itô diffusion give a semigroup on $L^2$

I would like a reference for when an Itô diffusion generates a strongly continuous semigroup on $L^2(\mathbb{R}^n)$. I have a time-homogeneous Itô diffusion of the form $$dX_t=b(X_t)dt+\sigma(X_t)dB_t$...
SnowRabbit's user avatar
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SPDE Renormalization

some SPDE (in higher dimensions) can only be interpreted in a "renormalised" sense. For example considering $\Phi_2^4$ on $\mathbb{R}_+\times \mathbb{T}^d$ the solution is defined as the ...
mathex's user avatar
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Concentration inequality for double sum

I am looking for a concentration inequality of a double sum…. Let $X_1,\dots, X_n$ be iid r.v. and also let $Y_1,\dots ,Y_n$ be iid such that even $X_i$ and $Y_j$ are independent. I am looking for a ...
emma bernd's user avatar
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Characterisation of Bessel process

Let $\delta \in (0, 2)$; $(X_t)_{t \ge 0}$ a nonnegative continuous Markov process. Suppose that For each $T \ge 0$, if we write $\tau \overset{\mathrm{def}}= \inf\{t \ge T : X_t = 0\}$, then $(X_{T +...
Focus's user avatar
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Towards Schauder estimates: smoothing effect of the semi-group generated by $\Delta+(-\Delta)^{1/2}$

Consider the semi-group $(P_r)_r$ generated by $\Delta+(-\Delta)^{1/2}:$ for a distribution $f$ let $P_rf:=p(r,\cdot)*f$ where $p(r,x):=\sum_{q \in \mathbb{Z}^d}e^{2\pi\mathrm{i}\langle q,x\rangle}e^{-...
mathex's user avatar
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Is the norm of first or second level of of signature a convex function?

I understand this is not a research level question but I really want to know, would anyone please help. This question is related to the signatures that arises in rough path theory. https://en....
Creator's user avatar
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Hermite polynomial and Gaussian random variable

The following formula is well known: $E[H_k(X,E[X])H_q(Y,E[Y])]=\delta_{kq}E[XY]^k$ for a joint Gaussian r.v. $(X, Y),$ $H_k$ are Hermite polynomiale. Is there a generalization for this to a joint ...
mathex's user avatar
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Towards the KPZ: Wiener-Ito integral, Kolmogorov type criterion

Consider a space-time white noise $\xi$ and the heat semi-group $(P_r).$ The following Kolmogorov type criterion allows to construct modifications in Besov Space (Here we have a partition of unity $(\...
mathex's user avatar
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Interpretation of Lévy process with signed Lévy measures

Suppose that I have a non-decreasing, pure jump Lévy process of finite variation $X$ with Lévy measure $\pi$. The Lévy measure is then supported on $(0,+\infty)$. Suppose that the Lévy measure is a ...
NancyBoy's user avatar
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Continuity dependence and convergence of the renormalized $\Phi^4_2$ model

This question is continuous for the one asked here: Local solutions of renormalized stochastic PDE but it was better to ask it separetely. Again, we are interested in the local behavior of the $\Phi_2^...
mathex's user avatar
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Simulation of Markov processes with exponential timestepping

Let $(Y_t)_{t\ge0}$ be a time-homogeneous Markov process with transition semigroup $(\kappa_t)_{t\ge0}$. Numerical simulation of $(Y_t)_{t\ge0}$ can be done in the following way: Choose an initial ...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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Local solutions of renormalized stochastic PDE

To illustrate the problem consider the mild formulation of the $\Phi^4_2$ model on $[0,T]\times \mathbb{T}^d$: $$\phi=P_r\phi_0+\int_0^rP_{r-q}(-\phi^3(q))dq+Y_r \ \ \ \ \ \ (1)$$ where $(P_r)_{r \...
mathex's user avatar
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Markov process on a torus with prescribed invariant distribution

In Euclidean space, $\mathbb R^d$, the Langevin diffusion $${\rm d}X_t=b(X_t){\rm d}t+\sigma(X_t){\rm d}W_t\tag1,$$ where $\sigma:\mathbb R^d\to\mathbb R^{d\times k}$, $$b:=\frac{\Sigma+U}2\nabla\ln p+...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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Gaussian Hypercontractivity of Chaos based on Gaussian with value in Hilbert spaces?

The classical Gaussian hypercontractivity is stated as following: Suppose $\xi$ is a Gaussian variable and $H_n(\xi)$ is the space of n-th homogeneous Wiener chaos constructed from $\xi$, then for any ...
Inuyasha's user avatar
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Ornstein Uhlenbeck process with discontinuous drift

This question is a modified version of this unanswered question asked on MSE, which mainly concerns an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process with discontinuous drift on $\mathbb R^n$(for simplicity let $n=2$ for ...
painday's user avatar
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Does $X_t$ with $t>0$ admit a density?

$ \newcommand{\RR}{\mathbb{R}} \newcommand{\TT}{\mathbb{T}} \newcommand{\NN}{\mathbb{N}} \newcommand{\PP}{\mathbb{P}} \newcommand{\EE}{\mathbb{E}} \newcommand{\FF}{\mathbb{F}} \newcommand{\PPP}{\...
Akira's user avatar
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Regularity structures-paracontrolled distributions: do they always work for sub-critical SPDE?

Stochastic PDE could be solved using either regularity structures or paracontrolled distributions, as long it's sub-critical. I was wondering if this was proven, that is every sub-critical SPDE could ...
mathex's user avatar
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Conditional expectation w.r.t. filtration of Brownian motion as a continuous map of its paths

Let $(\Omega, \mathcal{F}, \mathbb{P})$ be a probability space on which we define Brownian motion $B$ and let us denote by $\mathcal{F}_t$ its natural filtration. Assume we have Itô process $dX_t = \...
Bombadil's user avatar
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A stochastic optimal control problem with filtering-like dynamics

I want to extend the following stochastic optimal control problem with randomized feedback control to the continuous time case \begin{align} \text{minimize}\quad \mathbb{E}_{\mathbb{H}}&\bigg[\...
Francis Fan's user avatar
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Constructing Wiener process on a given probability space

This is just a short question, and may be to basic, but: is there a way to construct a sequece of independent wiener processes on a given probability spaces?
Perelman's user avatar
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Can the optimal stopping problem be expressed in another form by strong Markov property?

$X_t$ is a strong Markov process in $(\Omega, \mathcal{F},\mathcal{F}_t,\mathbb{P})$. $\tau$ is a stopping time, $T>0, \mathbb{E}_x(\cdot)=\mathbb{E}(\cdot|X_0=x)$. By Markov property, $\mathop{\rm{...
hua's user avatar
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White noise: a tempered distribution version of the stochastic convolution

Let $\xi$ be a space-time white noise, that is a centered Gaussian process with covariance $E[\xi_{f}\xi_h]=\int_{\mathbb{R}_+ \times \mathbb{R}^d}fh,$ for $f,h\in L^2(\mathbb{R}_+ \times \mathbb{R}^d)...
mathex's user avatar
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The limit ratio of two Markov Chain Probability

Suppose there are two given SDE in $\mathbb{R}^d$: $$ \begin{align} \left\{ \begin{aligned} dX_t&=\begin{bmatrix}-\nabla V(X_t)+2\beta^{-1}v_F^\theta(X_t)\end{bmatrix}dt+\sqrt{2\beta^{-1}}dW_t,&...
Francis Fan's user avatar
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White noise, stochastic convolution: $0$–$1$ law of a stopping time

Let $\mathscr{C}^\alpha:=B_{\infty,\infty}^{\alpha}$ be the Besov space with the usual norm and let $C_T\mathscr{C}^\alpha:=C([0,T],\mathscr{C}^\alpha)$ the space of continuous functions from $[0,T]$ ...
mathex's user avatar
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A question about one Malliavin derivative calculation

Recently, I've asked here a question. While trying to find an answer on my own, I found an idea which I now will briefly describe below. I am not familiar enough with the Malliavin calculus, so my ...
tsnao's user avatar
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Expectation of $B_u \operatorname{argmax}_t B_t$

This question is a repost from math.stackexchange. The question turned out to be harder than I initially thought, so I decided to try my luck here. Yesterday I asked a question about the joint law of ...
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Example of $F\in W_0^{1,2}$ a.s. so that the law of $F+B$ is equivalent to that of $B$ but DD exponential isn't integrable?

Is there an explicit example of progressively measurable $F=\int_0^\cdot f(s) ds\in W_0^{1,2}(0,1)$ a.s. so that the law of $F+B$ on $(0,1)$ is equivalent to that of a Brownian motion $B$ on $(0,1)$ ...
user479223's user avatar
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Martingale defined by an integral

Consider a probability space $(\Omega,\mathcal{F},P).$ Let $f \in C^{\infty}_{c}(\mathbb{R}^d,\mathbb{R}),p \geq 2.$ $(X_r^{y})_{(r,y) \in \mathbb{R}_+ \times \mathbb{R}^d}$ is a stochastic process ...
mathex's user avatar
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Error estimates for projection onto the Wiener chaos expansion for stochastic Sobolev spaces (stochastic Rellich–Kondrachov theorem)

Let $n$ be a positive integer, $s\in \mathbb{R}$, $(\Omega,\mathcal{F},(\mathcal{F}_t)_{t\ge 0},\mathbb{P})$ be a filtered probability space whose filtration supports and is generated by an $n$-...
ABIM's user avatar
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Statistically stationary properties of expectations conditioned on the value of an Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process

Consider the modified Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process $$\mathop{dx_t}=\theta(y_t-x_t)\, dt+{}\sigma\,dW_t$$ for a standard Brownian motion $W_t$ and $\theta,\sigma\in\mathbb{R}_{>0}$. Let's define the ...
Jean Daviau's user avatar
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On calculating the second quantization operator $\Gamma(A)$ of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operator $A$

Let $A$ be a self-adjoint operator on a Hilbert space , and let $d\Gamma(A)$ be the generator of the second quantization of $A$. Consider the following theorem from Segal's "Non-Linear Quantum ...
matilda's user avatar
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Piecewise Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process time integral

Let $X_t$ be a piecewise Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process with infinitesimal variance $\sigma^2$ and (piecewise) infinitesimal mean $\theta_1$ for $x<c$ where $c$ is a constant and $\theta_2$ for $x\geq ...
17miles's user avatar
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Monotone Characteristic Function

Let $X$ be a continuous, symmetric random variable such that its characteristic function $\phi_X$ is real, symmetric and with $\lim_{t\to\infty}\phi_X(t)=0$. What other properties must $X$ have in ...
Andrea Aveni's user avatar
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Is a martingale conditioned to be large a submartingale?

Let $X$ be a continuous time martingale such that $X_\infty := \lim_{t \to \infty} X_t$ exists almost surely. Let $x \in \mathbb R$ be such that $\mathbb P(X_\infty \geq x) > 0$, and define the ...
Nate River's user avatar
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A curious martingale

Does there exist an almost surely continuous martingale $X$ with $X_t \to +\infty$ almost surely? Remark: Note that such a martingale exists in discrete time, or equivalently in continuous time if the ...
Nate River's user avatar
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A representation formula for the expected value of a stochastic process at a random time

Let $X$ be a continuous stochastic process, and $\tau$ an almost surely positive random variable, not necessarily a stopping time with respect to the natural filtration $\mathcal F_t$ of $X$. We write ...
Nate River's user avatar
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Definition of weak conditional convergence of random variables

I am looking for a definition of conditional convergence. Suppose that $X_1, X_2, \dots, X_n$ are $\mathbb R$-valued random variables with finite second moments, and $W_1, W_2, \dots, W_n$ are iid $\...
Syd Amerikaner's user avatar
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Reflecting Brownian motion in disk

What is the transition density function of a reflecting Brownian motion in $\mathbb D \overset{\mathrm{def}}= \{z \in \mathbb C : \lvert z\rvert < 1\}$ and how to compute it? The transition density ...
Focus's user avatar
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