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Questions tagged [solvable-groups]

A solvable group is a group whose derived series terminates in the trivial subgroup.

13 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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9 votes
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Which finite solvable groups have solvable automorphism groups?

Is it possible to give a reasonable description of those finite solvable groups $G$ such that $A = {\rm Aut}(G)$ is also solvable? The central case to deal with is that in which $G$ is a $p$-group of ...
Geoff Robinson's user avatar
8 votes
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Groups having exactly two non real-valued irreducible characters

This is an enlarged version of my question on MSE. It was suggested I ask here instead. Suppose the finite group $G$ has exactly two conjugacy classes that are not self-inverse (a conjugacy class is ...
Tom WIlde's user avatar
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On the peculiar Lagrange resolvent of the septic $7x^7+14x^4+7x^3-1=0$

Given an irreducible solvable equation $P(x)=0$ of prime degree $p>2$ with rational coefficients and $\zeta^p=1$, define the usual Lagrange resolvents of the roots $x_i$ as, $$R_n = \big(x_1+x_2\...
Tito Piezas III's user avatar
4 votes
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A different approach to proving a property of finite solvable groups

Edit: I'd be happy to hear any vague thoughts you might have, however far they may be from a complete solution! I asked this on math.stackexchange a couple of days ago, but it didn't attract any ...
semisimpleton's user avatar
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A big class of finite groups

During my researches, I've obtained a class of finite groups as follows. Let $\mathcal{C}$ be the class of all finite groups $G$ such that for every factorization $|G|=ab$ there exists a subgroup $H\...
M.H.Hooshmand's user avatar
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Derived length in linear groups

If $G$ is a group let $(G^{(m)})_{m \geq 0}$ be the derived series. If there is some $m$ such that $G^{(m+1)} = G^{(m)}$, call the smallest such $m$ the derived length of $G$. I am interested in ...
Sean Eberhard's user avatar
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Any way around Abel's impossibility theorem?

Abel's impossibility theorem states that the roots of a general polynomial (of degree 5 or higher) cannot be written using arithmetic operations and radicals. Radicals are solutions of a specific ...
MCH's user avatar
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Abelian-by-cyclic subgroups of exponential growth solvable groups

I am currently looking for a reference to a proof (or counterexample) to the following statement: Statement: Assume $G$ is a finitely generated solvable group of exponential growth, then there is a ...
ARG's user avatar
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Is there any probabilistic characterization for generalized solvable groups?

References: This question is inspired by a conjecture of Alon Amit that is solved by Miklós Abért, Nikolay Nikolov and Dan Segal in the following papers: (1) On the probability of satisfying a word in ...
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2 votes
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Is the continued fraction of a constructible number special in some way?

Rationals have finite CF and quadratic have periodic CF. CF in turn can be represented in terms of the modular group SL2(Z), e.g. using the standard generators S(z)=-1/z and T(z)=z+1. On the other ...
Lucian Ionescu's user avatar
2 votes
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Is there always a purely real representative for a metrized solvable Lie group?

Alekseevski proves for Heintze groups (a special class of solvable Lie groups) that any such group admits a (left-invariant) metric which is isometric to a purely real Heintze group (again equipped ...
Burns Healy's user avatar
1 vote
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Is every connected solvable group Borel?

Is every connected solvable algebraic group a Borel subgroup of a reductive group? If a counterexample exists, I would ideally like it to be over $\Bbb C$.
Avi Steiner's user avatar
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Irreducible characters of a semi-direct product with a p-group

Suppose G is a semi-direct product of P with H where P is a (non-abelian) p-group and G is solvable. I wonder what can be said about the irreducible characters of G given information about the ...
Joakim Færgeman's user avatar