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Substitution structure on pointed sets

$\def\Fin{\text{Fin}_*} \def\Set{\text{Set}_*} \def\dd{\mathop{\diamond_\land}}$ The present question is intimately related to another question. Let $\Fin$ be the category of pointed sets. The ...
fosco's user avatar
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8 votes
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Finitary monads on $\operatorname{Set}$ are substitution monoids. Finitary monads on $\operatorname{Set}_*$ are...?

$\DeclareMathOperator\Fin{Fin}\DeclareMathOperator\Lan{Lan}\DeclareMathOperator\Set{Set}$ The present question is intimately related to another question. It is well known that the category of ...
fosco's user avatar
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2 votes
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A morphism of monads that doesn't preserve thunkability?

Recall that for a monad $(T,\eta,\mu)$ on a category $C$, the Kleisli category $C_T$ has as objects the objects of $C$ and as morphisms $C_T(x,y) = C(x,T y)$. A morphism $f\in C_T(x,y) = C(x,T y)$ is ...
Mike Shulman's user avatar
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Algebras of the cone monad on Top?

Let us work in Top, the category of topological spaces - although the reader is welcome to replace this by their favorite convenient category of topological spaces. If $X,Y$ are spaces, let $X\ast Y$ ...
Patrick Nicodemus's user avatar
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When do objects in the image of a functor $G$ have a unique action as algebras over the codensity monad of $G$?

Let $G:\mathcal{B}\longrightarrow \mathcal{A}$ be some functor which admits a right Kan extension along itself, $(\operatorname{Ran}_G G, \eta:\operatorname{Ran}_G G \circ G \rightarrow G)$. The ...
3 A's's user avatar
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Expressing a model transformation by using monads in the simply-typed lambda calculus

In , page 16, the following clause is given for a modal operator $\langle R_k \rangle$ (see definition 4.2 for the definition of a ...
user65526's user avatar
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Characterisation of essentially algebraic theories as monads

The following correspondence between algebraic theories and monads on $\mathbf{Set}$ is well-known (see, for example, Algebraic Theories: A Categorical Introduction to General Algebra). The ...
varkor's user avatar
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21 votes
4 answers

Conceptual reason that monadic functors create limits?

Let $U: Alg_T \to C$ be the forgetful functor from the category of algebras of $T: C \to C$ ($T$ could be a monad; I'm happy to think about the simpler case where $T$ is just an endofunctor or pointed ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
3 votes
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Ultrafilter comonad on the category of Stone spaces

Let $\mathsf{Stone}$ denote the category of Stone spaces (compact, totally disconnected Hausdorff spaces) and continuous maps. The forgetful functor $U : \mathsf{Stone} \to \mathsf{Set}$ has a left ...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar
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The symmetric monoidal closed structure on the category of $\mathcal{F}$-cocomplete categories and $\mathcal{F}$-cocontinuous functors

In 6.5 of the book by Kelly, Basic concepts of enriched category theory. Reprints in Theory and Applications of Categories, No. 10, 2005. the author claims that the $2$-category $\mathsf{Cat}_{\...
Ivan Di Liberti's user avatar
15 votes
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What are the algebras for the ultrafilter monad on topological spaces?

Motivation: Let $(X,\tau)$ be a topological space. Then the set $\beta X$ of ultrafilters on $X$ admits a natural topology (cf. Example 5.14 in Adámek and Sousa - D-ultrafilters and their monads), ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
13 votes
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when is an integer sequence the trace of a monad on FinSet?

Given $(a_n \in \mathbb{N})$, when is there a monad $T$ on $\mathrm{FinSet}$ such that $$ | T(n) | = a_n\quad\forall n\in \mathbb{N}\:? $$
Felix Dilke's user avatar
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Do these monads on Rel compose?

$Rel$ is the category of sets and relations. The cyclic list monad, $\mathcal{Cy}=(Cy, \mu_c, \eta_c)$ is defined as follows: $Cy : Rel \rightarrow Rel$, such that, $Cy(X)$ is all cyclic lists on ...
Ben Sprott's user avatar
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Internal commutative monoid gives commutative monad

Let $(C,\otimes,1)$ be a symmetric monoidal category. Let $(M,\mu,\eta)$ be an internal commutative monoid object. The functor $X\mapsto M\otimes X$ has a canonical monad structure, with unit and ...
geodude's user avatar
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Distributive laws of strong and/or monoidal monads

It is well-known that a commutative strong monad is the same as a monoidal monad. Is there a notion of distributive law for commutative strong monads which is equivalently a distributive law for ...
geodude's user avatar
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What is the measures monad for FDHilb?

I am labouring under a particular assumption that, perhaps, needs to be corrected. I believe that FDHilb, the category of Finite Dimensional Hilbert spaces and general linear maps is a category of ...
Ben Sprott's user avatar
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Existence of free functor to Banach spaces

Is there a "non-trivial" characterization of the concrete categories admitting and adjoint pair of functors $F \dashv G$ were $G$ is defined on the category sBan of separable Banach spaces and bounded ...
ABIM's user avatar
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What are the algebras for the codensity monad of $\textbf{FP-Ring} \rightarrow \textbf{Ring}$

Let $\textbf{Fin-Set}$ denote the category of finite sets, and let $\textbf{Set}$ denote the category of sets. The inclusion functor $\textbf{Fin-Set} \rightarrow \textbf{Set}$ from the category of ...
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11 votes
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Slicing up monads on categories with pullbacks: what are these mysterious "zerosumfree" monads"

Introduction I'll describe a way of taking a monad on a category $\mathcal{E}$ with pullbacks, and obtaining a monad on each slice category. I'll show that this construction is always lax-natural in $...
David Spivak's user avatar
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Trying to construct the ultrafilter 2-monad on $\mathbf{Cat}$

By which I mean, following Bôrger's paper Coproducts and Ultrafilters, the terminal monad among those that preserve finite coproducts, if such a thing can be constructed. So far, what I have is, ...
twocubes's user avatar
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What is the Eilenberg-Moore category for the cyclic list?

In this paper (Kock 2012), we see a data structure with circular symmetry. It is the cyclic list monad of Examples 3.10. The author is showing that data structures with symmetries can be cast as ...
Ben Sprott's user avatar
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What are the (co)algebras for the $(\operatorname{Hom}(A,-), A\otimes-)$ adjunction (co)monad?

A module $A$ over a commutative ring $k$ gives a pair of adjoint endofunctors, $(A\otimes_k-)$ left adjoint to $\operatorname{Hom}_k(A,-)$. They produce a monad $T_A$ and a comonad $C_A$. Is there any ...
მამუკა ჯიბლაძე's user avatar
9 votes
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When were triples called monads for the first time?

I am fine-tuning a short note on basic category theory; any such course must introduce monads, and I want to give a bit of history of the subject. I soon realized that I don't know the precise series ...
fosco's user avatar
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Partial monoid in the category of categories of modules: The spotty nature of monad composition

It seems that I am working on a conjecture in category theory. In particular, I am curious about the spotty nature of the composition of monads on Set. I am guessing that there is a category, $\...
Ben Sprott's user avatar
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Composition of monads induces tensor product in the category of modules

I have recently asked a question about the composition of two monads, namely $\mathcal{M}_P = \mathcal{M}_C \cdot \mathcal{M}_C$. I am conjecturing that the cateogory of $\mathbb{C}$-Modules and the ...
Ben Sprott's user avatar
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Quantum scattering experiments: C-modules, N-modules and their monads

I am working on a theory of particle physics where we use monads. I have a few conjectures that I need to check. The category of $\mathbb{C}$-modules is monadic over set The category of $\mathbb{N}$...
Ben Sprott's user avatar
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Understanding a monad from its fixed points

Let $(T, \eta, \mu)$ be monad over $\mathsf{C}$. And let $\iota : \mathsf{Fix}(T) \hookrightarrow \mathsf{C}$ be the inclusion of the full subcategory of fixed points of $T$. By the universal ...
Ivan Di Liberti's user avatar
38 votes
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Big list of comonads

The concept of a monad is very well established, and there are very many examples of monads pertaining almost all areas of mathematics. The dual concept, a comonad, is less popular. What are examples ...
10 votes
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Relative cocompletion of a category

$\newcommand{\k}{\mathbf k}$ $\newcommand{\A}{\mathcal A}$ $\newcommand{\B}{\mathcal B}$ $\newcommand{\C}{\mathcal C}$ I'm wondering if anyone knows a reference for the following construction: let $\k$...
Adrien's user avatar
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Monad, algebras and reflexive coequalizer

Suppose we have an adjunction of categories $F:M\leftrightarrows N:U$. We define the associated (co)monad $G=F\circ U$. For any object $x\in N$ we define the simplicial resolution of $x$ given by $$ ...
Paris's user avatar
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What category of toposes is monadic over the 2-category of groupoids?

Excuse my lack of understanding of monadicity, but I have been looking at toposes and monads. I see Lambek showed that the category of Toposes are monadic over the category of categories. I see the ...
Ben Sprott's user avatar
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Schemes for conditional distributions (monads)

(Note: This is a heuristic question. I'm trying to work out if this idea makes sense. I don't have much background in this area, so apologies if I'm wide of the mark.) Suppose you have a monad ...
prdnr's user avatar
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13 votes
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Extending monads along dense functors

Let $j: \mathsf A \to \mathsf B$ be a fully faithful and dense functor where $\mathsf A$ is a small category and $\mathsf B$ is cocomplete. Let $(T, \eta, \mu)$ be a monad over $\mathsf A$. $\require{...
Ivan Di Liberti's user avatar
7 votes
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Semantics-structure adjunction

In the discussion on the nLab article for monadic adjunctions, John Baez suggests and Mike Shulman confirms that the relationship between adjunctions and monads itself constitutes an adjunction called ...
Alec Rhea's user avatar
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Does the Eilenberg Moore Construction Preserve fibrations?

Say we have a Grothendieck fibration $p : E \to B$ and a monad $T$ on $B$ and a lift $T'$ of $T$ to $E$, i.e. a monad on $E$ such that $pT' = Tp$ and $p$ preserves $\eta, \mu$. Then because the ...
Max New's user avatar
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Locally presentable categories

Under category Let $C$ be a locally presentable category, and let $c$ be an object of $C$. Lets denote by $C^{/c}$ the under category, objects are maps $c\rightarrow x$ and morphisms are the evident ...
Let's user avatar
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A monad that unions sets

Suppose we have a monad that maps types of some kind to other types (see below) , and let types be sets. Let $\alpha, \beta$ be types, $\rightarrow$ denote a function between types, and let $a : \...
user65526's user avatar
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The multi-set monad and modules

I am trying to analyze the category of algebras for the finite free commutative monoid monad, aka the finite multiset monad. This monad is frequently described as having a multiplication that takes a ...
Ben Sprott's user avatar
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$P = [-°,Set]$ is a contravariant co/lax idempotent monad, whose multiplication is determined by the unit

A unidetermined contramonad is a 2-monad $T : {\cal C}\to \cal C$ such that $T$ is contravariant, i.e. a contravariant endofunctor; the multiplication $\mu_A : TTA \to TA$ is determined as $T\eta_A = ...
fosco's user avatar
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Codensity monad is idempotent?

Let $j: A \to B$ be a fully faithful functor. When $j$ has a left adjoint $L$, the codensity monad $\text{Ran}_jj$ will coincide with the monad $jL$ and thus will be idempotent, because $A$ is ...
Ivan Di Liberti's user avatar
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Codensity monad preserves some colimit?

Let $j: A \to B$ be a functor. When $j$ has a left adjoint $L$, the codensity monad $\text{Ran}_jj$ will coincide with the monad $jL$. Since a left adjoint preserves all colimits, it is easy to ...
Ivan Di Liberti's user avatar
7 votes
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Does each monotonic endofunctor on the category of sets and relations preserve conversion?

Consider a functor $F : \mathbf{Rel} \to \mathbf{Rel}$ that is monotonic (for all relations $R$ and $S$ with $R \subseteq S$ we have $FR \subseteq FS$). Does such a functor always preserve conversion ...
Wolfgang Jeltsch's user avatar
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What is the category of algebras for the finitely supported measures monad?

In this post, I was introduced to the monad of finitely supported measures. $HX$ is the set of finitely supported measures on $X$, with monad structure defined as for the Giry monad. I have three ...
Ben Sprott's user avatar
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Colimits of algebras for $\infty$-Monad

I would like to know in anyone has developed method for constructing colimits in the category of algebra for a monad in the $(\infty,1)$-categorical framework, using transfinite constructions. I have ...
Simon Henry's user avatar
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Define a directed-complete partial order of lists

The List monad takes a set and produces the set of lists on that set. The elements of the set become the symbols or objects of the list. I would like to define a directed-complete partial order (...
Ben Sprott's user avatar
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Map from the Multiset Monad to the Giry Monad: From Data to Probabilities

The Mulitiset monad, aka the free commutative monoid monad or "Bag" monad, takes a set to the set of all Multisets for that set. A Multiset is like a set, but can have duplicates. It is used in ...
Ben Sprott's user avatar
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When does a 2-functor or 2-monad of Cat lift to a psuedofunctor or pseudomonad on Prof?

I'm currently reading Richard Garner's paper Polycategories via pseudo-distributive laws, and a central construction is the lifting of the symmetric strict monoidal category 2-monad to a pseudomonad ...
Daniel Satanove's user avatar
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Does the 2 category of Groupoids Admit the Vector Space Monad?

We can see here in Jacob's 2013 paper, that he seems to state that a particular kind of multiset monad is actually a vector space monad. 3.2. Vector spaces. For a semiring S one can define the ...
Ben Sprott's user avatar
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Adjunctions between Groupoids and Hilbert spaces

I am interested in any adjunctions between any of the familiar categories of Groupoids and the category of finite dimensional Hilbert spaces. Do any exist? Are there any well know monads on the ...
Ben Sprott's user avatar
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Domain Monad on Density Operators Using Spectral Order

The spectral order for density operators is given in this paper Coecke Martin 2010. I won't give the full definition here. Essentially, it allows for a partial order of density matrices that forms a ...
Ben Sprott's user avatar
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