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7 answers

Source for roots of matrix polynomials?

A matrix polynomial is a polynomial whose variables are square $n \times n$ matrices, let's say with entries in $\mathbb{C}$, and with coefficients in $\mathbb{C}$. I am seeking a source of results on ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
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dimensions of strata of Pfaffian varieties

Let $V$ a complex vector space of dimension $2n$. Let us consider $W=\wedge^2V$ and the Pfaffian variety $Pf\subset \mathbb{P}W$ that parametrize degenerate skew-symmetric matrices. $Pf$ is naturally ...
IMeasy's user avatar
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Stabilization of the pencil of skew symmetric matrices by the orthogonal group

During my researches I've come across the following question. Let $A$ and $B$ be a couple of square $k\times k$ skew symmetric matrices on $\mathbb R$. Let us consider the (real) pencil generated by $...
user avatar
27 votes
1 answer

Properties to have matrices that commute in $\mathrm{GL}_n(\mathbb C)$

Let $G$ be a finite subgroup of $\mathrm{GL}_n(\mathbb C)$, $A,B \in G$ whose eigenvalues are thus in the unit circle. Assume that the eigenvalues ​​of $A$ are included in a circle arc of length $<\...
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Existence of parametrizations of rational orthogonal matrices

I suppose that there are formulas which parametrize all the orthogonal matrices with rational coefficients. Does anyone know anything about it? And what are some publications that discuss this? Thanks....
jose luis leal's user avatar
7 votes
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Dimension of the nilpotent centralizer of a nilpotent matrix

Fix a natural number $n$ and an algebraically closed field $k$. Let $\mathfrak{g}=\mathfrak{gl}_n(k)$. For any partition of $n$, $\lambda=(\lambda_1,\ldots,\lambda_r)$, let $A_{\lambda}$ be the $n\...
Jared's user avatar
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1 vote
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Odd subgroup of $\mathrm{GL}(n,\mathbb{Z})$

The group $\mathrm{GL}(n,\mathbb{Z})$ acts on $(\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z})^n$ by right multiplication (the same kind of things can be done with left action). I denote by $H\subset \mathrm{GL}(n,\mathbb{Z}...
Jérémy Blanc's user avatar
3 votes
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The spectral radius of a modified graph

Let $H$ be a graph and let $G=H \vee K_{1}$ be obtained by creating a new vertex and joining it to every vertex in $H$. This situation has many different names: $G$ is called the cone or the ...
Felix Goldberg's user avatar
4 votes
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Can sparse matrices satisfy the Null Space Property?

Definition A matrix $A \in \mathbb{C}^{m \times N}$ with $m < N$ satisfies the Null Space Property (NSP) of order $s$ if $$\|x_S\|_1 < \|x_{\bar{S}}\|_1, \quad \forall x \in \ker A \setminus \{...
Paglia's user avatar
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A family of skew-symmetric matrices corresponding to cycles in graphs

When investigating loops in Markov chains I ran into the following observation. A cycle in a graph $G$ with $n$ vertices may be represented by a matrix $\Gamma \in \mathbb R^{n \times n}$ having the ...
Joris Bierkens's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Applications of rank factorization or full rank decomposition [closed]

I am teaching a course on linear algebra and came to this theorem: every $m \times n$ matrix $A$ with rank $r$ admits a factorization $A = CR$ where $C$ is an $m \times r$ matrix and $R$ is an $r \...
Wei Wang's user avatar
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9 votes
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$SL_2(\mathbf{Z},8\mathbf{Z})$ differs from $E_2(\mathbf{Z},8\mathbf{Z})$. Has this result appeared in the literature?

I know a proof that the congruence subgroup $SL_2(\mathbf{Z},8\mathbf{Z})$ differs from its subgroup $E_2(\mathbf{Z},8\mathbf{Z})$, but can't find this fact in the literature. Does anyone know a ...
Bruce Magurn's user avatar
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Growth of powers of non-negative integer matrices

In what I am currently doing, there naturally appears the following question: let $A$ be a square matrix with non-negative integer entries. Let $a_n$ be the sum of all entries of $A^n$. Question: How ...
Victor's user avatar
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Books or references on multidimensional matrix operations [closed]

Have the 2D matrix operations been generalized to n-dimensional matrices? Are there any books that define various operations on multidimensional matrix? I'd like to see operations such as ...
tem pora's user avatar
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5 votes
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Rank of a 0-1-matrix

Suppose $K$ is a field of characteristic $0$. Let $M \in K^{n \times m}$ be a matrix such that every entry of $M$ is either $0$ or $1$. About this matrix, I know further that each sum over a column ...
Fabian Werner's user avatar
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What is the name of this measure of matrix "degenerateness"

Given a spanning set, consider the minimum number of vectors that you must remove in order to make it no longer span. What is this number called? If the vectors are columns in a matrix $\Phi$, then ...
Dustin G. Mixon's user avatar
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tracial triples

Say that a triple of real numbers $(a,b,c)$ is a realizable triple if there are matrices $A,B\in SL_2(\mathbb{R})$ such that $tr (A)=a$, $tr (B)=b$, and $tr (AB)=c$. Question: what is the shape of the ...
BN2's user avatar
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6 answers

how to find/define eigenvectors as a continuous function of matrix?

I asked this (with background) here but did not really get any answers. ...
kjetil b halvorsen's user avatar
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Decomposition of Matrix to its sub-matrix with constant rank

When we study the structure of simple graphs with a lot of $1$ or $-1$ as its adjacency eigenvalues, the rank of its adjacency matrix is very important. The reason is, in these case, we can study the ...
Shahrooz's user avatar
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Infinite Real Symmetric Toeplitz Matrix Reference

I am looking for a good starting point (book or articles) for studying Toeplitz matrices. Specifically as mentioned in the title, I am most interested in the case where they are of the form $$A = \{\...
Keaton Hamm's user avatar
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"Bell" or "Jabotinsky"-matrix - What's the canonical name (if any)?

I'm just reading J. Cigler's script for his talks "Konkrete Analysis" where I find the term "Jabotinsky-matrix" for that matrix, which I've (informally) been taught to call "Bell-matrix" (see at least ...
Gottfried Helms's user avatar
36 votes
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Eigenvalues of the product of two symmetric matrices

This is mostly a reference request, as this must be well-known! Let $A$ and $B$ be two real symmetric matrices, one of which is positive definite. Then it is easy to see that the product $AB$ (or $BA$...
kjetil b halvorsen's user avatar
4 votes
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Generating of the matrix ring by two hermitian matices

Let $p$ be a prime and $q=p^n$. Let $\mathbb F_{q^2}$ be a field with $q^2$ elements and $\sigma$ its authomorhism of order two. A $m$ by $m$ matrix $A$ over $\mathbb F_{q^2}$ is hermitian if $A^\...
2 votes
3 answers

On certain decomposition of unitary symmetric matrices

This is by any means elementary, but since I have asked this question on Stark Exchange but received no satisfactory answers I decide to post it here. It is well known that a symmetric matrix over ...
Zhang Xiao's user avatar
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Does the following characterization of subgroups of $GL_2(\mathbb{F}_p)$ generalise?

Let $p$ be a prime number. By a Cartan subgroup of $GL_n(\mathbb{F}_p)$ I mean an absolutely semisimple maximal abelian subgroup. When $n=2$, it is well-known* that, for $G \subset GL_n(\mathbb{F}_p)$...
Barinder Banwait's user avatar
18 votes
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Nonvanishing of Jacobians implies global injectivity?

I am interested in obtaining injectivity of a $C^1$ map from the nonvanishing minors of its Jacobian matrix. Here is a brief history of the topic. In 1953, Samuelson asked the following: If the ...
Syang Chen's user avatar
1 vote
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references for families of conditionaly negative definite matrices

We say that a matrix $A\in M_n(\mathbb{C})$ is a conditionaly negative definite matrix if it is hermitian and if for all complex numbers $c_1,\ldots,c_n$ such that $c_1+\cdots +c_n=0$ we have $$ \sum_{...
BigBill's user avatar
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Largest eigenvalue of a periodic Jacobi matrix

There is a vast literature on Jacobi matrices, I just don't know where to start looking. I'm interested in estimating the largest eigenvalue of the $n\times n$ periodic Jacobi matrix $D+P+P^{-1}$, ...
Alain Valette's user avatar
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Is that series-transformation known in the context of divergent summation?

Note: I asked this question in math.stackexchange but did not receive an answer Background: In the context of divergent summation I'm analyzing the matrix of eulerian numbers for a regular matrix-...
Gottfried Helms's user avatar
8 votes
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Commuting matrices in GL(n,Z)

Suppose $M$ is a "hyperbolic" matrix in $GL(n,\mathbb Z)$, i.e., that its characteristic polynomial $p$ is irreducible over $\mathbb Z$ and has no roots of modulus 1. Is there a closed description ...
Nikita Sidorov's user avatar
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Matrices as dynamical systems

Matrices can be understood in different ways, e.g. Linear systems of equations (rich algebraic structure of) Linear mappings Graphs Evolution law of discrete-time Dynamical system Well, 1. und 2. ...
shuhalo's user avatar
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Defining Multiplication in Polynomials over Rings of Matrices

More explicitly, if $M_{2 \times 2}(\mathbb{R})[x]$ denotes the ring of polynomials over the ring of 2x2 matrices with real coefficients (with indeterminate x a 2 by 2 matrix with real coefficients), ...
Brian Hepler's user avatar
6 votes
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Generalized Courant-Fischer theorem

Consider some quaternionic matrix $A$. A right eigvenvalue of $A$ is a quaternion $q$ such that $Ax=xq$ for some $x\in \mathbb{H}^n$. Similarly, a left eigenvalue of $A$ is quaternion $q$ such that $...
hypercube's user avatar
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16 votes
4 answers

How many minors I need to check to conclude all minors will vanish ?

Given a $m \times n$ matrix $n>m$, I was trying to check if all its $m \times m$ minor vanish. I remember hearing that one really does not need to check all possible minors in order to conclude ...
Vagabond's user avatar
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Integer vectors in the kernel of an integer matrix

Let $A$ be a non-zero symmetric $n \times n$-matrix with integer entries and suppose that $\det(A) =0$. Question: How long is the shortest non-zero integer vector in the kernel of $A$? Example: If ...
Andreas Thom's user avatar
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'Sign matrices'-(-1,+1) square matrices

My question arises from a discussion on an answer given by Maurizio Monge here.I do not know if there is a known terminology for such matrices. By "sign matrices," I mean square matrices whose entries ...
Unknown's user avatar
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Random products of projections: bounds on convergence rate?

The von Neumann-Halperin [vN,H] theorem shows that iterating a fixed product of projection operators converges to the projector onto the intersection subspace of the individual projectors. A good ...
Martin Schwarz's user avatar
38 votes
10 answers

Fast matrix multiplication

Suppose we have two $n$ by $n$ matrices over particular ring. We want to multiply them as fast as possible. According to wikipedia there is an algorithm of Coppersmith and Winograd that can do it in $...
ilyaraz's user avatar
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On matrices that almost have the same eigenvalues

Let $A$ and $B$ be two $4\times 4$ matrices. Using Newton's identities, one can prove that if $$\det(A) = \det(B)\quad \text{and}\quad \mathrm{tr}(A^i) = \mathrm{tr}(B^i)$$ for $i=1,2,3$, then $A$ and ...
Malik Younsi's user avatar
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Statement of Lagrange's theorem on determinants(elementary question).

Apologies for this elementary question; but I was unable to find a reference otherwise. Let $A, B, C$ be square matrices of the same dimension. Then, $$\begin{vmatrix} A & C \\\ 0 & B \end{...
Anweshi's user avatar
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