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Distribution of weight of special type of random-matrix vector product?

Let $G$ be a matrix of dimension $k \times n$ sampled uniformly randomly from $F_2^{k \times n}$. It is a well known fact that $y = xG$ is uniformly distributed in $F_2^n - \{0\}$ for all $x \in F_2^k$...
manmatha.roy's user avatar
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Is there a bound on the norm of the product of second moment matrix with random vector?

Let $X_1,\dots,X_n$ be vectors in $\mathbb{R^d}$. Assume all of the vectors are inside the unite $\ell_2$ ball, but outside the ball of radius $r$ for some $r \in (0,1)$, i.e. $r \leq \|X_i\| \leq 1$ ....
good bandit's user avatar
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Row-stochasticity of the Jacobian matrix of a stationary distribution

Let $P_{\mathbf{p}}$ be a $n \times n$ row-stochastic matrix whose entries are a function of a probability vector $\mathbf{p} \in \mathbf{R}_{> 0}^n$, $\sum_i p_i = 1$ and define the following ...
lum's user avatar
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Probability that random Bernoulli matrix is full rank

This is probably known already, but I could not find a quick argument. Let $M$ be an $n\times m$ binary matrix with iid Bernoulli$(1/2)$ entries, and $n>m$. Tikhomirov recently settled that the ...
hookah's user avatar
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On rank of random $0/1$ matrices

It is known that a $0/1$ matrix picked from uniform distribution from $\{0,1\}^{n\times n}$ is non-singular with probability $1-o(1)$. Fix an integer $t$. Consider a random matrix formed the ...
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Strictly positive definite autocovariance function of fGn

Hi, let $\gamma(k) = 1/2 (|k+1|^{2H} + |k-1|^{2H}-2|k|^{2H}),k\in\mathbb{Z},$ be autocovariance function of fractional Gaussian noise where $H\in(0,1)$ is parameter. I want to show that $\gamma$ is ...
T. Rubin's user avatar
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Markov chain convergence problem.

Consider a markov chain matrix P of size n x n (n states). P is known to be: 1- there are at least two absorbent states. one of them is denoted by null. (thus, we have that P_null,null = 1) 2- For ...
Gerardo's user avatar
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Moments from characteristic function for matrices

When $x$ is a random variable with the smooth characteristic function $\phi_x(t) = \mathbb{E}e^{itx}$, we can easily compute the moments as $\mathbb{E}[x^k] = i^{-n}\phi_x^{(n)}(0)$. There is no magic ...
user3826143's user avatar
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Number of ways to place 4 kings on nxn chessboard

I have a $n\times n$ chessboard and 4 kings inside it. My goal is to count the number of arrangements where some of them are non-attacking or mutually attacking, for example: In the case where the $4$...
Cardstdani's user avatar
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Pre-positive definite functions?

A function $f(x,y)$ is positive definite if matrices $( f(x_i, x_j) )_{i, j \in F}$ are positive definite for all finite index sets $F$. This is frequently hard or impossible to check given some ...
tsnao's user avatar
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Concentration inequality for matrix martingale with dynamic upper bounds

Consider a sequence of stochastic PSD matrices $X_1, X_2, \dots, X_n \in \mathbb{R}^{d\times d}$. Let $\mathcal{F}_k = \sigma(X_1, X_2, \dots, X_{k-1})$ be the natural filtration and $Y_k = \mathbb{E}[...
Y Zhou's user avatar
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Distribution and expectation of inverse of a random Bernoulli matrix

This question cropped up as a part of my research. Let us assume a $n\times n$ random matrix $\mathbf{M}$ with elements iid distributed to a Bernoulli distribution that takes values $\{0,1\}$ with ...
Nishant Singh's user avatar
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Probability of marking at least one row in given matrix

Let there be a matrix $\alpha=(a_{i,j})_{i\in [m], j\in [n]}$, where $a_{i,j}\in\{0,1\}$ And every row has exactly $r\le n$ ones. We independently with probability $p$ choose some columns from this ...
mkultra's user avatar
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Probability of positive definiteness of a random matrix [duplicate]

Given an $n \times n$ symmetric random matrix whose entries have distribution $N(0,1)$, how to calculate the probability of positive definiteness of this matrix?
Mark Tuliy's user avatar
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A possible conjecture on exponential asymptotics of random recursion relations

I have come to suspect that the following is true (and have confirmed it with some numerical experiments) but I have no idea how to prove it. Background: Let $f(z) = \sum_{n=0}^N a_n z^n$ be some ...
Ruben Verresen's user avatar
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Rank of cross-covariance matrix

Let $\boldsymbol{X}=(X_1,\dots,X_p)^T$ and $\boldsymbol{Y}=(Y_1,\dots,Y_q)^T$ be two random vectors. Denote $r_x=\text{rank}(\text{Cov}(\boldsymbol{X})),r_y=\text{rank}(\text{Cov}(\boldsymbol{Y})), r_{...
John's user avatar
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Expected amount of linearly dependent random vectors? [closed]

Given a random Matrix $A\in \mathbb{F}_2^{n\times n}$ what is the expectation value of the amount of linearly dependent row-vectors of $A$? EDIT: As said in the comments, I'm looking for the ...
Memphisd's user avatar
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Expected value of minimum rank of random matrices

I have $n$ random vectors ${\bf r}_i$ for $i=1,2,\dots,n$, each with dimension $1 \times m$, and $n$ random matrices ${\bf S}_i$ for $i=1,2,\dots,n$, each with dimension $M \times m$. The elements of $...
mhsnk's user avatar
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Random sampling a symmetric matrix

I'd like to sample the elements of a symmetric square matrix uniformly. For example, for a $N\times N$ matrix, I'd like to only keep $\alpha$% of the matrix elements to build a sparse matrix, while ...
WhitAngl's user avatar
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Bounding $E[\|\Sigma^{-1/2}(X-\mu)\|_2^3]$ for 2-dimensional Bernoulli

Let $X\in\{0,1\}^2$ have mean $\mu=\left[\begin{smallmatrix}p_1\\p_2\end{smallmatrix}\right]$ and $\Pr[X_1 = X_2 = 1] = p\le \min\{p_1,p_2\}$. (Note we must have $1-p_1-p_2+p\ge 0$ for the ...
Thomas Dybdahl Ahle's user avatar
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Class of covariance matrices invariant under permutations

I am reading a paper on covariance matrix estimation, and in this paper is introduced a class of covariance matrices: \begin{equation} U(q, c_0(p),M)=\{\Sigma: \sigma_{ii}\leq M,\quad \max_j\sum_{j=1}^...
spenziak's user avatar
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Random elliptical potential lemma

Elliptical Potential Lemma: Let $V_0 \in \mathbb{R}^{d \times d}$ be positive definite and $a_1,a_2,...,a_n \in \mathbb{R}^{d}$ be a sequence of vectors with $||a_t ||_2 \leq L < \infty$ for all $t ...
Mixi Andrew's user avatar
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On full rank submatrices of a construction

Take two matrices $T_1$ and $T_2$ in $\mathbb Z^{n\times n}$ with entries uniformly in $[-b,b]\cap\mathbb Z$ at some $b>0$. The matrices will be of rank $n$ each with probability at least $1-\frac1{...
VS.'s user avatar
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"Probability" for a partitioned matrix to be singular

Let $A,B\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times n}$ be two nonsingular matrices with $A\ne B$, and consider the following partitioned matrix $$ M:=\begin{bmatrix}AA^\top + BB^\top & A^\top \Delta_1 A + B^\top \...
Ludwig's user avatar
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The effect of channel error on the determinant of transmitted matrix

Assume the following matrix $$ E:=\left( \begin{array}{ccccc} e_1 & e_2 & \cdots & e_{p-1} & e_{p}\\ e_{p+1} & e_{p+2} & \cdots & e_{2p-1} & e_{2p} \\ \...
Amin235's user avatar
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Determinant of matrix from set {-1, 1} [closed]

Let $A \in \mathbb{R}^{11 \times 11}$ and it's elements are form set $\{ -1,1 \}$. $\mathbb{P}(-1) = \mathbb{P}(1) = 0.5$. What is a probability to get such a matrix, that $\det A > 4000$? I have ...
noone's user avatar
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Convergence of a markov matrix

Consider a markov chain matrix P of size n x n (n states). P is known to be: 1- Not irreducible (i.e. there exist at least a pair of states i, j such that we cannot go from i to j) 2- Not all ...
Gerardo's user avatar
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