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Is the sum of two stable matrices also stable?

Let $A$ and $B$ be two arbitrary real matrices of the same dimension. If the eigenvalues of $A$ and $B$ are all in the left half of the complex plane, can we estimate the the location of the ...
Jason Zhou's user avatar
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Eigenvalues of a specific matrix

I have a block matrix $$M=\begin{bmatrix} I_0& I_1& \cdots& I_1\\ I_2& I_0& \ddots& \vdots\\ \vdots& \ddots& \...
Young Q's user avatar
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Similarity of two matrices

Consider the matrix, for some $\lambda \in \mathbb R$ . $$A=\begin{pmatrix} i \lambda & -1 & i & 0 \\ 1 & 0 & 0& 0 \\ i & 0 & - i \lambda & -1 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 ...
Pritam Bemis's user avatar
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Eigenvalues of A^T D A for positive A and diagonal D

Suppose I have a diagonal matrix $D$ whose entries are bounded in absolute value. I also have a matrix $A$ that is positive (entry-wise, so $A_{ij} > 0\ \forall\ i,j$): one can assume that the ...
B Merlot's user avatar
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Maximum eigenvalue of Hadamard power of a positive semidefinite matrix

Let $K$ be a covariance matrix. It is positive semidefinite, its diagonal elements are all 1, and its off-diagonals are between -1 and 1. Let $K.^2$ be its element-wise power (Hadamard power). Can we ...
Soheil Feizi's user avatar
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Properties of eigenvalues of general nonnegative matrices

I am aware, that an answer to this question can be found via Perron-Frobenius theory or something very similar, but unfortunately I am far from being an expert in the field and I am unable to find the ...
042's user avatar
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The relationship between a matrix and its coefficient matrix decomposed in Pauli matrix

For a dimension-$4$ Hermitian matrix $A$, denote pauli matrices $\{I,X,Y,Z\}$ as $\{\sigma_0,\sigma_1,\sigma_2,\sigma_3\}$ respectively. The pauli matrices form a basis of the matrix space if we take ...
qmww987's user avatar
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Diagonalizing a symmetric block matrix

Let us consider the matrix $$ A = \begin{pmatrix} a & c+ib \\ c-ib& a \end{pmatrix},$$ then this matrix has eigenvalues $a\pm \sqrt{c^2+b^2}.$ Now, let us consider a block matrix $$ A = \begin{...
Guido's user avatar
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When is there a solution to these coupled eigenvalue equations?

I am trying to find the fixed point of a dynamical system, which requires solving two coupled eigenvalue-like equations. These equations are, in general, overconstrained. I'd like to have a simple ...
sasquires's user avatar
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Destroying the structure of a linear system while preserving its maximum eigenvalue

I have an asymmetric square matrix with non-negative real entries in the range [0,10], representing the edge-weights of a directed network. Assume that the network is a linear system. My general ...
Maniacka's user avatar
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Is the sum of the circulant matrix with a super upper triangular matrix diagonalizable?

By the circulant matrix $C$ in $M_n(\mathbb{R})$, we mean that $$C=[e_n|e_1|\cdots|e_{n-1}]$$ where $e_1,\cdots,e_n$ are the standard basis vectors in $\mathbb{R}^n$. It is well-known that $$C=\...
ABB's user avatar
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Limitation through the singular values

Given matrix $X \in \mathbb{R}^{m\times n}$ and sequence $\left\{X^k\right\}_k$ converges to $X$ according to the Frobenius norm. I wonder that $\sigma_i(X^k)$ converge $\sigma_i(X)$ or not (where $\...
ohana's user avatar
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Eigenvalues of product of symplectic matrices

I have 2 symplectic matrices $X_{1},X_{2} \in \mathbb{R}^{2n\times2n}$. The matrix $X=X_{1} \cdot X_{2}$ is also symplectic. Question: Are there any theorems which allow me to express eigenvalues of ...
Maksim Surov's user avatar
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Alike looking matrices imply convergence of eigenvalues?

This is a question about convergence of eigenvalues which essentially came up in studying the spectrum of St.-Liouville operators. We want to look at matrices that agree in most of their entries and ...
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Is my use of the eigendecomposition correct here?

I'm exploring different techniques to efficiently solve some matrix equations. My situation is that I have a matrix $\textbf{H} = \textbf{J}^T \textbf{J}$, where $\textbf{J}$ is a matrix with no ...
sourtin's user avatar
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Expected minimal distance of eigenvalues

Let $A$ be an arbitrary symmetric matrix and $B$ be a random GUE matrix. I would like to know. Are there any results on the minimal eigenvalue distance between two distinct eigenvalues of $A+B$? I ...
Guido Li's user avatar
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How can I prove a randomly generated matrix has distinct non-zero eigenvalues?

Consider the following $M×M$ matrix $$ \mathbf A=\sum_{k=1}^K =a_k \mathbf h_k \mathbf h_k^H,(M≥K) $$ where $a_k$'s are real values and $h_k$'s are $M×1$ randomly generated vectors, e.g., complex ...
WPCN's user avatar
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Eigen problem with constrained (equal) eigenvalues

Let $\Omega$ be a symmetric and positive definite matrix. From a test of hypothesis I know that some eigenvalues are likely to be equal (the test also suggests which eigenvalues). Do you have any ...
meie73's user avatar
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Leading eigenvector value problem as an optimisation problem for asymmetric matrices

As noted in 1806.05647, given a symmetric matrix $A$, the leading eigenvector value problem (LEVP) $$Av = \lambda v,$$ where $A = A^T \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}$, $\lambda$ is the largest ...
user144910's user avatar
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Modified interlacing of eigenvalues

Let $A$ be a real symmetric matrix of order $n$ and $B=\begin{bmatrix}v &v &v &v\end{bmatrix}$ where $v$ is a non zero real column vector of dimension $n$. Consider $$C=\begin{bmatrix}A &...
Sry's user avatar
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Comparison of the smallest eigenvalues of two tridiagonal matrices

Let $n\geq2$ be an integer and $E_{ii}$ for an integer $2\leq i\leq n$ be the $n\times n$-matrix with its $ii$-entry equal to 1 and remaining entries equal zero. Furthermore, let $H_n:=\mathrm{tridiag}...
Sandro's user avatar
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Dimension independent computational complexity of singular value decomposition

Suppose $X$ is a $m \times n$ real matrix, which has only $k$ number of nonzero elements ($k \ll mn$). Given a vector $y$, the sparsity of $X$ allows $X y$ to be computed in $O(k)$ time which is ...
Janathan's user avatar
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Unimodular eigenvalue of a H-self-adjoint matrix (indefinite innerproduct)

Let $A,H \in \mathbb{C}^{n \times n}$ be such that $H$ is Hermitian and invertible and $A = H^{-1} A^* H$. In this case, $A$ is said to be $H$-self-adjoint. This is due to the fact that if $\langle \...
Leo's user avatar
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Eigenvalues of two positive-definite Toeplitz matrices

Consider two positive-definite Toeplitz matrices $M_1$ and $M_2$ both with dimension $2^j \times 2^j$. Their matrix elements are: $$M_1[x,y] = \frac{\text{sin}(\pi(x-y)/2^j)}{\pi(x-y)} \qquad M_2[x,y] ...
Chriscrosser's user avatar
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Extension of the Gershgorin circle theorem for symmetric matrices and localization of positive eigenvalues

In mathematics, the Gershgorin circle theorem can be used to localize eigenvalues of a matrix (including symmetric). Let $A$ be a real symmetry $n × n$ matrix, with entries $a_{ij}$. For $i∈{1,…,n}$ ...
ayr's user avatar
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Perturbed Gram matrix

Let $x_t \in \mathbb{S}^{d-1}$, $\forall t\in \mathbb{N}$ and let $e_1$ be the first canonical basis vector of $\mathbb{R}^d$, ie, $e_1 = (1,0,\cdots,0)$. Let us form a Gram Matrix $$\sum_{t=1}^T(x_t ...
rostader's user avatar
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Eigenvalue perturbation under sparse perturbations

Let $A \in \{0,1\}^{n \times n}$ be an irreducible matrix whose entries are in $\{0,1\}$, and let $\lambda_1(A)$ be the eigenvalue with the largest magnitude. By Perron–Frobenius theorem, we know that ...
R. Davis's user avatar
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Connections between eigenvalues of $B$ and $A+iB$

Consider two symmetric and real matrices $A,B\in\mathbb{R}^n$ and definie $A+iB$. Note that $A+iB$ is not hermitian in this case. There are many results based on Brendixson and Courant-Fischer, saying,...
Stephan's user avatar
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Upper bound on some eigenvalue problem

Let $A_1,\ldots,A_m \in R^{n\times n}$ be symmetric and positive semidefinite, and suppose that their sum $A$ is positive definite. For some nonzero vector $u\in R^n$ with $u^TA_ju>0$ for all $j$, ...
Arnold Neumaier's user avatar
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Large-scale projected minimum-eigenvalue computations

I am interested in efficient numerical procedures for solving large-scale instances of the following projected minimum-eigenvalue problem: $$\mu := \min_{v \in \mbox{ker}(A)} \frac{v^T H v}{\lVert v \...
David Rosen's user avatar
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Eigenvalues of special sum of Hermitian matrices

In my research on linear algebra and its applications, I have come across the following problem which has stumped me: Let $ A $ be a positive definite matrix and let $ D $ be a positive diagonal ...
groupoid's user avatar
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Eigenvalues of a specific Hankel matrix

I have an $\frac{N}{2} \times \frac{N}{2}$ matrix $G$ with entries given by \begin{equation} G_{ij} = \frac{1}{\sin(\frac{\pi}{N}(i+j-\frac{3}{2}))}, \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\; 1 \le i,j \le \frac{N}{2}, \end{...
Marc's user avatar
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Commutation relation and eigenvectors of infinite matrices [closed]

I'm given the Matrix $A$ and $A^T$: $A = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & \dots \\ 0 & 0 & \sqrt{2} & 0 & \dots \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & \sqrt{3} & \...
Spuds's user avatar
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Eigenvalues of this matrix

I have a linear map that is defined by $$T:\text{lin}(1,...,x^m) \rightarrow \text{lin}(1,...,x^m) \text{ with}$$ $$x^k \mapsto 2w(k-m)x^{k+1}+(k^2-k-w^2)x^k-2kwx^{k-1}+(k-k^2)x^{k-2}$$ Let me give a ...
BaoLing's user avatar
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Dominant eigenvalue of sum of tridiagonal and diagonal matrices

Suppose I have a tridiagonal square matrix $A$ of some nice form, for which I know the eigenvalues $\lambda_1<\dots<\lambda_n$. $A$ is also essentially nonnegative (nonnegative everywhere except ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Characterizing the singular values of a matrix with structure

Suppose we have a function from $\mathbb{R}^2\to\mathbb{C}$, $$f(x,y) = e^{\imath\pi x g(y)}$$ where $g(y)$ is periodic in $y\in[-T, T),\ T<\infty$ (e.g., a sinusoid) and $0\leq x < \infty$ ...
jqka's user avatar
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Eigenvalue problem for symmetric block tridiagonal matrices?

Is there a procedure to find the eigenvalues of $\textbf{M}$? ‎ $$\begin{eqnarray} ‎\textbf{M}=\left[‎ ‎\begin {array}{ccccc}‎ ‎\textbf{A} & \textbf{B} & & &\\‎ ‎\...
Mojtaba's user avatar
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Submatrices of matrices in $\mathrm{SL}(4, \mathbb{Z})$ with all eigenvalues equal to $1$ [closed]

This is a follow-up question to my question from Math Stackexchange (Thank you Dietrich Burde and Michael Burr for the help). Let $M\in \mathrm{SL}(4, \mathbb{Z})$ with all eigenvalues equal to $1$ (i....
ghc1997's user avatar
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Largest eigenvalue of the sum of Hermitian matrices [closed]

Is there an expression for the largest eigenvalue of the sum of two Hermitian matrices in terms of the spectrum of the same matrices?
Benjamin's user avatar
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Existence of a real eigenvalue

I have a matrix $M \in \mathbb{R}^{(n+1) \times (n+1)}$ that is tridiagonal. In numerical computations I found out that I always find a real eigenvalue. My question is: Is there a theorem that ...
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Eigenvalues invariant under 90° rotation

Consider $N \times N$ matrices $$A = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 0 & \cdots & 0 & 1 \\ 1 & 0 & 0 & & 0 \\ \vdots & 1 & 0 & \...
Sascha's user avatar
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Eigenvalues of tridiagonal symmetric matrix

Could you tell me please, are there any analytical methods how to find eigenvalues of matrix such this one? $$ \begin{pmatrix} a_1 & b_1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & \ldots & 0 \\ b_1 & ...
MightyPower's user avatar
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Simple Spectrum of Jacobi matrices

I want to call a matrix a Jacobi matrix (cause there may be different notions of Jacobi matrices) if it is a tridiagonal matrix with positive off-diagonal entries. Now, I read that the spectrum of ...
Jiao Guo's user avatar
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Monotonicity of eigenvalues II

In a previous question here, I asked the question below for block matrices and received an answer showing the question is true if $\mathcal B$ is hermitian and false, in general if $\mathcal B$ is non-...
Sascha's user avatar
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Eigenvalues of the product of traceless unitary hermitian matrices [closed]

As a follow up of the question raised in Determinant involving traceless unitary hermitian matrices, I would like to pose a similar question. If A and B are distinct traceless unitary hermitian ...
Gerson J Ferreira's user avatar
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Iteration matrix representation with complex conjugate operator

I am studying the convergence of a particular class of radial power flows, whose goal is to obtain the voltage solution for a given electric grid, i.e., a complex vector $\mathbf{V}$ that gives the ...
ElectricPhysiscist's user avatar
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Matrix transformation that always works?

Consider the matrix $$A_2:= \begin{pmatrix} a & b_1 \\ b_2 & a\end{pmatrix}.$$ Let $\sigma_2 = \begin{pmatrix} 0 & i \\ -i & 0 \end{pmatrix}$, then $$\sigma_2 A_2 \sigma_2 = \begin{...
António Borges Santos's user avatar
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Transforming matrix to off-diagonal form

I wonder if one can write the following matrix in the form $A = \begin{pmatrix} 0 & B \\ B^* & 0 \end{pmatrix}.$ The matrix I have is of the form $$ C = \begin{pmatrix} 0 & a & b & ...
Sascha's user avatar
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Prove that absolute value of eigenvalue is smaller than 1 [closed]

I want to prove that the absolute value of the eigenvalues of a matrix A are smaller than 1 for $$A=\left(\begin{array}{cc} 0 & -H_{11}^{-1} H_{12} \\ -H_{22}^{-1} H_{21} & 0 \end{array}\right)...
anonymousguyfromtheworld's user avatar
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A monotonicity property of eigenvalues

Let $A \in S^{n}_{+}$ be a positive semi-definite matrix and $D \in S^{n}_{+}$ a diagonal matrix with all the diagonal entries no smaller than one, i.e., $D_{ii} \geq 1$ for all $i \leq n$. I wonder ...
zxzx179's user avatar
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