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When localization commutes with arbitrary intersection of ideals

For a commutative ring with identity we know that in general localization does not commute with arbitrary intersection of ideals. I am looking for a paper that considers equivalent condition(s) for ...
Ya MA e. r's user avatar
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Localization of quasi-excellent rings are quasi-excellent?

If $R$ is a quasi-excellent ring, then is $R_{\mathfrak p}$ also quasi-excellent for every prime ideal $\mathfrak p$ of $R$ ? I think Matsumura's commutative ring theory book says that localization of ...
Alex's user avatar
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Localization of totally acyclic complex or projective modules remain totally acyclic?

Let $R$ be a commutative Noetherian ring. An acyclic complex $P$ of projective $R$-modules is called totally acyclic if for every projective $R$-module $Q$, the complex Hom$_R(P, Q)$ is also acyclic. ...
Alex's user avatar
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Recovering a ring from its localization and completion with respect to a fixed element

Suppose I have a commutative ring $k$ and an element $x \in k$. Then I can form the localization $k[x^{-1}]$ of $k$ at the multiplicative subset $\{ 1, x, x^2, ... \}$, and I can form the completion $\...
Noah Wisdom's user avatar
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On "minimal presentation" of local rings essentially of finite type over a field

Let $k$ be a field of characteristic $0$. Let $(R,\mathfrak m)$ be a local ring essentially of finite type over $k$ ( Then, $R$ is the homomorphic image of ...
strat's user avatar
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Dimension of a positively graded ring after a suitable localization

Quesion- Let $R=\bigoplus_{i\ge 0} R_i$ be a (non-trivial) positively graded commutative Noetherian ring with $1(\not=0)$ of (Krull) dimension $d\ge 0$. Let $S\subset R_0$ be a multiplicative set such ...
Sourjya Banerjee's user avatar
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Localization of the injective hull of a commutative non-Noetherian ring

Let $R$ be a commutative non-Noetherian ring and $m$ a maximal ideal. My question is whether the localization $E(R)_m$ of the injective hull $E(R)$ of $R$ is an injective $R_m$-module. This is true in ...
Michal's user avatar
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Existence of a finite resolution

I have tried to formulate a question in which I was very curious, any hints suggestions are also welcomed. Thanks in advance. Let $M$ be an $R$ module ($R$ commutative ring with unity). It is given ...
user443060's user avatar
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Geometric meaning of localization at $(1+I)$?

Let $I\vartriangleleft A$ be an ideal of a commutative ring. Consider the submonoid $1+I\subset A$. What is the geometric interpretation of localization at this submonoid? How does it relate to the ...
Arrow's user avatar
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Geometric meaning of colocalization of modules?

Let $A$ be a commutative ring and $S\subset A$ a subset. A localization of $A$ at $S$ is defined as a ring morphsim $A\to A[S^{-1}]$ which is initial with respect to inverting $S$. Similarly, a ...
Arrow's user avatar
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Commutative ring $R$ with no nontrivial idempotents, with a localization $R_r$ with infinitely many idempotents

I am looking for a commutative ring $R$ with $1$ such that $R$ has no idempotents and there exists $r\in R$ such that the localization ring $R_r$ has infinitely many idempotents.
Anahita's user avatar
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Localization and containment in commutative ring

Let $R$ be a commutative ring with identity and $x, y $ be fixed elements of $R$ such that for each maximal ideal $m$ of $R$ we have $\langle \frac{x}{1_m}\rangle\subseteq\langle \frac{y}{1_m}\rangle$ ...
Asad Albani's user avatar
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Does $\sum_ia\cap b_i=a\cap(\sum_ib_i)$ and $a(\bigcap_i b_i)=\bigcap_iab_i$ for infinite sums and intersections in arithmetic rings (Prufer domains)?

Note: Please let me know if this question is too basic for MathOverflow. It is about a subject commonly taught in graduate school (commutative algebra), and is based in large part on a (very ...
hasManyStupidQuestions's user avatar
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Special submodules over almost Dedekind domains

An integral domain $R$ is an almost Dedekind domain if for each maximal ideal $m$ of $R$, the ring $R_m$ is a Dedekind domain, where $R_m$ is the localization of $R$ at $m$. Question: Let $M$ ...
user140640's user avatar
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Reduced Noetherian ring is the intersection of its localizations at primes associated to a nonzero-divisor

I shall quote proposition 11.3 of Eisenbud: Commutative algebra If $R$ is a reduced noetherian ring then an element $x\in K(R)$ belongs to $R$ if and only if the image of $x$ in $K(R)_P$ belongs to ...
Bin's user avatar
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Embedding the Mészáros subdivision algebra in an Orlik-Terao localization

The following is an open question (Question 4.1) from my paper $t$-Unique Reductions for Mészáros's Subdivision Algebra (published version in SIGMA 2018, and slightly updated preprint version with ...
darij grinberg's user avatar
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Completion of localization of completion

Let $(A,m)$ be a noetherian local ring, and let $p \subseteq A$ be a prime ideal. From this data, we can construct two rings: 1. We may localize $A$ at $p$, and then complete, obtaining the $pA_p$-...
Localization's user avatar
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modules whose every submodule is a homomorphic image

Let $R$ be a commutative ring with unity. Let us say that an $R$-module $M$ satisfies property $\mathcal P$ if every submodule of $M$ is a homomorphic image of $M$. Can we characterize all ...
user521337's user avatar
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What kind of module is this?

Recall that, if $R$ is a commutative ring, then a suitably finite $R$-module $M$ is projective if and only if the localization $M_\mathfrak{m}$ is a direct sum of finitely many copies of $R_\mathfrak{...
Ben Knudsen's user avatar
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On maximal ideals of $k [X_i : i \in I ] $ where $k$ is a field , $I$ is an infinite set with $|k| > |I|$

Let $k$ be a field and $I$ be an infinite set such that $|k| > |I|$ . Let $R := k [X_i : i \in I ] $ and $m$ be a maximal ideal of $R$ ; then is it true that $m \cap k[X_i] \ne 0 , \forall i \in I$ ...
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Basic elements and localizations

Let $(R, \mathfrak{m})$ be a local domain and $x$ is a basic element of $\mathfrak{m}$, that is $x \in \mathfrak{m} \setminus \mathfrak{m}^2$. Let $P$ be a prime ideal containing $x$. Is it true that $...
Pham Hung Quy's user avatar
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Functions on rings and polynomials with coefficients in a certain kind of localisation

Let $R$ be a commutative ring with unity and let $S$ be a multiplicatively closed subset of $R$ such that $S$ contains no zero divisor . So the canonical map $f : R \to S^{-1}R$ is invective , hence w....
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Analytic spread of localization of an ideal

Let $J$ be an ideal in a Noetherian local ring $(R,m)$. It is well known that for any prime ideal $p\in Spec(R)$, $l(J_p)\leq l(J)$, where $l(J)$ is the analytic spread of $J$. Q) Are there ...
Cusp's user avatar
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$R$ is $\mathbb{Z}$ graded ring and $0\neq f \in R_1,$ show that $R_f \cong S[X,X^{-1}]$ [closed]

Suppose $R$ is $\mathbb{Z}$ graded ring and $0\neq f \in R_1.$ Then I want to show that $R_f \cong S[X,X^{-1}],$ where $S=(R_f)_0$ and $X$ transcendental over $S.$ I wanted to use the isomorphism $...
Panja's user avatar
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Localization of the pullback diagram

In the paper, Topologically Defined Classes of Commutative Rings, localization of the pullback diagram (with $v,$ surjective) $$ \begin{array} DD & \stackrel{v\ '}{\longrightarrow} & A \\ \...
user 1's user avatar
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Irreducibility over the field of fractions of a quotient of a polynomial ring

Fix $\ell \geq 3$, $r \geq 2$ and $1 \leq k \leq \ell - 1$ and $z_0, \ldots, z_\ell \in \mathbb{C}$ with $z_i \neq 0$ for all $i$ and $z_i \neq z_j$ for all $i \neq j$. Now consider the (irreducible, ...
Nils Amend's user avatar
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What kinds of limits does localization of commutative rings reflect?

Localization of commutative rings is a left exact left adjoint, so it behaves nicely with plenty of things. Local-to-global principles are also abundant in commutative algebra, and I thought some of ...
Arrow's user avatar
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Local cohomology commuting with fiber

Let $A$ be a nice commutative ring (say, $A=k[t_1,\ldots , t_n]$, ring of polynomials over an algebraically closed field $k$). Let $M$ be an $A[x]$-module, which is finitely generated as an $A$-...
Sasha's user avatar
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Dimension of a ring after localization

Let $R$ be a Noetherian domain of dimension $\ge 1$. Let $\mathfrak{p}_i$, $i = 1, 2, ...$ be prime ideals of height one. Let $T = R[[X]]$ with $X$ is a indeterminate. For each $i \ge 1$ we set $\...
Pham Hung Quy's user avatar
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Localisation of $\mathbb{Z}_p[[X]]$ at ideal $(p)$

Let $R=\mathbb{Z}_p[[X]]$ where $\mathbb{Z}_p$ denotes the $p$-adic integers and $p$ is a prime. Then what is $R_{(p)}$ $(R$ localised at the ideal $pR)$ $?$
Robert's user avatar
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is every finitely n-presented (S^{-1})R-module a localization of a finitely n-presented R-module?

Let S be a multiplicative set in a ring R. We can see that every finitely generated $(S^{-1})R$-module is a localization of a finitely generated R-module. Then, more generally, is every finitely n-...
DR.Dis's user avatar
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Localisation of injectives

When working with injective modules, one bad thing is that they do not necessarily behave well with respect to localisation. Consider a commutative ring $R$ and have a look at the following properties:...
Fred Rohrer's user avatar
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Intersection of localization with finitely generated subalgebra of fraction field

Let $R$ be a (commutative) noetherian integral domain. Let $I$ be a prime ideal of $R$. Let $S$ be a finitely generated $R$-subalgebra of $\mathrm{Frac}(R)$. Is $S \cap R_I$ necessarily finitely ...
kedlaya's user avatar
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Is primary decomposition still important?

On p.50 of Atiyah and Macdonald's Introduction to Commutative Algebra, in the introduction to the chapter on primary decomposition, it says In the modern treatment, with its emphasis on ...
David Corwin's user avatar
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Total ring of fractions vs. Localization

Let $R$ be a commutative ring and denote by $K(R)$ its total ring of fractions, the localization of $R$ with respect to $R_{\mathrm{reg}}$. For every multiplicative subset $U \subseteq R$ there is a ...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar
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Elements in a localization - category theoretic approach

This question is about the elements in a localization $S^{-1} A$ of a commutative ring $A$. Is it possible to derive $\frac{a}{1} = 0 \in S^{-1} A \Rightarrow \exists s \in S : sa = 0$ only using the ...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar
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Projective modules over semi-local rings

Let $R$ be a semi-local ring, and $M$ a finite projective $R$-module. If the localizations $M_m$ have the same rank for all maximal ideals $m$ of $R$ then $M$ is free.
John's user avatar
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Rig of fractions, including zero denominators

For some integral domain $R$, one forms the field of fractions $R^*$ by considering (equivalence classes of) formal pairs {$r/s : r \in R, s\in R\backslash 0$} and defining $+$ and $*$ as you'd expect ...
Aleks Kissinger's user avatar
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Checking locally whether a homomorphism is a localization

All rings below are commutative with $1$. Suppose $A\subset B$ is a subring and that $A\rightarrow A'$ is a faithfully flat ring homomorphism. [You may assume the rings are actually ${\mathbb C}$-...
Thomas Nevins's user avatar
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Flatness of module

$A\rightarrow B$ a ring homomorphism, $N$ a $B$-module which is flat over $A$. $\mathfrak{q}\subset B$ a prime ideal, $\mathfrak{p}\subset A$ its contraction in $A$. Then is it true that $N_{\mathfrak{...
ashpool's user avatar
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Localization of module

M an A-module, $S\subset A$ a multiplicative subset. Is it possible for $S^{-1}M$ to have an $S^{-1}A$-module structure satisfying $\frac{a}{1}\cdot\frac{m}{1}=\frac{am}{1}$ other than the "usuall" ...
ashpool's user avatar
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Localizing at the primitive polynomials?

For any UFD $R$, the concept of a primitive polynomial (gcd of the coefficients is 1) makes sense in $R[x]$. The product of two primitive polynomials is primitive (Gauss's Lemma), and certainly 1 is a ...
Zev Chonoles's user avatar
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Equality of elements in localization via universal property

I've been studying universal objects of universal algebra in a quite general setting and try to exhibit the structure of their elements just using the universal property. A very nice example for this ...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar
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What is the localization of Q[x]/(x) at 0

Q is a rational field. Q[x] is polynomial ring over Q 。(x) is maximal ideal of Q[x]. Take Q[x]/(x) as a module over Q[x]. Then what is Q[x]-module Q[x]/(x) localize at 0?? I think the result is Q[x]/...
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