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Question on a subcategory being extension-closed

In the article "Homological theory of noetherian rings" by Idun Reiten from 1996, it was stated that it seems to be not known whether the subcategory $\operatorname{Tr}(\Omega^i(\mathrm{mod}\...
Mare's user avatar
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Isomorphism for Ext spaces for finite dimensional algebras

Let $A$ be an Artin algebra with enveloping algebra $A^e$. Then we have $Hom_{A^e}(X,A^e) \cong Hom_A(D(A) \otimes_A X,A)$ for a bimodule $X$. (see for example in the article "A theorem of Green on ...
Mare's user avatar
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Characterisation of minimal projective resolutions via the Euler characteristic

Let $A$ be a finite dimensional $K$-algebra (where $K$ is a field) and $M$ a finitely generated $A$-module. Let $\psi: 0 \rightarrow P_r \rightarrow ... \rightarrow P_0 \rightarrow M \rightarrow 0$ ...
Mare's user avatar
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Sullivan minimal model in the case of $H^1(V)\neq 0$

Is there a simple construction of a Sullivan minimal model $\Lambda U \rightarrow V$ in the case that $H^1(V)\neq 0$? Do you have a reference? I envisage a degree-wise construction as in the case of $...
Pavel's user avatar
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Lie algebra cohomology: $H^i(R,V)=H^i(R,V^R)$ with $R$ reductive and $V$ an $R$-module

Let $R$ be a reductive, finite-dimensional Lie algebra over a field of characteristic 0, and let $V$ be a semisimple $R$-module (also finite dimensional). I have seen a reference to the fact that $H^i(...
Tainted G's user avatar
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Finding minimal copresentations of projectives in stable endomorphism rings

Let $A$ be a finite dimensional algebra (you can assume it is selfinjective in case this helps) and $M$ an $A$-module without projective summands. Let $B=\underline{End_A(M)}$, the stable endomorphism ...
Mare's user avatar
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Classes of algebras where derived equivalence preserves the global dimension

Question: Are there known classes $X$ of finite dimensional algebras in the literature that have the property that in case $A, B \in X$ are derived equivalent, they share the same global dimension? ...
Mare's user avatar
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Cohomology of elementary abelian $p$-groups, i.e. $H(G,{\mathbb F}_p)$ with $G\cong{\mathbb F}_p^r$

I have two questions. $\bf 1.$ First, a reference request. Let $G\cong{\mathbb F}_p^r$ for some integer $r\geq 0$ and let $V=G^*={\rm Hom}(G,{\mathbb F}_p)$. Then $(H(G,{\mathbb F}_p),+,\cup )$ is a ...
Constantin-Nicolae Beli's user avatar
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Tachikawa conjecture for finite dimensional commutative monomial algebras

Let $A=K[x_1,...,x_n]/I$ be a finite dimensional local algebra with a monomial ideal $I$. The Tachikawa conjectures are conjectures for finite dimensional algebras. Im interested in them here for such ...
Mare's user avatar
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Faithfully flat modules over a group algebra

Suppose we have the following data: 1) A group ring $\mathbb{Z}[G]$, where $G$ is a torsion free group. 2) $M_{\bullet}$ a bounded (above and below) chain complex of $\mathbb{Z}[G]$-modules such ...
lun's user avatar
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Right approximation in certain subcategories

Let $A$ be an Artin algebra and $C$ a subcategory of mod-$A$ that contains all projective modules and is closed under finite direct sums (but not necessarily under direct summands). Let $T:=add(C)$. ...
Mare's user avatar
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Gluing filtered object from associated graded pieces

So, I believe the following result is correct but do not know the exact reference (and not sure to what extent what I'm saying is true). If anyone could give a reference for this it would be great. 1)...
Lev Soukhanov's user avatar
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Generalization of semi-hereditarity

Let $R$ be a ring. A left $R$-module $K$ is called an $N$-th kernel if there are projective left $R$-modules $P_1, \ldots P_N$ and a short exact sequence $$ 0\rightarrow K \rightarrow P_N \rightarrow \...
nikola karabatic's user avatar
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Projective dimension of the functions with compact support

Let $X$ be a locally compact Hausdorff space. And $C(X)$ the ring of all continous real-valued functions and $J(X)$ the ideal of such functions with compact support. It is known that $X$ is ...
Mare's user avatar
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When is a chain complex induced up to quasiisomorphism

I have a field extension $F/F'$ and an algebra $L'$ over $F'$. Let $L$ be the induced $F$-algebra $F\otimes_{F'}L'$ and $C_*$ a chain complex over $L$. Is there a good way to decide whether $C_*$ is ...
HenrikRüping's user avatar
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"Differential graded homological algebra" by Avramov, Foxby and Halperin

I am looking for "Differential graded homological algebra" by L. Avramov, H. Foxby, and S. Halperin, which is widely cited as a preprint o as a manuscript, e.g.
Christa Wolf's user avatar
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Artinian Tor modules (Reference request)

I am looking for a reference for the following basic fact: Let $R$ be a noetherian ring, let $M$ be an artinian $R$-module, let $N$ be a finitely generated $R$-module, and let $i\in\mathbb{N}$. ...
Fred Rohrer's user avatar
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Which abelian categories have homological dimension 1?

In this MSRI lecture Geometry of Quiver Varieties I, Victor Ginzburg describes all abelian categories of homological dimension $1$ as being either a category of representations $\mathrm{Rep}_\mathbf{...
Mike Pierce's user avatar
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Functoriality of filtered spectral sequences

What is the appropriate functoriality statement of a filtered chain map between filtered spectral sequences? Suppose that we have two filtered chain complexes $C,C'$ and a filtered chain map $f\colon ...
Onkar Singh Gujral's user avatar
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Lie algebra cohomology with values in injective module

I am looking for a proof of the following result: Let $\mathfrak{g}$ be a Lie algebra and $I$ an injective $\mathfrak{g}$-module. Then $\mathrm{H}^q(\mathfrak{g},I)=0$ $\forall q>0$. More precisely,...
Sleipnir's user avatar
14 votes
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Is there a slick proof of the fundamental theorem of dimension theory?

The fundamental theorem of dimension theory in commutative algebra states that given a module $M$ over a noetherian local ring $A$, we have $s(M)=\text{dim}(M)=d(M)$ (where $s(M)$ is the infimum of ...
display llvll's user avatar
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Are hearts of all $t$-structures on smashing triangulated categories closed with respect to coproducts (also)?

Let $T$ be a triangulated category closed with respect to (small) coproducts, and $t$ be (an arbitrary!) a $t$-structure on $T$. I have noted that the heart $\underline{Ht}$ of $t$ is closed with ...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
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Finitistic dimension conjecture for quadratic algebras

The finitistic dimension of a finite dimensional algebra is defined as the supremum of all projective dimensions of modules having finite projective dimension. The finitistic dimension conjecture says ...
Mare's user avatar
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Open problems about Morita and derived invariants

Are there properties of rings of which one does not know whether they are Morita or derived invariances? For a recent such example for Morita invariance, see
Mare's user avatar
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Bound on the sum of projective and injective dimension

Recall that a finite dimensional algebra is called piecewise hereditary in case it is derived equivalent to an abelian hereditary category. In proposition 1.2. of
Mare's user avatar
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The category of complexes over a dg-algebra is Grothendieck (it has a generator)

Let $A$ be a dg-algebra over some commutative ring $k$. We have an abelian category $\mathrm{C}(A)$ of (right) $A$-dg-modules. I've read in a few sources that $\mathrm{C}(A)$ is a Grothendieck abelian ...
Francesco Genovese's user avatar
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Stable equivalence and stable Auslander algebras

Let $A$ be a representation-finite finite dimensional quiver algebra and $M$ the basic direct sum of all indecomposable $A$-modules. Recall that the Auslander algebra of $A$ is $End_A(M)$ and the ...
Mare's user avatar
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Decomposability of chain complexes

The following is stated in Luc Illusie, "Frobenius and Hodge degeneration", part 4.6. Let $L$ be a bounded chain complex. There is a sequence of obstructions, first $c_i\in \mathrm{Ext}^2(H^iL, H^{i-...
nikola karabatic's user avatar
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Liftings and splittings (reference request)

I'm writing a paper and, at a certain point, I need the following, rather elementary Lemma. Assume that we have a commutative diagram of short exact sequences of groups of the form Then the ...
Francesco Polizzi's user avatar
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What is the normalized complex of a simplicial set with a monoid action?

This question is a follow up to this question I posted on Math.SE. I will make this question self-contained, though. In a certain point on the paper The Geometry of Rewriting Systems, Kenneth Brown ...
Hilario Fernandes's user avatar
9 votes
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Equivalence of definitions of Cohen-Macaulay type

I know that the Cohen-Macaulay type has these two definitions: Let $(R,\mathfrak{m},k)$ be a Cohen-Macaulay (noetherian) local ring and $M$ a finite $R$-module of depth $t$. The number $r(M) = \dim_k ...
Paolo1994's user avatar
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Hermitian structure for complexes of vector bundles

Does it exist a different notion of Hermitian metric for complexes of vector bundles, besides the obvious data of a metric for each vector bundle? Same question for connections. In particular is there ...
BinAcker's user avatar
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Derived invariance of the Cartan determinant

The Cartan matrix $C$ of a finite quiver algebra $A$ with points $e_i$ is defined as the matrix having entries $c_{i,j}=\dim(e_i A e_j)$. The Cartan determinant is defined as the determinant of the ...
Mare's user avatar
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Explicit chain homotopy for the Alexander-Whitney, Eilenberg-Zilber pair

Let $A$ and $B$ be simplicial abelian groups, and let $N_\ast(-)$ denote the normalized chain complex functor. Let $$AW_{A,B}\colon N_\ast(A\otimes B) \longrightarrow N_\ast(A)\otimes N_\ast(B)$$ and ...
User371's user avatar
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mod p (odd) cohomology of dihedral groups

I've been trying to find the cohomology for the trivial module for $\operatorname{PSL}_2(r^n)$ over $\mathbb{F}_p$ for $2 \neq p \neq r$ and have managed to reduce this to the cohomology of a maximal ...
Jacksbabypig's user avatar
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Long exact sequence from a short exact sequence of double complexes

I'm having trouble finding a reference for something that I think should be in the literature. Consider a short exact sequence of bounded double-complexes, in an abelian category: $$0 \rightarrow A^{\...
Marty's user avatar
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Reference Request: A "Chevalley-Eilenberg"-style formulation of the $L_\infty$ algebra minimal model theorem?

The nicest definition of $L_\infty$-algebras ---which I will call a "Chevalley-Eilenberg" style definition after the obvious analogy with the Chevalley-Eilenberg differential of Lie algebras--- is the ...
AlexArvanitakis's user avatar
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Tensor product of a DGA and an $A_\infty$ algebra

In general there seems no way to naturally define the tensor product of two $A_\infty$ algebras $A$ and $B$. But, if $(A, m^A_1,m^A_2)$ is only a DGA(differential graded algebra) and $(B, m^B_k, k\ge ...
Hang's user avatar
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Reference for isomorphism $Ext_A^n(X,Y) \cong Ext_A^1(\Omega^{n-1}(X),Y)$

Let $A$ be a finite dimensional algebra and $X,Y$ indecomposable modules and $n \geq 2$. We know that $Ext_A^n(X,Y) \cong Ext_A^1(\Omega^{n-1}(X),Y)$. Now such an isomorphism should be given by ...
Mare's user avatar
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Generalized Postnikov square

Following Wikipedia (, a Postnikov square is a certain cohomology operation from a first cohomology group $H^1$ to a third cohomology group $H^3$, ...
Borromean's user avatar
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Edge map in derived categories

Let $\mathscr{A},\mathscr{B}$ be abelian categories, the first with enough projectives, together with a right-exact functor $F\colon \mathscr{A}\to\mathscr{B}$ (in my example, it is a tensor product, ...
Filippo Alberto Edoardo's user avatar
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n-Gorenstein algebras and tilting modules

Let $\Lambda$ be an artin algebra over a commutative artinian ring $R$. $\Lambda$ is said to be $n$-Gorenstein, for some natural number $n$, provided it have finite self-injective dimension at most $n$...
Xiaosong Peng's user avatar
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The homological negligibility of certain subsets in compact manifolds

Let $n\ge 3$ and $X$ be a compact connected $n$-manifold (without boundary). I need a reference to the following facts (which I believe are true at least in dimension $n=3$): Fact 1. For every ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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Is $C^{\infty}(E)$ a projective Frechet $C^{\infty}(M)$-module for a $C^{\infty}$-fiber bundle $E\to M$ with compact fiber?

The question is a special case of a previous question. Let $M$ be a compact smooth manifold, then it is clear that $C^{\infty}(M)$ is a Frechet algebra with pointwise multiplication and a collection ...
Zhaoting Wei's user avatar
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Is $C^{\infty}(M)$ a projective Frechet $C^{\infty}(N)$-module for a smooth map $M\to N$ between compact smooth manifolds?

Let $M$ be a compact smooth manifold, then it is clear that $C^{\infty}(M)$ is a Frechet algebra with pointwise multiplication and a collection of semi-norm defined by $p_{\alpha}(f):=\sup_{\beta\leq\...
Zhaoting Wei's user avatar
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Surjectivity of a map on inverse limits

(The following is crossposted from Math.SE, where the question did not receive any answers.) I am looking for a proof of the following lemma from P. Gabriel's Des catégories abéliennes (Chap. IV, §3, ...
Pavel Čoupek's user avatar
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History of an open problem on partial tilting modules

The following is an open problem: Given a partial tilting module $T$ over a finite dimensional algebra $A$ (that is $Ext_A^i(T,T)=0$ for all $i \geq 1$ and $pd(T) < \infty$), then $T$ is a tilting ...
Mare's user avatar
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Inception of modern view of Sheaf Cohomology in Mathematical Literature

From wikipedia entry on Sheaf Cohomology I have found the intriguing passage: 'The essential point is to fix a topological space X and think of cohomology as a functor from sheaves of abelian groups ...
user122465's user avatar
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Reference request for a simple homological fact

Let $\mathcal{A}$ be an abelian category, and let $0 \to M \to N \to K \to 0$ be a short exact sequences of complexes with value in $\mathcal{A}$. Then there is a long exact sequence in cohomology $\...
Homological reference's user avatar
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Snake lemma for equivalence relation

A sequence $$E(\zeta) \stackrel{\theta}{\to} X^2 \rightrightarrows X \stackrel{\zeta}{\to} Y $$ where the unlabelled arrows are the two projection, is said to be exact iff $\zeta$ is the ...
Ivan Di Liberti's user avatar