Let $A$ be an Artin algebra with enveloping algebra $A^e$. Then we have $Hom_{A^e}(X,A^e) \cong Hom_A(D(A) \otimes_A X,A)$ for a bimodule $X$. (see for example in the article "A theorem of Green on the dual of the transpose" by Auslander and Reiten in corollary 4.2.)
Question: When do we have the Ext analogue: $Ext_{A^e}^i(X,A^e) \cong Ext_A^i(D(A) \otimes_A X,A)$ for all $i \geq 1$?
This holds for example for $X=A$. Maybe there is a nice condition and a reference for such isomorphisms.
My guess is that it should be true for $X=A^{*}$ (the dual of the bimodule $A$) for $i=1,..,n-2$ in case $A$ is $n$-torsionfree for $n \geq 3$.
Question 2: Is this true?
This would prove the equivalence of conditions a) and b) for finite dimensional algebras in question 2 in On properties of an algebra as a bimodule
Here is an example found with the computer that shows that the formula might not hold in general:
Let $A$ be the Nakayama algebra with Kupisch series [ 2, 3, 2, 1 ] and $X=D(A)$.
Then QPA says that $Ext_{A^e}^1(D(A),A^e)$ has dimension 1 while $Ext_A^1(D(A) \otimes_A D(A) , A)$ should have dimension 0.
The code: A:=NakayamaAlgebra([2,3,2,1],GF(3));D:=DualOfAlgebraAsModuleOverEnvelopingAlgebra(A);B:=EnvelopingAlgebra(A);RegB:=DirectSumOfQPAModules(IndecProjectiveModules(B)); t:=Size(ExtOverAlgebra(D,RegB)[2]); CoRegA:=DirectSumOfQPAModules(IndecInjectiveModules(A));U:=NakayamaFunctorOfModule(CoRegA);RegA:=DirectSumOfQPAModules(IndecProjectiveModules(A)); tt:=Size(ExtOverAlgebra(U,RegA)[2]);
I used that $D(A) \otimes_A D(A)$ is isomorphic to the Nakayama functor applied to $D(A)$.
Another example is again $X=D(A)$ and A linear oriented of Dynkin type $A_n$.