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smooth homotopy 4-balls with sphere boundary in dimension 4

What follows is, as far as I can tell, totally standard folklore. I have one particular point of confusion, other than that, I wanted to confirm that I am uttering the incantations correctly. The ...
user101010's user avatar
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Framings for 2-surgeries on 4-manifolds

I'm interested in doing $2$-surgeries to $\sharp^k S^1 \times S^3$. That is to the manifold obtained from applying $1$-surgeries to $S^4$. Since $\pi_1(O(3)) = \mathbb{Z}_2$, there are two possible ...
mathquest's user avatar
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4 votes
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Simple invariants to detect concordance in general 3-manifolds

Let $Y$ be a closed, connected, orientable 3-manifold. We call to oriented knots $K_1, K_2$ in $Y$ (smoothly) concordant if there is a smoothly, properly embedded annulus in $Y \times I$ such that ...
user101010's user avatar
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46 votes
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Exotic $R^4$ as the universal covering space

Is there a smooth compact 4-manifold whose universal covering is an exotic $R^4$, i.e. is homeomorphic but not diffeomorphic to $R^4$? Remark. I am aware of examples (due to Mike Davis) of compact $...
Moishe Kohan's user avatar
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10 votes
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Which 3-manifolds are known to admit exotic pairs of bounding 4-manifolds?

Let $M$ be a compact connected three manifold. By an exotic pair of bounding 4-manifolds, I mean two smooth 4-manifolds $X_1,X_2$ such that $X_1$ and $X_2$ are homeomorphic but not diffeomorphic, and ...
user101010's user avatar
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7 votes
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Minimum number of double points over all immersed disks

Let $K$ be a knot in the boundary of a compact smooth 4-manifold $X$, and suppose that $K$ is the the kernel of $\pi_1(\partial X) \to \pi_1(X)$. Then $K$ is the boundary of some immersed disk $D \to ...
user101010's user avatar
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25 votes
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What can we say about the Cartesian product of a manifold with its exotic copy?

Let $M$ be a smooth oriented manifold, and let $M^E$ be an exotic copy, i.e homeomorphic but not diffeomorphic to $M$. Is it true that $M\times M$ is diffeomorphic to $M\times M^E$? I am ...
Anubhav Mukherjee's user avatar
19 votes
2 answers

Behavior of genus function on a 4-manifold for sums

Let $X$ be a smooth compact 4-manifold. Then every element of $H_2(X;\mathbb{Z})$ can be represented by a smooth embedded orientable surface and we have the so called genus function $G: H_2(X; \...
user101010's user avatar
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4 votes
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Canonical Metrics on 3- and 4-Manifolds

From the Uniformization Theorem, it is known that every conformal class of metrics on a genus-$g$ Riemann surface with $n$ boundaries/punctures, subject to the condition $2g+n\ge 3$, contains a unique ...
QGravity's user avatar
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What is "topology in dimension 3.5"?

I've noticed a couple of conference titles which reference something called "topology in dimension 3.5," such as this one and this one. This subject seems quite mysterious to me — it looks like ...
Arun Debray's user avatar
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7 votes
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Topological Classification of Four-Manifolds

It is known that the topological classification of a closed Riemann surface is determined by its genus. Similar statements are proven for other compact Riemann surfaces with boundaries/marked points. ...
QGravity's user avatar
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37 votes
3 answers

How to specify a compact topological 4-manifold with a finite amount of data

Finite data for 4-manifolds: I have a somewhat hazy memory of seeing a Ph.D. thesis around 2005 which showed that any compact topological 4-manifold $M$ can be specified by a finite amount of data. ...
Michael Freedman's user avatar
4 votes
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Are there Kirby diagrams with 3-handles?

Let $M\colon \partial_- M \to \partial_+ M$ be an oriented, compact cobordism. Assume that there is a handle decomposition with at most one 0-handle, and denote the handle bodies by $M_i, i \in \{0,\...
Manuel Bärenz's user avatar
24 votes
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Exotic 4-spheres and the Tate-Shafarevich Group

The title is a talk given by Sir M. Atiyah in a conference with the following abstract: I will explain a deep analogy between 4-dimensional smooth geometry (Donaldson theory)...
mathphys's user avatar
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7 votes
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Intersection form of logarithmic transformations

Now I want to calculate the intersection form of a logarithmic transformation which is defined as follows. Let $X$ be an oriented, closed, simply-connected 4-manifold and $T^2\subset X$ be an ...
Hopf Fibration's user avatar
21 votes
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Are there exotic $\mathbb{R}^4$'s that are products with $\mathbb{R}$? [duplicate]

This came up in a conversation: Question: Is there an exotic $\mathbb{R}^4$ that smoothly splits off an $\mathbb{R}$ factor? More precisely, suppose that $\mathcal R$ is a smooth 4-manifold which ...
Stefan Behrens's user avatar
8 votes
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Surgery along an embedded surface in a 4-manifold

Let $X$ be a 4-manifold and $\Sigma_g\subset X$ be an embedded closed orientable genus = $g$ surface. Suppose $\Sigma_g\subset X$ has a trivial closed normal bundle $N(\Sigma_g) = \Sigma_g\times D^2$. ...
Shinichiro Nakamura's user avatar
41 votes
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Not all manifolds can be triangulated: In which dimensions?

I know that Ciprian Manolescu has settled the triangulation conjecture in the negative: Not all manifolds can be triangulated. I've only read secondary literature on this result, which did not detail ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
5 votes
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$\pi_1$ of 4-manifolds that "look like" disk bundles

Let $X$ be a smooth compact oriented 4-manifold with $\partial X=L(p,1)$, $H_2(X;\Bbb Z)=\Bbb Z$, $H_3(X; \Bbb Z)=0$ and the induced map $\pi_1(L(p,1)) \to X$ surjective. What are the possibilities ...
PVAL's user avatar
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A link of four 2-tori $T^2$ in $S^2 \times S^2$

Step 1: We glue two sets of complement space of $D^2\times T^2$ out of the 4-sphere $S^4$, through their $T^3$ boundary with their three $S^1$ boundaries of $T^3$ cyclic permuted to obtain a new 4-...
wonderich's user avatar
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3 votes
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Simply connected 4-manifolds with boundary

I think I've encountered a question about 4-manifolds which maybe easy but I'm not familiar with. Can anyone give me an example of a simply connected 4-manifold $M$ (with boundary, of course) with $...
Ivy's user avatar
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Quotients of 4-sphere by smooth $Z_p$ actions with knotted fixed point sets

This question is closely related to another I asked today. Giffen showed in 1966 that the generalized Smith conjecture is false by constructing for odd $p$ a smooth $Z_p$ action on $S^4$ with fixed-...
benblumsmith's user avatar
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Distinguishing homology $S^1 \times S^2$'s which bound homotopy $S^1$'s

Due to Mazur, Akbulut and Kirby and many others, there are many examples of integer homology 3-spheres which bound contractible 4-manifolds given by attaching a single 2-handle to $S^1 \times D^3$ ...
PVAL's user avatar
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A proof of Theorem 9.2.12. in the Gompf-Stipsicz

I'm seeking for a proof of Theorem 9.2.12. in the Gompf-Stipsicz "4-Manifolds and Kirby Calculus" (for the statement, see the following image). But the textbook omits any proofs and only gives a ...
Shinichiro Nakamura's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

obtaining circle bundle over torus by trefoil surgery

Does any integer surgery on a right or left trefoil knot give the $S^1$-bundle over $T^2$ with Euler number $1$?
nikita's user avatar
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14 votes
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Construction of invariants of 4-manifolds with the Kirby calculus

I'm an undergraduate student, interested in the low dimensional topology, in particular, the 4-manifold theory. I have a question. In the knot theory, the Reidemeister moves play fundamental roles. ...
Shinichiro Nakamura's user avatar
4 votes
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contact surgery diagram on Brieskorn manifolds

For the Brieskorn manifold $\Sigma(p,q,r)=\{z_1^p+z_2^q+z_3^r=0\} \cap S^5 \subset C^3$, replacing zero with $\epsilon$ in the above, realizes $\Sigma$ as boundary of a Stein domain which induces a ...
nikita's user avatar
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7 votes
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Homology 3-sphere with a unique Stein-fillable contact structure

Are there any known examples of oriented integer homology 3-spheres $Y$ (besides $S^3$) which have exactly one Stein-fillable contact structure up to isotopy? Failing that, what are the known examples ...
PVAL's user avatar
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9 votes
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Essential Klein bottle in simply connected symplectic 4 manifolds

Consider the following question: Let $X$ be a simply connected, symplectic 4-manifold. Does there exists a smoothly embedded Klein bottle $K\subset X$ such that the following conditions are both ...
user44651's user avatar
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Concordance and homology cobordism

If two knots $K_1$ and $K_2$ in $S^3$ are smoothly concordant, then for any rational number $r$, the $r$-surgeries $S^3_r(K_1)$ and $S^3_r(K_2)$ are homology cobordant. Is the converse true? What if $...
Adam Levine's user avatar
17 votes
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Is Rasmussen's s-invariant of a knot an invariant of a 4-manifold?

Let $K$ be a knot in the 3-sphere $S^3$. Here we denote by $s(K)$ Rasmussen's s-invariant for $K$, and by $X_{K}(n)$ the 4-manifold obtained from the standard 4-ball $B^4$ by attaching a $2$-...
Tetsuya Abe's user avatar
3 votes
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Brieskorn homology spheres

We know that a Brieskorn homology 3-spheres $\Sigma(p,q,r)$ admit a free $S^1$-action, which makes it a Seifert fibered spaces with three singular fibers: $M(b;r_1,r_2,r_3)$. How should one get from $\...
nikita's user avatar
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6 votes
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Embedded spheres in the K3 surface

Using the Seiberg-Witten theory, we know that every (smoothly) embedded $S^{2}$ in $K3$ with trivial normal bundle is null-homologous. We know we have a lot of interesting knotted $S^{2}$ inside $S^{4}...
user44651's user avatar
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10 votes
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Obtain 4-manifolds by repeating surgeries of submanifolds in $S^4$

In his paper QFT and Jones Polynomials, Witten states: "It is a not too deep result that every 3-manifold can be obtained from or reduced to $S^3$ (or any other desired 3-manifold) by repeated ...
miss-tery's user avatar
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5 votes
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Are "Unions" of small exotic $\mathbb{R}^4$'s small?

Suppose $M$ is a smooth 4-manifold, and $U,V \subset M$ are exotic $\mathbb{R}^4$'s, i.e. homeomorphic to standard $\mathbb{R} ^4$. Further more suppose $U$ an $V$ intersect nicely sucht that $U \cup ...
drunken_monkey's user avatar
17 votes
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Smooth 4-manifolds with $E_8$ intersection form

Does there exist a closed orientable smooth 4-manifold $M$ whose intersection form is the $E_8$-form? Here by the intersection form I mean the $\mathbb{Z}$-valued bilinear form on $H^2(M;\mathbb{Z})/\...
Julia's user avatar
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15 votes
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Thurston geometries in dimension 4

In the sense of W. Thurston here, there is 3 geometries in dimension 2 and there is 8 geometries in dimension 3. Question: How many different geometries (in the sense of Thurston) do we have in ...
Max's user avatar
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12 votes
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Excluding exotic PL structures on S^4

Suppose you have a finite group $G<SO(5)$ such that $S^4/G$ is homeomorphic to $S^4$ and such that $S^4/G$ is a PL manifold with respect to a PL structure induced by a standard structure on $S^4$. ...
Christian Lange's user avatar
3 votes
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Definition of the dual spider number and the formula for the first chern class of the triangle

In the process of trying to understand various maps in Heegaard Floer homology I got stuck on the definition of the dual spider number, which, it seems to me, has a combinatorial definition directly ...
shestipalov's user avatar
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Closed 4-manifolds with uncountably many differentiable structures

I know that $\mathbb{R}^4$ admits uncountably many differentiable structures. So, I wonder what happens if we consider closed 4-manifolds. Are there any closed 4-manifolds with uncountably many ...
Dario's user avatar
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0-homologous surface bounds

Given a map $f : S \to M^4$ from a compact closed not necessarily connected oriented surface to a compact oriented 4-manifold, such that $f_*([S])$ is zero in $H_2(M)$, is there a compact oriented 3-...
Daniele Zuddas's user avatar
11 votes
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Fox re-imbedding theorem in dimension four

Fox re-imbedding theorem states the following: A compact 3-manifold $M$ with boundary that embeds in the three-sphere $S^3$, can be re-imbedded in $S^3$ so that its complement is a union of ...
Bruno Martelli's user avatar
6 votes
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Knotted projective planes and fake complex projective space

Paul Melvin gave a talk at Knots in Washington last year in which he asked whether the connected sum of an odd twist-spin of a classical knot and a standard cross-cap embedding of ${\mathbb R}P^2$ is ...
Scott Carter's user avatar
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K3 surface minus finite set

Let $S$ be a complex K3 surface, and $P\subset S$ a finite set of points in $S$. It is known that $$ H^i(S,\mathbb{Z})\cong H^i(S\setminus P,\mathbb{Z}) $$ for $0\le i \le 2$. Then the Euler ...
Sohrab's user avatar
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Casson invariant and signature

In W. Neumann, J. Wahl, "Casson invariant of links of singularities", Comment. Math. Helv.,1990, Vol. 65, Issue 1, pp 58-78 some connection between the Casson invariant and the signature is ...
nikitamarkarian's user avatar
2 votes
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Gluck twist on four-manifolds

I have a basic question which I am not able to figure out. If we do a Gluck twist on a nullhomologous 2-sphere in a 4-manifold, it is said that it does not change its intersection form. But as far as ...
nikita's user avatar
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4 votes
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Boundaries of smooth manifolds

If one has a smooth simply connected manifold $M^n$ which we know to bound an $n+1$ dimensional manifold $N$, what can be said about a handle decomposition for one in terms of a handle decomposition ...
Robert's user avatar
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16 votes
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open problems in Seiberg-Witten Theory on 4-Manifolds

What are some of the open problems in Seiberg-Witten Theory on 4-Manifolds.I tried googling but couldn't any. I tried googling it, but couldn't find any resources.The places where I can a survey or ...
6 votes
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What is the state of the art in 4-manfold 2-types?

In an old answer to an old question of mine, Peter Teichner commented that it is an open problem to determine which homotopy 2-types arise from 4-manifolds. In some instances we know that a 4-manifold ...
David Roberts's user avatar
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8 votes
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Almost parallelizable 4-manifolds

On the first page of Milnor-Kervaire's paper "Bernoulli numbers, homotopy groups, and a theorem of Rohlin", they assert without proof or reference that if $M$ is a compact connected oriented ...
Julia's user avatar
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