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Is $\int_0^\infty \sin(Kx)f_K(x)\,dx$ of larger order than $\int_0^\infty \cos(Kx)f_K(x)\,dx$?

Suppose we have a function $f$, such that $f$ is of some smoothness degree $m$, and $f,f^{(k)} \in L_1[0,\infty)$ $k=1,...,m$. Now if $f^{(k)}(0) = \lim_{x\rightarrow\infty}f^{(k)}(x) = 0$ for $k=1,......
user61038's user avatar
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Error of Discrete Fourier Transform on Finite Domain (vs. Continuous FT) in terms of Sobolev order

My question is about quantifying the error that occurs by approximating the continuous Fourier transform on a finite domain by using a discretised version with resolution $N$ for a function of a given ...
Axel's user avatar
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Positive Fourier coefficients for a function $f:\{+1,-1\}^n \to \mathbb R$

This is from my research in computer science where the Fourier transform over $GF(2)^n$ is a tool to study functions on the Boolean hypercube. For example, the majority function on 3 variables is ...
Federico Magallanez's user avatar
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$L^{1}(\mathbb R) \cap L^{2}(\mathbb R) \cap C_{0}(\mathbb R)\subset H_{1}(\mathbb R)$?

Put, $C_{0} (\mathbb R)=\{f:\mathbb R \to \mathbb C: f \text { is continuous on} \ \mathbb R \ \text {and } \lim_{|x|\to \pm \infty}f(x)=0 \}$(= Continuous functions on $\mathbb R$ vanishing at $\...
Inquisitive's user avatar
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Result of Beurling concerning absolute convergence of Fourier series of |f|

Let $f\in L^{1}(\mathbb T)$ and define the Fourier coefficient of $f$ : $\hat{f}(n)=\frac{1}{2\pi} \int _{-\pi}^{\pi} f(t) e^{-int} dt; (n\in \mathbb Z)$ and we put, $$A(\mathbb T):= \{f\in L^{1}(\...
Inquisitive's user avatar
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Relationship between Fourier series & DFT

Sources like explain the equivalence between FS and DFT. However, isn't there a flaw? When I integrate over the continuous ...
divB's user avatar
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When one can expect $\widehat{(fg)} = \hat{f} \ast \hat{g}$; $f, g\in L^{1} (G)$?

Let $f, g \in L^{1}(\mathbb T)= L^{1} ([-\pi, \pi))$. We define, the Fourier transform of $f$ as follows: $$\hat{f}(n)=\frac{1}{2\pi}\int_{-\pi}^{\pi} f(t) e^{-int} dt, \ (n\in \mathbb Z).$$ It is ...
Inquisitive's user avatar
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Laplace Transform in the context of Gelfand/Pontryagin

Questions: Is there a class of objects (presumably related to locally compact abelian groups) for which the quasi-characters canonically generalize the Laplace transform? If not, is there a ...
Greg Zitelli's user avatar
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How to get Fourier–Stieltjes transform on $\mathbb R$ from the nice function on $\mathbb T$ (periodic on $\mathbb R$)? [closed]

We put, $M(\mathbb R)= $The set of bounded complex Borel measure $\mu$ on $\mathbb R$ and for $\mu \in M(\mathbb R)$, we define $||\mu||:= |\mu| (\mathbb R) = \text {total variation of } \ \mu $; and ...
Inquisitive's user avatar
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How Fourier transform behaves if we kills the oscillation?

Let $a, b \in \mathbb R$ such that $ab> 1$ ; put $$L^{1}_{a}(\mathbb R)= \{ f:\mathbb R\to \mathbb C \ \text {measurable} : ||(1+|x|)^{a}f||_{L^{1}(\mathbb R)}< \infty \},$$ and $$FL^{1}_{b}(...
Inquisitive's user avatar
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Is the Fourier transform of $\frac{1}{\mu+|\xi|^{2\alpha}}$($\mu>0$) a bounded function?

Consider $m(\xi)=\frac{1}{\mu+|\xi|^{2\alpha}}$, where $\xi\in\mathbb{R}^n$, $\mu, \alpha>0$, I want to know that if $m(\xi)$ is a multiplier of $\mathcal{M_{1}^{\infty}}$,i.e., whether the ...
Tomas's user avatar
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Fourier Transform of compactly supported $L^1$ functions

Background Given a (translation bounded) positive definite measure $\gamma$ lets say on $\mathbb R^d$, its Fourier transform as a tempered distribution is a positive measure $\widehat{\gamma}$. I am ...
Nick S's user avatar
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Let $f \in M^{1,1} (\mathbb R)$ (Feichtinger's algebra /Modulation Space). Can we say $Fof\in M^{1,1}(\mathbb R)$; $F$ is an entire function?

The Modulation space ( Feichtinger's algebra), $$S_{0} (\mathbb R) = M^{1, 1}(\mathbb R): = \{ f\in L^{2}(\mathbb R) : V_{g}(f) \in L^{1}(\mathbb R^{2}) \};$$ where $V_{g}f (x, w)$ is the short- ...
Inquisitive's user avatar
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Quantifying the “flatness” of functions which are the Fourier transforms of positive functions

Short version of question: I'm trying to understand the extent to which a function is prevented from being "flat" as a result of being the Fourier transform of a positive function. That is, the extent ...
Keith's user avatar
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If $f$ is non-prime, can we say $|f|$ is also a non-prime; in convolution algebra?

By Schwartz-inequality and Riesz–Fischer theorem, one can deduced that, $$L^{2}(\mathbb T) \ast L^{2}(\mathbb T) = A(\mathbb T)(:= \{f\in L^{1}(\mathbb T): \sum_{n\in \mathbb Z} |\hat{f}(n)| < \...
Inquisitive's user avatar
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Behavior of the Fourier transform (FT) of a function and FT of its absolute function

Let $f\in L^{1} (\mathbb R) := \{f:\mathbb R \rightarrow \mathbb C \ \text {measurable functions} : \int_{\mathbb R} | f(x)| dx < \infty \}.$ We define the Fourier transform of $f$ as follows: $$...
Inquisitive's user avatar
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Extension of Poisson Summation formula

Under the condition f continuous, integrable and: $|f(t)| + |\hat{f}(t)| \le C (1+|t|)^{-1-a}$ (with a>0) we have the twisted Poisson formula that holds (where $\chi(n)$ is a primitive Dirichlet ...
Bertrand's user avatar
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Bandwidth approximation for a nonlinear problem

Can anyone please help me with this problem. I must let you know from the beginning that it's not an easy one. "Two functions are given: $u, y \in L^{2}(-\infty,\infty), y(t)=\frac{u(t)}{u(t)+b}$ , ...
Dorian Florescu's user avatar
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Two distribution spaces ${\mathcal S}'/{\mathcal P}$ and ${\mathcal S}_\infty'$

Let ${\mathcal S}'$ be the set of all distributions. Denote by ${\mathcal P}$ the set of all polynomials, which is embedded into ${\mathcal S}'$ as a closed subspace. Equip ${\mathcal S'}/{\mathcal P}$...
Yoshihiro Sawano's user avatar
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Littlewood-Paley theory and norm estimation

In the paper "A Convolution Inequality Concerning Cantor-Lebesgue Measures", the Littlewood-Paley theory is used to estimate the norm of multiplier operator in Lemma 1. It is claimed that Lemma 2 is ...
MichaelNgelo's user avatar
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A problem about Joint sine and cosine fourier transform

There is a problem on Page 60 of Book of B.M.Budak, A. A. Samarskii and A. N. Tikhonov, whose title is A Collection of Problems in Mathematical Physics (New York, Dover, 1964). The problem (the ...
azhi's user avatar
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Schönhage–Strassen algorithm

After brief intro to Fourier series, CFT, DFT and their basic properties I enjoyed implementing forward and backward FFT algorithm in complex numbers. I was happy to, at least, have an idea how is it ...
seawolf's user avatar
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Image of L^1 under the Fourier Transform

The Fourier Transform $\mathcal{F}:L^1(\mathbb{R})\to C_0(\mathbb{R})$ is an injective, bounded linear map that isn't onto. It is known (if I remember correctly) that the range isn't closed, but is ...
Francis Adams's user avatar
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nonnegative Fourier Transform

Let $\widehat{f}(\xi)$ be Fourier transform of $f$ given by \begin{align} \widehat{f}(\xi)=\int_{\mathbb{R}^n} e^{-ix\cdot\xi}f(x)dx. \end{align} Suppose that $\widehat{f}(\xi)$ is nonnegative and ...
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Fourier vs Laplace transforms

In solving a linear system, when would I use a Fourier transform versus a Laplace transform? I am not a mathematician, so the little intuition I have tells me that it could be related to the boundary ...
pirata's user avatar
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