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Simple Spectrum of Jacobi matrices

I want to call a matrix a Jacobi matrix (cause there may be different notions of Jacobi matrices) if it is a tridiagonal matrix with positive off-diagonal entries. Now, I read that the spectrum of ...
Jiao Guo's user avatar
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Oja's rule gives unit eigenvectors

Does Oja's rule for normalized Hebbian learning always result in a unit eigenvector which corresponds to the largest eigenvalue? Or are there any specific conditions or assumptions under which this is ...
S_S's user avatar
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Analytic perturbation of the eigenvalues/eigenvectors of non-Hermitian matrix

Consider a matrix function $A(x)$, analytically depending on single parameter $x$. Consider the eigenvalue/eigenvector pair of $A(0)$, namely $\lambda(0)$ and $w(0)$. The question is whether we can ...
bcp's user avatar
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Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of nonsymmetric complex tridiagonal matrix

I wonder if it is possible to find analytically all eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the following $2n \times 2n$ non-symmetric complex tridiagonal matrix $$M = i \begin{pmatrix} 0 & a & 0 &...
V. M. Martinez Alvarez's user avatar
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Conditions for continuity of non-simple eigenvectors

Here,, it is noted that eigenprojections are continuous, but eigenvectors are not. Are there any conditions where the eigenvalues are not simple, but the ...
billbob's user avatar
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Generalized eigenvalue problem with nonnegative eigenvector constraint

Consider the following problem that is known to be non-convex but can be solved as a generalized eigenvalue problem (i.e. has a global optimum solution): $\underset{w}{\text{maximize}}\quad w^{\top}...
Majid's user avatar
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rank-one perturbation of a matrix corresponding to a specific spectrum

Let $A$ be a real symmetric matrix whose spectrum is $\lambda_1,\lambda_2,\ldots,\lambda_n$. Let $A'$ be the matrix obtained by adding a perturbation to $A$. The requirement is that only the second ...
Vedarun's user avatar
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Commutation relation and eigenvectors of infinite matrices [closed]

I'm given the Matrix $A$ and $A^T$: $A = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & \dots \\ 0 & 0 & \sqrt{2} & 0 & \dots \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & \sqrt{3} & \...
Spuds's user avatar
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Eigenvalues of a Symmetric Positive Semi-Definite (PSD) matrix after rank one update

I have a Symmetric Positive Semi-Definite matrix $A$ which i know its eigenvalue and eigenvectors. let $v$ and $u$ be a random column vector. i want to know if it is possible to have eigenvalues of ...
Amin's user avatar
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Eigenvectors and eigenvalues of Tridiagonal matrix with varying diagonal elements

is it possible to analytically evaluate the eigenvectors and the eigenvalues of a tridiagonal $n\times n$ matrix of the form : \begin{pmatrix} 1 & b & 0 & ... & 0 \\\ b & 2 &...
ram's user avatar
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Epsilon-net of operator norm ball around Identity

Suppose I look at the set of matrices which are invertible and satisfy $$ \left\|A-Id\right\|_{op}<r $$ for some $r<1$, where $Id$ is the $n\times n$ identity matrix. An $\epsilon$-net of such ...
squattyroo's user avatar
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Singular Value Decomposition of Noisy Matrices

I am an engineer who makes measurements of a variable over a grid of, say, $m\times n$. Since these are actual measurements, the true values are always corrupted by noise, and what I measure is a ...
Sankara Subramanian's user avatar
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Reducing eigenvalues of symmetric PSD matrix towards 0: effect on ratios of original matrix elements?

Let $\boldsymbol{S}$ be $k \times k$ positive semi-definite real symmetric matrix with eigen decomposition $\boldsymbol{S} = \boldsymbol{X} \boldsymbol{\Lambda} \boldsymbol{X}'$ ($\boldsymbol{\Lambda}$...
Preston's user avatar
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Linear dynamical systems: interpretation of Frobenius eigenvector

Consider a positive linear dynamical system. $\frac{dx}{dt}=Ax$, where $A$ is a quasipositive/Metzler/essentially nonnegative matrix. By its properties, the vector $x$ will remain positive for all ...
Sultan's user avatar
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Matrices with almost constant coefficient have a simple eigenvalue

As a by-product of a general result for bounded operators of a Banach space, I have the following: A matrix $L=(\ell_{ij})_{ij}$ that has almost constant coefficients in the sense that for some $c$,...
Benoît Kloeckner's user avatar
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Eigenvalue-related statements [closed]

(I understand this question might not be appropriate for this website, but it has been asked on MathStackexchange and did not receive any replies even with a bounty) How can I prove that the ...
Drn004's user avatar
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Eigenvalues of an amplification matrix

Let $A$ and $B$ square real matrices. I know that the matrix $A+B$ has 1 as eigenvalue of multiplicity 1 and the others eigenvalues have their modulus <1. Can we say something about the eigenvalues ...
Nicolas's user avatar
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When is there a solution to these coupled eigenvalue equations?

I am trying to find the fixed point of a dynamical system, which requires solving two coupled eigenvalue-like equations. These equations are, in general, overconstrained. I'd like to have a simple ...
sasquires's user avatar
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Eigenvalue of product of self adjoint compact operators

Suppose A is a self adjoint $m \times m$ real matrix with eigenpairs $\{e_j, \lambda_j\}$ such that $\lambda_j > \lambda_{j + 1}$. Let $B$ be another self adjoint real $m \times m$ matrix such that ...
Madhuresh's user avatar
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Separating Two Groups of Data using Fisher's Linear Discriminant

I found an article (starting on page 8) that gives a neat method for finding the line/plane/hyperplane that maximizes the separation between two groups of data points in n-dimensions. It uses Fisher's ...
user1389840's user avatar
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Interpreting (Fiedler) spectral bisectioning

I would appreciate help on how to interpret the results of spectral bisectioning of a graph. Given a $G=(V,E)$ with size $N$ represented by $Q$ its Laplacian matrix where the eigenvalues are ordered ...
Val K's user avatar
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Is Rellich's function valued theorem valid for a rank defficient function valued matrix?

Theorem (Rellich). Let $\boldsymbol{A}(t) : \mathbb{R}\rightarrow\mathbb{C}^{n \times n}$ be a Hermitian matrix function that depends on $t$ analytically. (i) The $n$ roots of the characteristic ...
trienko's user avatar
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When is this matrix singular?

Consider matrix $A$ with $(j,k)$′th entry $A_{j,k}=\sin(\omega_j t_k+\phi_j),\,\forall j,k\in\{1,2,...,n\}$, where $\omega_j,t_k,\phi_j\in \mathbf R$. 1) For $t_k=k$, what is the condition on $\...
Hans's user avatar
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Relationship of eigenvalue/eigenvector of hermitian matrix R and QRQ (Q is diagonal)

For a hermitian matrix R and a diagonal one Q, is there any relationship between eigenvalues/eigenvectors of R and QRQ? To be specific, assuming the eigenvalue decomposition of R is R=VDV*, then can ...
dehiker's user avatar
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when can I say that $UV^T$ is a permutation matrix? [closed]

suppose we have two p.s.d matrices A and B: so we can diagonalize them like this: A= $UΛU^T$ and $B=VΣV^T$ 1: on what condition for $A$ and $B$ I can say that $UV^T$ is a permutation matrix? 2: how ...
math2014's user avatar
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Is there a general way to determine the Laplacian of the eigenvalues of a real symmetric matrix? [closed]

I have a real symmetric $3\times3$ matrix $\mathbf{M}(\mathbf{r}$) which depends on $\mathbf{r} \in \mathbb{R}^3$. Each eigenvalue can be considered a scalar field $e_i(\mathbf{r})$ over $\mathbb{R}^3$...
user74375's user avatar
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Is my use of the eigendecomposition correct here?

I'm exploring different techniques to efficiently solve some matrix equations. My situation is that I have a matrix $\textbf{H} = \textbf{J}^T \textbf{J}$, where $\textbf{J}$ is a matrix with no ...
sourtin's user avatar
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Eigenvalue problem

I am studying torsional Alfven waves in spicules. In this concern I have encountered the following equation: $ \left(1-m^2 e^{-αz}\right)y''(z)+\left(4π i m e^{-αz}-1/h\right)y'(z)+\left(\frac{1}{4h^...
Hossein Ebadi's user avatar
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Any generic way to move a psd matrix to its neighbors?

Given a two positive matrices $A,B$. For simplicity, let's assume that $Tr A=Tr B=1$. Assume that $\|A-B\|_1\leq\varepsilon$, for some small $\varepsilon>0$, where $\|\cdot\|_1$ is the $l_1$-norm, ...
Penghui Yao's user avatar
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Relationship betwen eigenvectors

Suppose that we have two matrices A and B. Matrix B is taken from A with one row and one column deleted. On the other hand A is n*n matrix and B is (n-1)*(n-1) matrix and is created by deleting last ...
Farid Ala's user avatar
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Common eigenvector

I have little experience with functional analysis beyond an undergraduate basic course, and I'm dealing with the following problem: let $V$ be an infinite-dimensional locally convex (but not normed!) ...
Alex M.'s user avatar
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Eigenvectors of contraction times projection

Suppose $A$ is a real $n\times n$ matrix with real eigenvalues: $$ 1=\lambda_1>|\lambda_2|\ge \ldots\ge |\lambda_n|>0. $$ Suppose $B$ is an involution, for simplicity let us assume that $B$ is ...
user12345678's user avatar
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The influence of eigendecomposition on the periodicity of a (rank 2) Hermitian matrix (of functions)

Let $\boldsymbol{R}(u,v);~u,v\in\mathbb{R}$ be a Hermitian matrix (of Hermitian functions) with entries \begin{equation} r_{ij}(u,v) = 1 + Ae^{-2\pi i \phi_{ij}(ul_0 + vm_0)}; A\in\mathbb{R},l_0\in\...
trienko's user avatar
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