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Currents with logarithmic poles compared with those with no poles

I am learning Deligne homology via U. Jannsen, "Deligne homology, Hodge-$\mathscr{D}$-conjecture, and motives." There, the currents with logarithmic poles are given in Definition 1.4 by $$ '\...
neander's user avatar
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Constant mean curvature hypersurface

Assume that $f:\mathbb{B}^2\to \mathbb{C}$ is a holomorphic function defined in the unit ball in $\mathbb{C}^2$. Let $u(z)=|f(z)|(1-|z|^2)$ and consider $\Sigma =\{z: u(z)=c\}$. It seems to me that if ...
user67184's user avatar
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Nontrivial extension of the action of complex hyperbolic group $H$ on $\mathbb{C}$

Inspired by this question about conjugation of reql analytic maps to a holomorphic function and with a group action view point we ask the following question. The complex Lie group $H=\...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Is any singularity a subgerm of $(\mathbb{C}^n, 0)$?

I am studying singularity theory. I have often come across, in the literature, the sentence which says "let $(X,0) \subset (\mathbb{C}^n,0)$ be a singularity". Here a singularity is a ...
Math1016's user avatar
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Is there a complete Kahler metric on a bounded domain?

Let $\Omega\subset\mathbb{C}^n$ be a bounded domain. By the theorems of Cheng-Yau and Mok-Yau, $\Omega$ admits a complete Kahler-Einstein metric if and only if $\Omega$ is a pseudoconvex domain. My ...
yuan's user avatar
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Top cohomology of the canonical class of a compact non-Kähler manifold

Let $X$ be a complex compact manifold of complex dimension $n$. Let $K_X$ denote its canonical class. Is it true that the cohomology group $$H^n(X,K_X)$$ is one dimensional? Remark. If $X$ is Kähler ...
asv's user avatar
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Energy bounds (or the lack thereof) for a functional between almost Hermitian manifolds

Suppose that $(M,g,J_M)$ and $(N,h,J_N)$ are two almost Hermitian manifolds. For a differentiable function $f:M\to N$ define its pseudoholomorphic energy to be $E_+(f)=\frac{1}{4}\int_M |Df+J_N Df J_M|...
Jess Boling's user avatar
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Can a punctured ball $(B\setminus\{0\})\subset\mathbb{C}^n$ be foliated by complete leaves?

Recently Antonio Alarcón proved that in the case of the unit ball $B\subset\mathbb{C}^n$ for $n\geq 2$ every smooth closed complex submanifold of dimension $q\leq n$, $V\subset\mathbb{C}^n$ defines a ...
Carlos Martinez's user avatar
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Bott-Chern cohomology for singular complex spaces

I'm reading the book 'An Introduction to the Kahler-Ricci Flow' (Lecture Notes in Mathematics 2086). They discuss Bott-Chern cohomology on complex spaces: Let $X$ be a complex space(i.e. analytic ...
Hydrogen's user avatar
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The dual of the Lefschetz operator under a perturbation

Let $(X, \omega)$ be a compact Kähler, or more generally, Hermitian manifold. Let $L_{\omega} : \Omega^k(X) \to \Omega^{k+2}(X)$ denote the Lefschetz operator given by $$L_{\omega}(\alpha) : = \omega \...
AshyK's user avatar
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How to define a current on a complex analytic space

I'm reading a paper in which the author use $(p,q)$-forms and currents on a complex analytic space. My question is how to define $(p,q)$-current on complex space? Does it have similar properties like ...
Hydrogen's user avatar
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Submersion function from a product space

Let $\Phi(x,y) \colon U_N \times U_M \to \mathbb{C}^n$ be a submersion, where $U_N \subset \mathbb{C}^N$ and $U_M \subset \mathbb{C}^M$. Under which condition on $\Phi$ can I find some $s \in \...
Serge the Toaster's user avatar
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Does every non-compact hyperbolic manifold admit compact complex submanifolds?

Let $(X,\omega)$ be a complete Kähler manifold with a metric of negative holomorphic sectional curvature. Does $X$ admit a proper, positive-dimensional, compact complex submanifold? In general, it is ...
AmorFati's user avatar
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Classification of principal monodromy elements

Let $(X,0)$ be a germ of normal analytic space with an isolated singularity at $0$, and let $Y:=X\backslash\{0\}$. Suppose $Y$ has a complex-hyperbolic metric which is complete at $0$. Burns-Mazzeo ...
user42804's user avatar
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Is there a compact complex manifold with $b_1(X)=b_2(X)=b_3(X)=b_4(X)=0$?

As the title suggests, I have the following question: Is there a compact complex manifold with $b_1(X)=b_2(X)=b_3(X)=b_4(X)=0$? Clarification: Denote by $b_k$ the $k$th Betti number of a compact ...
AmorFati's user avatar
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Triangulating Riemann surfaces by using non-constant meromorphic functions

Let $X$ be a connected Riemann surface, i.e. $X$ is a one dimensional connected complex manifold (Hausdorff and second-countable as a topological space). The following is a classical result: Theorem (...
John117's user avatar
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What does it mean for the torsion to blow up?

Consider the following theorem which is the main result of the Hermitian Curvature Flow paper by Jeffrey Streets and Gang Tian: Theorem 1.1. Let $(M^{2n}, g_0, J)$ be a complex manifold with Hermitian ...
GradStudent's user avatar
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What are we to deduce from a structure theorem of this type concerning totally geodesic maps?

I apologise in advance for the vague nature of the question, but some insight would be greatly appreciated. I'm reading a paper of Lei Ni concerning structure theorems for Kähler manifolds. Here is an ...
GradStudent's user avatar
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Volume of singular Kahler metric

Let $X$ be a compact complex manifold of complex dimension $n$ and let $\omega$ be a smooth Kahler form on it. Let $Y \subset X$ be a complex (possibly singular) hypersurface and let $u: X \setminus Y ...
complex's user avatar
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Hartogs' theorem for real-analytic subvarieties

One version of Hartogs' extension theorem is the following (see, e.g. [1], Theorem 5B, p. 50). Theorem. Let $U \subset \mathbb{C}^n$ be open and let $X \subset U$ be a complex-analytic subvariety of ...
Simon Parker's user avatar
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Holomorphic sectional curvature and Kobayashi hyperbolicity

Let $(M,g)$ be a compact Hermitian manifold. Let $\text{HSC}(g)$ denote the holomorphic sectional curvature of $g$. The implication $$\text{HSC}(g) < 0 \implies M \ \text{is Kobayashi hyperbolic}$$ ...
GradStudent's user avatar
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Does $P_xP_y+Q_xQ_y=0 \implies$ "non-existence of limit cycle" for $P\partial_x+Q\partial_y$"? (Complex dilatation and limit cycle theory)

Let $X=P\partial_x+Q\partial_y$ be a vector field on the plane $\mathbb{R}^2$. Assume that we have :$$P_xP_y+Q_xQ_y=0$$ Does this imply that the vector field $X$ is a divergence-free vector field ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Infinitely many deformation equivalent Hodge diamonds II

Let $S$ be a connected smooth complex-analytic space. Let $\phi:X\to S$ be a proper holomorphic submersion with connected fibers. Can the fibers of $\phi$ have infinitely many distinct Hodge diamonds? ...
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Complex manifold defined over $\mathbb{R}$

Let $M$ be a connected closed complex manifold with an antiholomorphic involution. Must there be an atlas and a choice of a reference point in each chart such that the transition functions are ratios ...
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Infinitely many deformation equivalent Hodge diamonds

Let $S$ be a connected open complex manifold. Let $\phi:X\to S$ be a proper holomorphic submersion with connected fibers. Can the fibers of $\phi$ have infinitely many distinct Hodge diamonds? An ...
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Hodge diamonds of complex threefolds

There is no closed complex curve or surface with $h^{1, 0}-h^{0, 1}=1$. Now consider threefolds. Can this condition be satisfied? Is Serre duality in fact the only restriction on the Hodge diamond?
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All complex surfaces embed into a common complex manifold

Is there a closed complex manifold into which every closed complex surface embeds?
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Proof of Tian's constant

Basically Tian's invariant relies fundamentally on a lemma of Homander which says that $e^{- \phi}$ is integrable for $\phi$ plurisubharmonic on a ball of radius $1$ under some extra assumption. I am ...
Linda Lee's user avatar
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Holomorphic covers pulling back the volume form to any integer multiple

Let $M$ be a closed connected complex manifold with $\mathrm{dim}\:M=n$. Can there exist holomorphic covering maps $\phi_k:M\to M$ for all integers $k\geq 1$ such that $\phi_k^*:H^n(M, \mathbb{Z})\to ...
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Singularities of a morphism from a smooth projective variety to an abelian variety

Let $f: X\to A$ be a (flat) morphism from a smooth complex projective variety $X$ to an abelian variety $A$. Consider the following natural diagram: $$T^*X\overset{df}{\longleftarrow}X\times H^0(A, \...
Feng Hao's user avatar
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Dimension of highest discriminants of a morphism

Let $f: X\to Y$ be a flat morphism between smooth complex affine varieties. Let $Z$ be the closed set of most singular points of $f$ (in the sense: $p$ is a most singular point of $f$ if the tangent ...
Feng Hao's user avatar
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Restriction of holomorphic functions on $G$-invariant subspace

Let $X$ be a complex manifold with a holomorphic action of a complex reductive group $G$. Let $Y \subset X$ be a $G$-invariant reduced complex analytic subspace. Is the restriction $$ \mathcal{O}_X^G \...
Simon Parker's user avatar
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Pull back of a Bounded form

Let $(X, \omega) $ be a complex manifold and let $\alpha $ be a $p$-form $\omega$-bounded on $X$. Let $f:Y\to X$ be a holomorphic function. Is $f^*\alpha$ $f^*(\omega)$-bounded on $Y$ ?
Kamel's user avatar
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Norm of a differential form [closed]

How can we explicitly calculate the norm of a differential form? For example let $(X, \omega) $ be a complex manifold such that locally $$ \omega(z) =i\sum_{k,j} h_{k, j} (z) dz_k\wedge d\overline {...
user161399's user avatar
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Relationship between volume and area

Let $\mu(z) dV_n$ be a measure in $\mathbb{C} ^n$. Let $B_n(r) := \{z \mid \|z\| < r\}$ be the ball of radius $r$ in $\mathbb C^n$, and $\partial B_n(r) $ be the corresponding sphere. In $\mathbb{C}...
Marouani's user avatar
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Estimates for tensors using local coordinates

Suppose that we have a Kähler manifold $(M, \omega_0)$ and another $(1,1)$ form $\eta$ on $M$. Let $\varphi$ be a smooth function such that $\omega_{\varphi} = \omega_0 + i \partial \bar \partial \...
z.z's user avatar
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Equivariant resolution of singularities with equivariant centres

From what I understand, given a complex projective variety X inside a compact complex manifold Y, according to Hironaka, there is a sequence of $r$ blowups $Y_i$ of Y along complex submanifolds (...
Vamsi's user avatar
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Stokes's Theorem with singularities on projective line

Let $X$ be a complex manifold and $\omega\in \Omega(X\times \mathbb{P}^1)$ a form. I met the following identity: $$\int_{\mathbb{P}^1}(\partial_z\bar{\partial}_z\omega) \log|z|^2=\int_{\mathbb{P}^1}\...
BinAcker's user avatar
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zero extension of positive currents are always positive

In Demailly's Complex Analytic and Differential Geometry page 139: He said the trivial (zero) extension of the positive current $T$ (on $X\setminus E$), which denoted by $\tilde T$ is always positive ...
Invariance's user avatar
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Theta functions on an elliptic curve and Serre duality

Given an elliptic curve $E$ (over $\mathbb{C}$) and line bundle $L$, one can identify $H^0(E,L)$ with a particular space of theta functions. Serre duality gives a perfect pairing between $H^0(E,L)$ ...
A Nonny Mouse's user avatar
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Notational question about quadratic differentials in Strebel's book "Quadratic differentials"

In Kurt Strebel's book "Quadratic Differentials", in Chapter 2, $\S4$, he begins by saying: "Every analytic function $\varphi$ is a domain $G$ of the $z$-plane defines, in a natural way, a field of ...
stupid_question_bot's user avatar
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Covariant derivative of the Monge-Ampere equation on Kähler manifolds

I am reading D. Joyce book "Compact manifolds with special holonomy" and I have some problems of understanding some computation on page 111, the first line in the proof of Proposition 5.4.6. More ...
BenjaminRaj's user avatar
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Compatible solution of PDE

Let $c=c(z, \bar z)$ be a complex function satisfying $\partial_{z} \bar c=\partial_{\bar z} c$. It follows that there exists a real function $f$ such that $\partial_{\bar z} f=-c$. Would it be ...
Masoud's user avatar
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On limits of manifolds

This question should be fairly elementary. I’d just like to check I’m not missing anything. Let $\{M_n\}_{n\ge 0}$ be an inverse system of smooth manifolds with transition maps $f_{t,s} : M_t\to M_s$,...
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Analytic Aspects of Rational Maps

I would like some help finding references for a analytic treatment of rational maps between compact complex manifolds (that is holomorphic maps defined away from a codimension at least 2 subvariety). ...
ben's user avatar
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An estimate on deviation of two smooth tangent $J$-holomorphic curves

Take $\mathbb C^2$ with coordinates $(z,w)$. Suppose that $J$ is a $C^{\infty}$ almost complex structure on $\mathbb C^2$ such that the line $w=0$ is $J$-holomorphic and $J(0,0)$ is given by $(z,w)\to ...
aglearner's user avatar
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Why only $\bar\partial$ but not $\partial$ in Dolbeault cohomology

While I learn about $\partial$ and $\bar{\partial}$ operators, I had some questions about the reason why people prefer $\bar\partial$ over $\partial$. Specifically, When defining Dolbeault ...
Ramanasa's user avatar
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Diffeomorphisms on a real manifold whose derivative are holomorphic maps on the tangent bundle

Edit: According to the answers to the linked MSE question and the comment of Holonomia, I understand that the answer to the second question is that " Every tangent bundles is a complex ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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flow of holomorphic vector field [closed]

Let $(M,J)$ be a complex manifold, where $J$ is the integrable complex structure. Let $X$ be a holomorphic vector field on $M$ and let $\varphi_{t} : M\rightarrow M $ be its flow. Question: Is $\...
Daniel's user avatar
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Holomorphic Sard's theorem 2

My previous question on this topic had a negative answer, but Tom Goodwillie in the comments suggested a statement, which may be true, and even a strategy of how to prove it. I haven't been able to ...
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