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Subgroups-ideals correspondence for abelian varieties over $\mathbf{F}_p$

The question I have arose while reading Waterhouse's Thesis (Abelian varieties over finite fields. Ann. Sci. École Norm. Sup. (4) 2 1969 521–560.), and motivates another question I recently asked. ...
Tommaso Centeleghe's user avatar
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Purely additive reduction of Jacobian of Hyperelliptic curve

For general, let X be an abelian variety of dimension g. We say that X has 'purely additive reduction' at prime p if the dimension of the unipotent radical of the special fiber of the Neron Model of ...
user39140's user avatar
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Duality for rank one modules over a number ring

Let $K$ be a number field, and $R$ an order of $K$. Consider the category $\mathcal{M}$ of all finitely generated $R$-submodules of $K$. If $X$ is an object of $\mathcal{M}$ such that $R=\textrm{End}...
Tommaso Centeleghe's user avatar
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alternate interpretations of Galois action on Tate module

Let $E$ be an elliptic curve over a field $K$, and let $\ell$ be a prime different from the characteristic of $K$. Consider the well-known short exact sequence of etale fundamental groups (geometric ...
Jeff Yelton's user avatar
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A frustrating cohomology class on the moduli of abelian surfaces

Here's a very frustrating question that I have been stuck on for some time. I believe that my question could fit in a general framework of what happens when you restrict $L^2$-cohomology classes on a ...
Dan Petersen's user avatar
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Nakai-Moishezon theorem for abelian varieties

In Birkenhake and Lange's book, they prove a version of the Nakai-Moishezon theorem for complex abelian varieties that says that if $L_0$ is an ample line bundle on a complex abelian variety $X$ of ...
rfauffar's user avatar
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$(\varphi, \Gamma)$-module of dimension 2 modulo $p$

Let $p$ be a prime number $\geq 3$. Let $V$ be a representation of $Gal(\bar{\mathbb{Q}}_p/ \mathbb{Q}_p)$ with coefficients in $\mathbb{F}_p$. Assume $V$ is a non-split extension of two characters $\...
user33624's user avatar
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General curves of genus 3 as plane sections of Kummer surfaces

Is it true that a general curve of genus 3 is a plane section of an appropriate Kummer surface in $\mathbb P^3$? By Kummer surface I mean image of a principally polarized Abelian surface w.r.t. the ...
Serge Lvovski's user avatar
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On Non F-pure ideal and Sharp F-Purity for a pair $(X, \Delta)$ where $K_X+\Delta$ is NOT $\mathbb{Q}$-Cartier

Suppose $(X,\Delta\ge 0)$ is a pair such that $(p^g-1)(K_X+\Delta)$ is an Integral Weil Divisor for some $g>0$ and $X$ is a normal variety. Define $\mathcal{L}_{e,\Delta} = \mathcal{O}_X( (1-p^g)(...
Omprokash's user avatar
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Properties of divisors when moving from char 0 to char p.

Consider a smooth projective variety $X$ over $\mathbb{C}$ such that $X$ has models over $\mathbb{Z}[1/N]$ and $X_p=X_{\mathbb{Z}[1/N]}\times \text{Spec}(\mathbb{F}_p)$ is also a smooth projective ...
user32134's user avatar
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Compactifying the space of indecomposable abelian varieties

Let $A_g$ be the moduli space of principally polarized abelian varieties and $A_g^0$ the open substack of indecomposable ones. Abstractly we know $A_g^0$ has a compactification with complement a ...
Dan Petersen's user avatar
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K-theory of categories of group schemes and abelian varieties

Let $k$ be a field (perfect, or characteristic zero if you want - I'm especially interested in when $k$ is a number field). Consider the categories $\mathsf{G}_k=\{\text{commutative affine group ...
Daniel Miller's user avatar
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Semiabelian actions appearing in the toroidal campactification of a degenearting abelian varieties

Given a totally degenerated abelian variety $A_K$ (to make it easier) over a complete discrete valuation field $K$ with $R$, $\pi$ and $k$ the corresponding discrete valuation ring, uniformiser and ...
Heer's user avatar
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Intersection multiplicity in abelian varieties

Suppose $A$ is an abelian variety, $X, Y$ are subvarieties of $A$ of complementary dimension, Does every component of $X \cap Y$ contribute non-negatively to the intersection number?
Vivek Shende's user avatar
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Conductor of abelian varieties

Let $A$ be a non-zero abelian variety defined over a number field $F$. Let $v$ be a finite place of $F$, and let $f_v(A)$ be the usual conductor exponent of $A$ at $v$ (defined e.g. on p.500 of the ...
Umit Demir's user avatar
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Status of the Euler characteristic in characteristic p

In the introduction to the Asterisque 82-83 volume on `Caractérisque d'Euler-Poincaré, Verdier writes: Enfin signalons que la situation en caractéristique positive est loin d'être aussi ...
Vivek Shende's user avatar
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Higher level analogs of Nicolas-Serre theory

NICOLAS-SERRE THEORY Let $F \in Z/2[[x]]$ be $x+x^9+x^{25}+...$, the exponents being the odd squares, and $V$ be the space spanned by the $F^k$ with $k$ odd. Nicolas and Serre define formal Hecke ...
paul Monsky's user avatar
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Products of primitive roots of the unity

Let $m>2$ be an integer and $k=\varphi(m)$ be the number of $m$-th primitive roots of the unity. Let $\Phi = \{ \xi_1, \ldots, \xi_{k/2}\} $ be a set of $k/2$ pairwise distinct primitive $m$-th ...
Jorge Vitório Pereira's user avatar
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Ramification in Division field of Abelian Varieties II

This is a follow-up question after this The set-up is almost the same as before, Let $k$ be a number field, $p$ be a rational prime. Let $A$ be an abelian variety over $k$ which has a good ...
Sungjin Kim's user avatar
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Intuitive meaning of $k$-polarized Abelian surface?

Are there any good way to understand $k$-polarized Abelian surfaces? I am aware that if $A \cong \mathbb{C}^2/\Gamma$ is $k$-polarized, the lattice $\Gamma$ can be taken of the form $$ \begin{bmatrix}...
user2013's user avatar
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Nef classes on abelian varieties in positive characteristic

Thomas Bauer shows in that for a complex abelian variety a nef line bundle is numerically equivalent to an effective divisor (this is shown in Lemma 1.1). ...
rfauffar's user avatar
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field of definition of abelian varieties with extra endormorphism

Let $A$ be a complex abelian variety such that $\mathrm{End}(A)$ is strictly bigger than $\mathbb{Z}$. Question: Is is true that $A$ is defined over $\overline{\mathbb{Q}}$? This is of course what ...
vima's user avatar
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Vanishing theorems in positive characteristic

In the paper Deligne, Pierre; Illusie, Luc (1987), "Relèvements modulo $p^{2}$ et décomposition du complexe de De Rham", Inventiones Mathematicae 89 (2): 247–270, doi:10.1007/BF01389078 I found the ...
Puzzled's user avatar
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Can the Albanese map be anything?

Sorry for the vague title. This question is about the Albanese map from the variety $M$ of canonically polarized varieties to the set of abelian varieties. (The variety $M$ is not of finite type...) ...
Fabiano Rug's user avatar
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a reference for Kummer theory, with proofs ?

What is a standard reference for Kummer theory of semi-Abelian varieties ? I need a complete exposition with detailed proofs. Also in prime characteristic, although I am not sure what the statement ...
mmm 's user avatar
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etale cohomology of an abelian variety and its dual

Let $A$ an abelian variety over a field $k$ and $A^{*}$ the dual abelian variety. How can we relate the étale cohomology of $A$ with etale cohomology of $A^{*}$?
prochet's user avatar
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Bound for field of definition (vs field of moduli) of an abelian variety

Let $A$ be a principally polarised abelian variety over $\mathbb{C}$ of dimension $g$. Let $K$ be the field of moduli of $A$. Proposition. $A$ has a model defined over an extension $L$ of $K$ such ...
Martin Orr's user avatar
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do commutative groups torsors have a point in an Abelian extension of the base field?

Let $A$ be a principal homogeneous space for a commutative algebraic group defined over a field $k$ that contains all roots of unity. Is it true that $A$ has a $K$-point for an extension $K \supset k$ ...
Dima Sustretov's user avatar
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Simple abelian varieties over non algebraically closed fields.

I was wondering what people would normally mean by a simple abelian variety $A$ where $A$ is defined over a field $k$ that is not algebraically closed. The definition I found in for example on the ...
Maarten Derickx's user avatar
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When is an ample line bundle on an abelian variety base point free?

So, any line bundle $L$ on an abelian variety $X$ determines a type $(d_1,\ldots,d_g)$ where $d_i|d_{i+1}$. It's well known that if $d_1\geq 3$ then $L$ defines an embedding, that if $L$ has no fixed ...
Charles Siegel's user avatar
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Does this space of mod 2 modular forms admit a (Z/8)* degree decomposition?

Fix an odd N>0. Let M consist of all odd elements of Z/2[[x]] that are the mod 2 reductions of elements of Z[[x]] arising as the Fourier expansions of modular forms for (Gamma_0)(N); it's easy to see ...
paul Monsky's user avatar
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Lang isogeny for group stacks

Let $G$ be a commutative algebraic group stack over $\mathbb{F}_q$ (I don't really care about the precise definition: I'm secretly thinking about the Picard stack of a projective curve). To what ...
Justin Campbell's user avatar
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Ramification in Division field of Abelian Varieties

This might be a very simple question, and that might be the reason that I could not find any reference on this. My question is Let $A$ be an abelian variety defined over a number field $k$, and $N$...
Sungjin Kim's user avatar
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Prym varieties as Jacobian varieties

A generic abelian variety of dimension 2 or 3 is a jacobian of a curve. Is there a canonical way to determine a curve whose jacobian is a prym variety of a unramified double cover of a curve of genus ...
sqrt2sqrt2's user avatar
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Is the stabilizer of an irreducible subvariety of an abelian variety irreducible ?

Let $A$ be a (semi-)abelian variety over an algebraically closed field $K$, and $X$ be a closed irreducible subvariety. Can $X$ have a non-trivial finite stabilizer ? By stabilizer, I mean the closed ...
Cyrille Corpet's user avatar
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Infinitely many curves with isogenous Jacobians

Let $g\geq 4$. Are there infinitely many compact genus $g$ Riemann surfaces with (mutually) isogenous Jacobians? Does the situation change in positive characteristic?
Raju's user avatar
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Is the moduli space of ppAVs smooth?

Let $A_g$ be the moduli space of principally polarised abelian varieties of dimension $g$ over the complex numbers. (EDIT: I mean the coarse moduli space.) Is this smooth? Since $A_g$ is the ...
Martin Orr's user avatar
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Gauss mapping in finite characteristic

Suppose that $X\subset\mathbb P^n$ is a $d$-dimentional smooth projective variety (not a linear subspace) over an algebraically closed field. If $\gamma\colon X\to\mathrm{Gr}(d,\mathbb P^n)$ is Gauss ...
Serge Lvovski's user avatar
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Automorphisms of Generic Abelian Varieties

Automorphism groups of elliptic curves are very well understood. Of course, every elliptic curve has the automorphism $[-1]$ of order $2$. If we are over a (algebraically closed) field, this is the ...
Lennart Meier's user avatar
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Kawamata-Viehweg Vanishing Theorem for Excellent Surfaces

Is there any version of Kawamata-Viehweg vanishing theorem that holds for excellent surfaces? I will be very glad if there is one such, but if not then is it at least true for a surface over a non ...
Omprokash's user avatar
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Adjunction Formula for Weil Divisors on a Normal Variety X

Let $X$ be a normal variety over an algebraically closed field $k$ of characteristic $p>0$ and $S$ be a prime Weil divisor on $X$ which is normal too. Now if $K_X+S$ is NOT $\mathbb{Q}$-Cartier, ...
Omprokash's user avatar
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A subring of the Serre Swinnerton -Dyer ring of level N modular power series

Suppose ell is prime and (N,ell)=1. Consider those power series over Z that are expansions at infinity of modular forms for gamma_0 (N) of weight a multiple of ell-1. I'll say that an element of (Z/...
paul Monsky's user avatar
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Local Norm Mapping for Abelian Varieties

Let $A/K$ be an abelian variety defined over a nonarchimedean local field $K$ of characteristic $0$ and let $L$ be a finite extension of $K$. Consider the norm map $$A(L)\xrightarrow{N_{L/K}}A(K)$$ I ...
Saikat Biswas's user avatar
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About Alexeev and Nakamura's paper "on Mumford's construction of degenerating abelian varieites"

Is there anyone familiar with this paper? It seems to me it contains "some" typos and even some small elementary mistakes, which makes my reading very slow. Of course the key reason for my slow ...
Heer's user avatar
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Weil restriction of abelian schemes along finite étale (resp. finite locally free) morphisms

Q: Is there a simple proof of the fact that the Weil restriction of an abelian scheme along a finite étale morphism is an abelian scheme ? Details: Let $S$ be a scheme and $f:S'\rightarrow S$ a ...
Simon Pepin Lehalleur's user avatar
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Moduli Spaces of Higher Dimensional Complex Tori

I know that the space of all complex 1-tori (elliptic curves) is modeled by $SL(2, \mathbb{R})$ acting on the upper half plane. There are many explicit formulas for this action. Similarly, I have ...
mkreisel's user avatar
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Quotient of a reductive group by a non-smooth subgroup

This is a continuation of my question Quotient of a reductive group by a non-smooth central finite subgroup. Let $G$ be a smooth, connected, reductive $k$-group over a field $k$ of characteristic $p&...
Mikhail Borovoi's user avatar
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How to Construct a ''Nice'' Birational Model in Characteristic $p>0$?

Let $X={\rm Spec} A$ be a normal affine variety of dimension $n$ over an algebraically closed field $k$ of characteristic $p>0$. Also, assume that $S\subset X$ is a prime Weil-divisor on $X$. Now,...
Omprokash's user avatar
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Have we ever proved any non-solvable case of reciprocity without the Langlands program ?

The reciprocity of the title is the following not completely well-posed problem: Fix $P(X)$ a monic irreducible polynomial of degree $n$, with coefficients in $\mathbb Z$. "Describe" (in some sense) ...
Joël's user avatar
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Existence of a point on the Shimura variety of PEL-type correponding to a specific abelian variety

I have been puzzle by the following question for a while. Suppose that we have an a Shimura variety $Sh(G,h_0)$ given by some datatum $(L, V, \psi, h_0)$ such as in Section 4.9 of "Travaux de Shimura"...
Jiangwei Xue's user avatar

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