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Reference or proof of a theorem of L. Fejér on summability of Fourier series

In the article "Ensembles exceptionnels" by A. Beurling, the author cites the following theorem of Fejér: Suppose that a $2\pi$ periodic function $ f $, Lebesgue integrable in $(0,2\pi)$ ...
an_ordinary_mathematician's user avatar
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Direct analytic proof of positive definiteness of stable characteristic functions

Is there a direct analytic proof that the function $$ f ( t ) = \exp\left(-|t|^\alpha \big[ \lambda + i \theta \operatorname{sign} ( t ) \big]\right), \qquad \lambda > 0, \quad |\theta| < \...
tsnao's user avatar
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Stein's book on harmonic analysis

My background : I am a Math PhD student. I will most probably work in harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces. I am a fan of Folland's Real analysis and I have thoroughly studied first 8 chapters of ...
risefrominfinite's user avatar
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Functions whose Fourier coefficients satisfy $ \sum_{k=1}^\infty |c_k| < 1 $?

Let $f:(0,1) \to \mathbb R$ be a function that can be written as $$f(x) = \sum_{k=1}^\infty c_k \phi_k(x),$$ where $\phi_k(x) = \cos(\pi k x)$. What is the minimal assumption required on $f$ to ...
Riku's user avatar
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What is the Jacobi-Anger expansion of $\sin^{[k]} (\theta) $?

Cross-post from MSE. The Jacobi-Anger expansion gives expressions for functional iterates of trigonometric functions in terms of Bessel functions. For instance, we have $$\sin(z \sin(\theta)) = 2 \...
Max Lonysa Muller's user avatar
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Fourier transforms exhibiting symmetries about their critical points

Upon looking at the graphs of various Fourier sine and cosine transforms (ones without Dirac deltas in their domain) I've noticed a pattern that is probably already known, but that I thought would be ...
John Clever's user avatar
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Strict inequality in decoupling inequality

I am working on the decoupling inequality developed by Bourgain and Demeter: Is there an example where we have strict inequality in Theorem 1.1, say in the case $n=2$ ...
Thomas Yang's user avatar
6 votes
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Multi-parameter stationary phase asymptotic expansion

I am looking for an asymptotic expansion of the oscillatory integral of the form $$\int_{\mathbb{R}^n}f(x)\exp(i(\lambda_1\phi_1(x)+\dots+\lambda_k\phi_k(x))dx,$$ as $\lambda_i\to \infty$ ...
Subhajit Jana's user avatar
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Conditions for Poisson summation (for discontinuous functions)

Let $G$ be an locally compact abelian group with $\Gamma$ a discrete cocompact subgroup. I'm looking for precise conditions by which Poisson summation formula holds. That is, for some function $f$ on $...
Tian An's user avatar
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5 votes
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real analyticity, Fourier coefficients [duplicate]

Question. Suppose $f$ is periodic in $[0,2\pi]$. What conditions on the Fourier coefficients of $f$ would guarantee real analyticity of $f$? Please provide me with a reference.
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
10 votes
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This is not a dyadic cosine-product

The double-angle formula, $\sin2x=2\sin x\cos x$, turns the scary-looking integral $$\int_0^{\infty}dz\prod_{k=1}^{\infty}\cos\frac{z}{2^k}$$ into fun once you realize $\prod_k\cos\frac{z}{2^k}=\frac{\...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
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Reference for PDE problem book

What I need is a source of solved exercises, problems in Partial Differential Equations; to be hard enough (olympiad style) and in areas like Calderon-Zygmund theory and applications, Paley-Littlewood ...
Eddy's user avatar
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Absolute convergence of multi-dimensional Fourier series

For a Lipschitz function $f$ defined in $[0,2\pi]^d$ for $d>1$, is that true that the multi-dimensional Fourier series converges absolutely? In other words, $\sum_{k\in \mathbb{Z}^d}|\hat{f}(k)|<...
jian's user avatar
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59 votes
7 answers

Learning roadmap for harmonic analysis

In short, I am interested to know of the various approaches one could take to learn modern harmonic analysis in depth. However, the question deserves additional details. Currently, I am reading Loukas ...
1 vote
2 answers

Convergence of squares of the moduli of partial sums of Fourier series

Let $\mu$ be a complex measure on the unit circle. The Wiener theorem says that the sequence of the Cesaro means of $|\hat\mu_n|$ has a limit. Define $p_n(z)=\sum_{k=0}^n \hat\mu_k z^k$. Then the Abel ...
user14971's user avatar
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Good probability measues on $S^1$ reprented by a kernel

I was looking for some good references for properties/theorems/characterizations of 'good/important' probability measures on the unit circle $S^1$ ( and/or on spheres $S^n$ ).In particular, I want ...
Analysis Now's user avatar
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How large (small) can be the measure of a set where a polynomial takes small values ?

A $n$-th degree polynomial has precisely $n$ roots. So it is natural to ask the question how large ( and small) can be the measure of a set where a polynomial takes small values ? This, and other ...
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