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Does $(\nabla \times F) \cdot F= (\nabla \times F) \cdot \nabla f$ have a solution?

A grad student asked me this question during office hours, and I couldn't for the life of me come up with a proof or counterexample: For a given $F:\mathbb{R}^3 \to \mathbb{R}^3$, does $(\nabla \...
Kanye's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Linear transport equation with unbounded coefficients

Consider the PDE $$\partial_t f(x,t) = \langle q(x), \nabla \rangle f(t,x) + p(x),$$ with Schwartz initial data $f(0,x) = f_0(x) \in \mathscr S(\mathbb R^n).$ I am wondering then if $q$ and all its ...
Pritam Bemis's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Method of characteristics beyond the Lipschitz setting

I have come across the following easy-looking problem that is driving me mad. I have a family of measures (on the real line $\mathbb R$) $\{\mu_t\}_{t>0}$ which is uniformly bounded (the measures ...
user111164's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

ODE with Bessel decay

This is related to my previous question, but it is probably less scary and an expert in using Mathematica could figure out an answer easily. I would like to estimate the asymptotic behaviour of the ...
AMath91's user avatar
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General formula for integrating factor of an homogeneous differential 1 form

This question is probably very elementary but I don't know how to tackle the conversely part of the following result. Let $M(x,y)$ and $N(x,y)$ be two differentiable and homogeneous functions of the ...
Hector Blandin's user avatar
3 votes
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Some Questions from Reading on Wave Front Set from Hormander's Linear PDE Vol. 1

In Hormander's Linear PDE Vol. 1 (pg 252-253, before the definition of wave front set is introduced), Lemma $8.1.1$ says that if $\phi \in C_{0}^{\infty}$ and $v \in \mathcal{E}^{\prime}$, then $\...
user57055's user avatar
3 votes
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Linear transport equation with Lipschitz conditions

Given the equation here, I would like to ask the following relaxed question: Consider the PDE $$\partial_t f(x,t) = \langle q(x), \nabla \rangle f(t,x) + p(x),$$ with Schwartz initial data $f(0,x) = ...
Pritam Bemis's user avatar
3 votes
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Deeper reason for why classical orthogonal polynomials have simple generating functions?

Is there a known reason why all classical families of orthogonal polynomials have simple generating functions? I was wondering whether one could get an explanation using the connection with Sturm-...
Plemath's user avatar
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2 votes
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Maximal minimum of Bessel functions

This comes from a scattering problem. Consider the usual non singular Bessel functions of the first kind, $J_n(x)$. It is known that their zeros are countable, and all zeros are distinct. My question ...
username's user avatar
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Uniqueness of the solution to systems of first-order linear PDEs

Context: Let $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^p$ be an domain. For functions $A_{jk}^i : \Omega \to \mathbb{R}$ and $B_k^i : \Omega \to \mathbb{R}$ with some regularity, I am interested in the following ...
Paruru's user avatar
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Explicit computation of a norm in context of operator-semigroups and differential equations

I am interested in the explicit calculation of the following norm $\vert \cdot \vert$. Let $X$ a Banach space with norm $\Vert \cdot \Vert$ and $(T(t))_{t \geq 0}$ a strongly continuous one-parameter ...
kumquat's user avatar
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Laplace problem with Robin boundary condition on a wedge

I'm trying to understand what the essential differences between Dirichlet/Neumann and Robin boundary conditions are. Therefore, let $\omega \in \left(0, 2\pi\right)$ and let \begin{equation*} \Omega = ...
Maximilian Bernkopf's user avatar
1 vote
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Bound deg 3 partial differential operator on Laplace eigenfunction?

I am no expert on PDE and analysis but I am looking for certain technique from PDE. Let $D_2$ be the Laplace operator and $f$ is an eigenfunction, i.e., $D_2 f=\lambda f$ for some $\lambda>1$. (or ...
Jeep Wrangler's user avatar
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Weak maximum principle for a perturbation of the Laplacian

This question is motivated by similar considerations for the Kohn-Laplacian in the Heisenberg group, but it seems that I cannot even give an answer in the Euclidean case, so here we go. Suppose that ...
an_ordinary_mathematician's user avatar
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Renormalization for Transport Equations with SBD velocity field

In the paper Traces and fine properties of a $BD$ class of vector fields and applications by Ambrosio, Crippa and Maniglia (to be found here)the authors prove a chain rule for vector fields $B\in SBD(...
Florian W's user avatar
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A linear operator equation (PDE) with non-monotone term

I'm interested in the existence and/or uniqueness to the following problem. Let $V$ and $H$ be Hilbert spaces and $V \subset H \subset V^*$ form a Gelfand triple. There is a linear operator $L:{D}(L) ...
AACA's user avatar
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Differential Riccati-type equation

Setup I have recently come across an ODE of the form $$ 0 = \dot{A}(t)^TG(t) + A(t)^T\dot{G}(t) + C(t) + \lambda B(t)^TA(t)G(t) + \frac{\lambda}{2} (D(t)A(t)G(t))(D(t)A(t)G(t))^T\bar{1}, $$ where $\...
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