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Stratification of space of labelled circles in the plane

Consider the space of $n$ round circles in the plane to be the open subset of $\mathbb R^{3n}$: $$C_n = \{ (v_1, v_2, \cdots, v_n, r_1, r_2, \cdots, r_n ) : v_i \in \mathbb R^2, r_i \in (0, \infty) \ ...
Ryan Budney's user avatar
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Local formula for the signature of $4k$-manifold

In "The Euler characteristic is the unique locally determined homotopy invariant of finite complexes" on page 61 in the penultimate paragraph, Levitt mentions that if one restricts to compact PL $4k$-...
user101010's user avatar
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Second homotopy group of a topological group

It is well-known that any Lie group $G$ has $\pi_2(G)=0$: see this question. Is the same true for any compact (Hausdorff) topological group? Or even for locally compact ones? Maybe there is a way of ...
Mizar's user avatar
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When does p-profinite completion commutes with maps from a $p$-finite space?

background Let $\mathcal{S}$ be the ($\infty$-)category of spaces and $\mathcal{S}_{p-\text{finite}}$ the full subcategory spanned by the $p$-finite spaces (that is, the spaces with finitely many ...
KotelKanim's user avatar
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Combinatorial spin$^{\mathbf{C}}$ structures

Below is a brief introduction to spin$^{\mathbf{C}}$ structure that I took from Wikipedia. For more information, one should refer to A ...
Zitao Wang's user avatar
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$C_2$-equivariant Betti realization of MGL

Let $MGL$ denote the motivic spectrum representing algebraic cobordism. Over $\mathop{Spec}(\mathbb{C})$ there is a Betti realization functor $\mathop{SH}(\mathbb{R}) \to \mathop{SH}$, which takes $...
Drew Heard's user avatar
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Rational homotopy type of Hilbert scheme components

What is known about rational homotopy type of irreducible component of $Hilb^n(\mathbb C^k)$ containing configuration space? I've searched arXiv for a while and found nothing but surmise that Betti ...
Denis T's user avatar
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Loop space functor and sequential colimits of inclusions

The question is about a fact that is mentioned as "evident" everywhere in the literature, so my guess is that some small detail is passing over my head. Here it is: Let $X_0\hookrightarrow X_1 \...
user109300's user avatar
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Geometric meaning of Aomoto complex

Generally, if we have any space $X$, then multiplication by any odd class $\eta$ makes $H^*(X)$ a complex (usually called Aomoto complex) $A_{\eta}$ because cup product is graded commutative. It is ...
Denis T's user avatar
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Relationships between the field of definition of an algebraic variety and its topology

Let $V$ be a smooth complex projective variety, I was wondering if there exists some homotopical or topological necessary conditions for $V$ to be deformation equivalent to a variety $V_0$ defined ...
David C's user avatar
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Framed higher Hochschild cohomology

Given an $E_n$-algebra $A$, one can define its $E_n$-Hochschild complex $CH_{E_n}(A,A)$ by the formula $$Ch_{E_n}(A,A)=RHom_{Mod_A^{E_n}}(A,A)$$ where $Mod_A^{E_n}$ is the category of $A$-modules over ...
Sinan Yalin's user avatar
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Tornehave's preprint "On BSG and the symmetric groups"

There are a few papers that cite Tornehave's preprint entitled On BSG and the symmetric groups apparently dating from early 70s or late 60s. Google search reveals very little. Does anyone have access ...
Karol Szumiło's user avatar
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Two pictures of K-theory and Bott periodicity

Let me recall the definition of the Bott periodicity isomorphism in the context of $C^*$-algebras. We take a (class of) projection $p \in M_n(A^+)$ and map it to the class of $M_n(A)$ valued loop $f_p$...
truebaran's user avatar
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What is known about maps between loop spaces of Spheres? - Reference request

What is know in general about the maps $\Omega^rS^n\rightarrow\Omega^sS^m$ between loop spaces of Spheres, or, perhaps to phrase it better, the groups $[\Omega^rS^n,\Omega^sS^m]$ for various values ...
Tyrone's user avatar
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Homology of inverse limits over inverse systems more complicated than towers

Most textbooks discussions of homology of inverse limits of chain complexes consider only “towers,” i.e. inverse systems indexed by the natural numbers. I’d like to find a reference that explains what ...
Greg Friedman's user avatar
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Explicit diffeomorphism between an infinite dimensional sphere its product with itself

Let $S$ be an infinite dimensional sphere in a Hillbert space. As $S$ is homotopic to the product $S \times S$, then $S$ is diffeomorphic to $S \times S$ (for Hilbert manifolds, a homotopy ...
Xiaoyang Chen's user avatar
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Are there genera for algebraic cobordism?

For real and complex manifolds, we can form the (oriented) cobordism ring $\Omega$, and a genus is defined to be a ring homomorphism $$\varphi:\Omega\otimes\mathbb{Q}\to R$$ where $R$ is any ...
Tian An's user avatar
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Reference request: Whitehead product and the Borel construction

This is a question about signs. Fix a based space $(X,x_0)$, a topological group $G$ acting on $X$ from the left, so that the basepoint $x_0$ is fixed, a based map $\alpha\colon S^p\to G$ ($p\geq1$)...
Charles Rezk's user avatar
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Pedagogical question on Lie groups vs. matrix Lie groups

There are two common approaches taken in introductory texts on Lie groups: studying all Lie groups, or focusing only on matrix Lie groups. The main advantage of the latter approach is that one can ...
Noah Snyder's user avatar
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Two proofs of the Cheeger-Müller theorem

In the late 1970's, Cheeger and Müller independently proved the equality of analytic torsion and Reidemeister torsion for orthogonal representations, which had been conjectured by Ray-Singer. Their ...
Phillip Andreae's user avatar
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Which map realizes the isomorphism $KO_n(X)\otimes \mathbb{Q}\to \bigoplus_{i\in\mathbb{Z}}H_{n-4i}(X;\mathbb{Q})$?

The description of the real $KO$-homology groups $KO_n(X)$ can be given abstractly as maps to the real K-theory spectrum $KO$ smash $X$, or via triples $(M,x,\phi)$ where $M$ is a closed manifold, $\...
EdoardoFossati's user avatar
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Algebraic geometry introduction for homotopy theorists/algebraic topologists

Algebraic geometry has a plenty of decent introductory texts now. Some are of the classical commutative algebraic approach(following EGA), like Ravi Vakil's "Foundations". Some use facts from ...
Ghj657's user avatar
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Geometric argument for "easy" part of Jordan-Brouwer separation theorem without local flatness

Let $M^n \subset \mathbb{R}^{n+1}$ be an $n$-dimensional compact connected topological submanifold. The Jordan-Brouwer separation theorem says that $\mathbb{R}^{n+1} \setminus M^n$ contains two ...
Lisa's user avatar
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Which -icial sets produce the "standard" representations of symmetric groups?

Suppose you have a system of cell complexes (say, even convex polyhedra) $(P_n)_{n\geqslant0}$ which occur as faces of each other and are used to define the corresponding notion of "$P_*$-set". So ...
მამუკა ჯიბლაძე's user avatar
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Can stable stems be generated by homotopy operations?

The motivation for this question comes from J. Cohen's result; at the prime $p=2$ his result says that any element in ${_2\pi_*^s}$ can be written as a (higher) Toda bracket of $2,\eta,\nu,\sigma$, ...
user51223's user avatar
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A model category for E-infty algebras in a non-monoidal model category?

Given a suitable nice symmetric monoidal category $C$, symmetric monoidally enriched, tensored, and cotensored over a symmetric monoidal category $S$, and an operad $\mathcal{O}$ in $S$, we can ...
Chris Schommer-Pries's user avatar
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Failure of "equivariant triangulation" for finite complexes equipped with a $G$-action

Let $\mathcal{S}$ be the $\infty$-category of spaces, and let $G$ be a finite group, and let $BG$ be the groupoid with one object and automorphisms given by $G$. Consider the $\infty$-category $\...
Akhil Mathew's user avatar
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Classifying space of the higher-structure diffeomorphism group

There is a higher extension of the classifying space $B \mathrm{Diff}$ of the diffeomorphism group implicit in the (infinity,n)-category of cobordisms with (X,zeta)-structure $\mathrm{Bord}_n^{(X,\...
Urs Schreiber's user avatar
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Lower semicontinuity of naive fiber size

I would like to present the following result in my algebraic geometry class, but it is seeming much harder than I would expect. Since my class is working with closed points over an algebraically ...
David E Speyer's user avatar
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Reference for maps whose pushouts are also homotopy pushouts

Consider a category C with weak equivalences, e.g., a model category. For the purposes of this question, let's say that a morphism f in C is an i-cofibration if any pushout (alias cobase change) ...
Dmitri Pavlov's user avatar
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On the cohomology of Kontsevich graph complex

Kontsevich's formality theorem asserts that a certain quasi-isomorphism of chain complexes between the graded Lie algebra of polyvector fields on $\mathbb{R}^n$ and the dg Lie algebra of ...
Sinan Yalin's user avatar
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Picard-Brauer exact sequence for infinity categories

This question may be very naive, or the answer may be well-known. In any case, a good amount of googling did not bring up anything useful (maybe I'm using the wrong words?). If $f:A\to B$ is a ...
Tom Bachmann's user avatar
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$v_1$-periodic homotopy and principal bundle classification

This question came back to my mind while pondering this MO question. The classification of principal bundles is seriously difficult because of our lack of understanding of homotopy groups of compact ...
Matthias Wendt's user avatar
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Kunneth spectral sequence

In Rotman's Homological Algebra, 1st edition, there is written: Is every detail of 11.31-11.35 correct? Isn't the spectral sequence in 11.35 1st quadrant and not 3rd quadrant? Do 11.34-35 also hold ...
Leo's user avatar
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What's the Hochschild homology of the category of constructible sheaves?

Let $X$ be a manifold. Does the Hochschild homology/cohomology of the category of constructible sheaves on $X$ have a more familiar name?
Vivek Shende's user avatar
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Homology of compact symmetric spaces

Could anyone point me to a table giving the homology of all compact symmetric spaces, i.e. $G/U$ where $G$ is a compact Lie group and $U$ the fixed points of an involution of $G$? I'd be happy even ...
Edgardo's user avatar
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A classification of smooth $S^1$-actions on $\mathbb CP^3$?

Question 1. Is there a classification of smooth $S^1$-actions with isolated fixed points on the standard $\mathbb CP^3$? Question 2. What if one additionally imposes the condition that the action ...
aglearner's user avatar
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Systoles of hyperbolic (Riemann) surfaces of large genus

Let $m$ be a Riemannian metric on $S_g$ the surface of genus $g$, and $sys(m)$ be the length of the shortest non contractible cycle with respect to $m$. The systolic inequality claims that for any ...
Alfredo Hubard's user avatar
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Fibrations of orthogonal G-spectra and fixed points

There are at least two fixed point functors that characterize stable equivalences of orthogonal G-spectra: the geometric fixed points and the naive fixed points of a fibrant replacement. Is this true ...
Emanuele Dotto's user avatar
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looping and delooping spaces and categories

I'm trying to understand the relationship between the notions of looping and delooping in category theory and topology. The morphisms in a category with one object have the structure of a monoid. ...
ziggurism's user avatar
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Two ways of getting a cohomology class from an extension of a discrete group by $\mathbb C^*$

Suppose that $\overline G$ is a Lie group such that the connected component of $1$ is $\mathbb C^*$. Assume that $\mathbb C^*$ is central in $\overline{G}$, and set $G := \overline G/\mathbb C^*$. ...
Angelo's user avatar
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Chern Classes of Exterior Products of a vector bundle.

This is mostly a question in combinatorics. Is there a clean way in terms of determinantal identities to write down $c(\wedge^k V)$ i.e. the individual summands in terms of the individual summands of $...
Anant Atyam's user avatar
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Description of virtual fundamental class

For some concrete examples, is there an easy way to describe the virtual fundamental class (say, by capping off the moduli pace with an obstruction bundle ). Consider the moduli space of stable maps ...
Ruke's user avatar
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Completion of n-fold Segal spaces

During a reading course about Jacob Lurie's paper about Local TQFTs, I came across the notion of Segal spaces as models for $(\infty,1)$-categories. Looking at things like the "double nerve" for 2-...
Ulrich Pennig's user avatar
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Finite generation of equivariant cohomology rings

Let $G$ be a finite group acting on a topological space $X$. (In my applications, $X$ is the classifying space of a compact Lie group.) Let $H^\ast(-)=H^\ast(-;\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z})$ denote mod 2 ...
Mark Grant's user avatar
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Dualizing complex of the product of two locally compact spaces

Hello! In the setting of locally compact Hausdorff spaces, I would like to understand the relation between the exterior product ${\mathbb D}_X\boxtimes{\mathbb D}_Y$ of the dualizing complexes of two ...
Hanno's user avatar
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Characteristic classes from moduli of alternating forms

Suppose, just for example, that you have a smooth manifold $M$ of dimension greater than $8$,and a cohomology class $q$ in $H^3(M,{\Bbb R})$. Suppose further that one can represent $q$ with a ...
David Feldman's user avatar
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Do p-compact groups have a sufficiently good notion of "flag variety" and "intersection cohomology"?

This is mostly an idle question, since I don't think I'd be able to do anything with a positive answer. But a positive answer would still be interesting, I think. Background An outstanding problem ...
Qiaochu Yuan's user avatar
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Differential K-theory computation

I am trying to read about K-theory and differential K-theory. I understand that the K-theory of spheres can be computed explicitly (by getting to the stable range and using Bott periodicity and so on)....
Vamsi's user avatar
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Non-additivity of intersection forms

Given two oriented $4k$-manifolds $X_1$ and $X_2$, Novikov additivity tells us that $$ \sigma(X_1 \sharp X_2) = \sigma(X_1) + \sigma(X_2).$$ More generally, if we glue the boundaries of two such ...
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