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Equivariant maps inducing isomorphism in integral cohomology

Consider the following statement. Suppose $X$, $Y$ are finite CW-complexes with free involution and $\mu:X\to Y$ is an equivariant map. If $\mu^*:H^i(Y;\mathbb{Z})\to H^i(X;\mathbb{Z})$ is an ...
Dmitry's user avatar
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Second cohomology group with finite coefficients of the product of two varieties

This is surely well known. Let $X$ and $Y$ be smooth, projective, connected complex varieties. Then $$H^2(X\times Y,Z/n)=H^2(X,Z/n)\oplus H^2(Y,Z/n) \oplus (H^1(X,Z/n)\otimes H^1(Y,Z/n))$$ for any $n&...
Alexei Skorobogatov's user avatar
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Is there a common general setup for both Weil cohomologies and generalized cohomology theories?

My question can be simply (and loosely) stated as follows: Is there a general (but not too general) construction that captures, as specializations, both Weil cohomologies in algebraic geometry and ...
Qfwfq's user avatar
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3-manifolds, cubes with handles

Somebody knows where I can find some proof of the following fact: If F is compact, connected 2-manifold with nonempty boundery why there exist n=1-X(F) pairwise disjoint properly embedded 1-cells {A1,....
Mauricio Rivera's user avatar
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Twisted homology of free products

Let $G_1$ and $G_2$ be groups and let $M$ be a vector space equipped with actions of $G_1$ and $G_2$. The free product $G_1 \ast G_2$ thus acts on $M$. How can one compute the twisted group homology ...
Lewis's user avatar
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Adams Spectral Sequence for Equivariant Cohomology Theories

In ordinary algebraic topology the Adams spectral sequence can be applied for any cohomology theory $E$ and in good cases it converges to the stable homotopy classes of maps (of the E-nilpotent ...
user2146's user avatar
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Homotopy type of the simplicial action groupoid

Let $X$ be a simplicial $G$-set, where $G$ is a simplicial group. What is the homotopy type of the simplicial action groupoid $X//G$?
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Hit problem and $\left( \mathbb{F}_2 \otimes_{A} P_6 \right)_{10}$

I try to determine the $\left(\mathbb{F}_2 \otimes_{A} P_6 \right)_{10}$ as a $\mathbb{F}_2$- vector space, in which $P_6$ is polynomial algebra $\mathbb{F}_2[x_1,x_2,\dots,x_6]$ and $A$ is Steenrod ...
user69833's user avatar
4 votes
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Spectral sequence for cohomology of open subset

Let $X$ be a smooth compact orientable manifold (or variety) and let $j: U \subset X$ be the complement to a union $\bigcup_{i \in I} X_i$ of smooth compact orientable manifolds. Suppose that $A$ is a ...
Vladimir Baranovsky's user avatar
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Existence of open dense subset in a Lie group

Let $G=S\cdot R$ be a Levi-Malcev decomposition of a connected complex Lie group and $\Gamma$ a discrete subgroup of $G$ such that the subgroups $\Gamma_g := \Gamma\cap (gSg^{-1})$ are finite for all ...
user13559's user avatar
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How to get a Dehn-twist presentation of a periodic map of a Riemann surface?

Let $f:S\to S$ be a given periodic map of order $n$, and $(m_i,\lambda_i, \sigma_i)$ be the valency of the multiple point $p_i$ of $f$ ( $i=1,\cdots,r$ ). A classical result says such $f$ is ...
Jun Lu's user avatar
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Finding a ribbon graph for a mapping class group action

Turaev defines TQFT $(T, \tau)$ in his book "Quantum invariants of knots and 3-manifolds". He uses it to define an action of a mapping class group of a d-surface $\Sigma$. This action $\epsilon$ is ...
Link S's user avatar
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simplicial deRham complex and model category structure

To every simplicial manifold is associated its simplicial deRham complex. Is there any literature that discusses explicitly to which extent this classical construction, regarded as a (contravariant) ...
6 votes
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Does every exact six-term sequence arise as the K-theory of a locally compact pair?

Consider six countable Abelian groups and six group homomorphims as in the following diagram G → H → I ↑ ↓ L ← K ← J Assume that the resulting sequence is exact ...
Rasmus's user avatar
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Whitehead products and a realization problem for graded Lie algebras

Many $\mathbb{Z}$-graded Lie algebras $\mathfrak{g}$ over $\mathbb{C}$ we would like to study are non-degenerate in the sense that $\dim_{\mathbb{C}} \mathfrak{g}_n < \infty \ \forall n \in \...
Alexander Moll's user avatar
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Principal bundle for contractible group is weak homotopy equivalence for ind schemes

This is may be obvious, but I am not comfortable with ind-schemes. I have an ind-scheme $X$ over $\mathbb{C}$. Every point has a neighborhood which can be written as an ascending union of regular ...
David E Speyer's user avatar
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The Mapping Cylinder of a Pullback Square

Suppose I have a pullback square, which I think of as a map from the fibration $q:X\to A$ to the fibration $p:Y\to B$. Then there is an induced map $m: M \to N$ from the mapping cylinder $M$ of $X\...
Jeff Strom's user avatar
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Known graph/surface invariants that can be extracted from homology over different fields

The $Z_2$-homology of a surface viewed as a simplicial complex allows us to extract interesting invariants from the resulting homology groups. $\beta_0$ is the number of connected components, $\beta_1$...
Suresh Venkat's user avatar
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Vector bundles of schemes and their topological realizations

Hi, there is a realization functor $R_\mathbb{R}$ from schemes of finite type over $\mathbb{R}$ to topological spaces and there is also a functor $R_\mathbb{C}$. Does $R_\mathbb{R}$ send an ...
user14310's user avatar
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Does the notion of $\omega$-monoid exist, analogous to the notions of $\omega$-groupoid and $\omega$-category? If so, some references would be appreciated. This is an attempted rephrasing of question:...
supercooldave's user avatar
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When are graphs of cohomologically complete groups cohomologically complete?

A group $G$ is cohomologically $p$- complete if the canonical map from $G$ to it's pro$-p$ completion $\hat G^p$ induces an isomorphism on cohomology $H^\ast_{cont}(\hat G^p, \mathbb{Z}_p) \rightarrow ...
kevinschreve's user avatar
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Definition of the $L^2$-metric for the Determinant of Cohomology of a Vector Bundle on a Riemann surface

I start describing my setup. $X$ is a Riemann surface with a metric which can have a finite number of singularities, $E$ is a vector bundle on $X$ equipped with an Hermitian structure. In an article (...
Giovanni De Gaetano's user avatar
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A smooth twisted tensor product of dg algebras?

I want to consider a Z/2Z dg algebra. As an algebra, it is generated over $\mathbb{Q}$ by two elements where x is even and e is odd with the relations $xe=ex$ and $e^2=1$(this makes it in particular ...
Daniel Pomerleano's user avatar
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Given a ramified cover of a Riemann surface, is there a good choice of basis for H_1 of the source?

Suppose we are given a map $f: X \to Y$ between two Riemann Surfaces, with branch points $p_1,p_2,\dots,p_n$ and known multiplicities at these points. Assuming we have a basis of $H_1(Y, \mathbb{Z})$,...
Jimmy's user avatar
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Explicit expression of WZ term for orthogonal groups

Consider the Wess Zumino term on the the space $W=I\times D$, where D is a two dimensional disk disk and $I$ is an interval, $[0,1]$, say, i.e., $$ \int_{I\times D} \langle(u^{-1} \, du)^3\rangle $$ ...
Jerzy Kowalski-Glikman's user avatar
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Reference for an automorphism in a paper of Toda

In Selick's very pretty paper "Odd primary torsion in $\pi_*(S^3)$" he makes use of an automorphism which was established by Toda in his paper "On the double suspension $E^2$". Unfortunately, Selick ...
Jeff Strom's user avatar
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Cartesian-closed category of spaces with the Whitehead property?

I'm not sure if this is standard, but we'll call the property that every weak homotopy equivalence is an honest homotopy equivalence the Whitehead property (from Whitehead's theorem for CW complexes). ...
Harry Gindi's user avatar
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Lifting criteria of covering space by using homology condition

Let $\pi\colon\tilde{X}\to X$ be a p-fold (regular) cyclic covering(p:prime) and $\mathcal{A} = \mathrm{Im}(\pi_* )$, where $\pi_* \colon H_1(\tilde{X};\mathbb{Z}_p) \to H_1(X;\mathbb{Z}_p)$ is ...
Topologieee's user avatar
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Can you construct a mapping space from local data? (looking for reference)

I'd to know if/where there is a reference for the following construction. Let C_*(maps(M, T)) denote the singular chains on the space of continuous maps from an n-...
Kevin Walker's user avatar
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Sufficient Conditions for Free Indecomposability

An interesting fact was relayed to me in another question of mine that If $M$ is any closed manifold with universal cover homeomorphic to $R^n$ for $n>1$ then $\pi_1(M)$ is freely ...
JeremyKun's user avatar
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Question about $A_\infty$ maps

Given $A_\infty$-spaces $X$ and $Y$, Boardman and Vogt defined an $A_\infty$-map from $X$ to $Y$ to be a map $f: X \to Y$ of underlying based spaces and an $A_\infty$-structure on the reduced mapping ...
John Klein's user avatar
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Transformation terminology question

Given a transformation $t$ from the transformation semigroup $T_{n}$, if you take powers of $t$ under composition you get a length $s$ stem followed by a cycle. Permutations by definition have a ...
Chad Brewbaker's user avatar
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Pushout of the skeleton of homotopy colimit of diagrams

First of all let me define what homotopy colimit i'm talking about. Let F be a functor from a small category to the category of simplicial set, the homotopy colimit is the simplicial realization of ...
Ali Abdallah's user avatar
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How can I show that the map L-->K(\pi_n(L),n) representing the fundamental class of an (n-1)-connected space is an isomorphism on \pi_n?

As an exercise, I'm trying to show that for an $(n-1)$-connected space $L$ with $\pi=\pi_n(L)$, the map $\iota_L:L\rightarrow K(\pi,n)$ associated to the fundamental class $\iota_L\in H^n(L;\pi)$ ...
Aaron Mazel-Gee's user avatar
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good perspective in viewing manifolds of infinite dimension

Borel conjectued aspherical closed manifolds are topologically rigid.(i.e.a homotopy equivalence between two aspherical manifolds is homotopic to a homeomorphism). now,soppuse M is a K(G,1) space, it ...
sara's user avatar
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Casson Gordon paper - Cobordism of classical knots

It is given in Progress in mathematics 62, Guillou and Marin book. In the proof of Lemma 4, They choose $\alpha$ and $r\in \mathbb{N}$ such that $h^r_*\colon H_1(X;Z_p)\to H_1(X;Z_p)$ satisfies $h^r_*(...
Topologieeeee's user avatar
19 votes
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Other examples of computations using transfer of structure from the chains to the homology?

There is a `long' history of transfer (up to homotopy!) of algebraic structure from a dg _ algebra A to its homology H(A) (e.g. Kadeishvili for the associative case and Heubschmann for the Lie case). ...
Jim Stasheff's user avatar
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can we say fixed point existance of a set valued map over a compact set is homotopy invariant?

Consider two set valued maps over different compact sets as $F(\mathbf{x}):D\rightarrow\rightarrow D$, $G(\mathbf{x}):E\rightarrow\rightarrow E$ where $D,R\subset Y$. Assume there is a homotopy pair $(...
behrad mahboobi's user avatar
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subset embedding gives trefoil knot [closed]

Let $X$ be a topological space and $E_n(X)$ the space of finite sets of cardinality $\leq n$. It is a theorem of Bott that $E_3(S^1)=S^3$. What is the idea to show that the embedding $S^1\...
student's user avatar
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Does the ordinary cokernel respect weak homotopy equivalences?

Let $M_1\subset M_2$ and $K_1\subset K_2$ be inclusions of simplicial monoids. If there is a weak equivalence $f:M_2\to K_2$ that restricts to a weak equivalence $f|_{M_1}:M_1\to K_1$, does this ...
George's user avatar
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Commutativity of a diagram of boundary morphisms from the long exact sequence of homotopy groups of a fibration and its loop spaces

Let $f: X \to Y$ be a fibration of pointed Kan complexes, and let $F$ be the fiber. Question: How do you prove that the following diagram of homotopy groups commutes?: $\pi_n(Y) \to \pi_{n-1}(\...
alephzero314's user avatar
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When does the normal bundle of a submanifold of Euclidean space admit a flat connection?

Given a smooth submanifold of $R^n$, I was wondering if there is a reasonably simple criterion for deciding whether its normal bundle admits a flat connection. I am not ruling out monodromy in the ...
Hari's user avatar
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differential form of charge for pi_4(S^3) or pi_4(S^2)

How to write a 4-form of topological charge which would correspond to non-zero element of the homotopy group $\pi_4(S^3)$ or $\pi_4(S^2)$ (both are equal to $Z_2$) ? ? An example of such a mapping (...
Ivan Zhogin's user avatar
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Equivariant Surgery problem

I have a question about surgery. Let $G= \mathbb{Z}_m \times \mathbb{Z}$ and $M$ be a oriented 3-manifold with G-action. i.e. There exists a map $f\colon M/G \to BG$, where $BG$ is classifying space.(...
Topologieee's user avatar
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Euler characteristic of a subset of cartesian product induced by a group action

let $X$ be a CW-complex on which a finite group $G$ acts. define $$F=\{ (x,gx)\;|\; x\in X ,g \in G \}$$ i want to compute the Euler characteristic of $F$. I wrote $$F=\cup_{g\in G}{F_g}\;\;,\;\; ...
student's user avatar
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how good an approximation to the equivariant derived category is given by the Grassmannian filtration of the classifying space?

So, let's say one has an action of $GL_n$ on an algebraic variety $X$ over a field $k$, and two objects $F,G$ in the equivariant derived category (i.e., the derived category of constructible sheaves ...
Ben Webster's user avatar
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The Space of Cellular Maps

Let $X$ and $Y$ be CW complexes. Inside of the space of maps $\mathrm{map}(X,Y)$, we have the subspace $\mathrm{CW}(X,Y)$, consisting of just the cellular maps from $X$ to $Y$. The Cellular ...
Jeff Strom's user avatar
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Homology of symmetric groups

Let $S_n$ denote the symmetric group on $n$ letters, and let $S_n(p)$ denote a Sylow $p$-subgroup. Why is the image of $H_i(S_n(p))$ in $H_i(S_n)$ the $p$-primary part of $H_i(S_n)$?
Simon's user avatar
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K-Weil cohomology theories?

I don't know very much about this stuff, so I'm a bit afraid that I'm being naive or stupid, and I apologize if I am --- but it seems to me that Weil cohomology theories, or at least the standard ...
Kevin H. Lin's user avatar
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homotopy domination that splits a non-split epimorphism and still wants to be a homotopy equivalence

Can a homotopy domination by a space supporting a free action of $G$ be promoted to a homotopy equivalence with such a space? As stated, this is not a serious question (multiply by an $EG$). But with ...
Sergey Melikhov's user avatar