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Asaf Karagila's user avatar
Asaf Karagila
  • Member for 14 years, 5 months
  • Last seen this week
99 votes

Which math paper maximizes the ratio (importance)/(length)?

82 votes

Results from abstract algebra which look wrong (but are true)

69 votes

Mathematical "urban legends"

40 votes

Conway's lesser-known results

38 votes

Linear Algebra without Choice

37 votes

If someone can prove Goldbach conjecture assuming the continuum hypothesis, do we consider the conjecture proved?

32 votes

What are some noteworthy "mic-drop" moments in math?

30 votes

How to construct a basis for the dual space of an infinite dimensional vector space?

30 votes

Trichotomies in mathematics

29 votes

What are some examples of theorem requiring highly subtle hypothesis?

27 votes

Is there a theorem whose only known proof uses "$A$ or not $A$" for undecidable $A$

26 votes

How much of GCH do we need to guarantee well-ordering of continuum?

26 votes

What are some nice uses of ultraproducts/ultrapowers?

23 votes

When was the continuum hypothesis born?

23 votes

Does ZF+AD settle the original Suslin hypothesis?

22 votes

Hahn's Embedding Theorem and the oldest open question in set theory

21 votes

Compactness of the Hilbert cube without the Axiom of Choice

20 votes

Relation between the Axiom of Choice and a the existence of a hyperplane not containing a vector

20 votes

A better way to explain forcing?

20 votes

Is there an "anti-choice axiom"?

20 votes

Proof/Reference to a claim about AC and definable real numbers

19 votes

Is it consistent that $|[\kappa]^{<\kappa}| > \kappa$?

18 votes

Does "cardinal arithmetic is well-defined" imply axiom of choice?

18 votes

BCT equivalent to DC

18 votes

Has any open/difficult problem in ordinary mathematics been solved only/mostly by appeal to set theory?

18 votes

Is the non-triviality of the algebraic dual of an infinite-dimensional vector space equivalent to the axiom of choice?

18 votes

Do Measurable Cardinals Exist? (assuming ZFC)

18 votes

Non continuous Linear form on $E=C([0,1],\mathbb{R})$ without AC

18 votes

What choice principles does "every set is in bijection with a transitive set" imply?

17 votes

Elementary + short + useful

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