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mlk's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 6 months
  • Last seen this week
2 votes

Existence of first variation

2 votes

Flat norm of currents and minimal surfaces

2 votes

How to interpret this quote of Lin?

2 votes

Vector measures as metric currents

2 votes

Knapsack problem with capacity constraint

2 votes

Is a locally invertible weak limit of injective maps injective almost everywhere?

2 votes

Does weak continuity of Jacobians hold for non nondegenerate maps?

1 vote

Can you measure the degree of uniformity of a 2d shape?

1 vote

Is the graph of a Sobolev function “almost geodesically complete”?

1 vote

Equivalence of statements about level sets: $u|_{S \times [\tau, \infty)}$ depends only on $t$ $\iff$ $u(t,x) = \mu^{\tau}(t,u(\tau,x))$

1 vote

Isoperimetric inequality for exterior domains on $\mathbb{H}^{n}$

1 vote

Multivariate coupled partial differential equation

1 vote

Non convex optimization problem in $W_0^{1,2}$

1 vote

When is a $1$-varifold $V$ the associated varifold of the reduced boundary of some Caccioppoli set?

1 vote

Lagrangian independent of derivative with a salvage value

0 votes

Why is the following recurrent sequence convergent?

0 votes

Derivative of Wasserstein distance $W^p_p$ along solutions of the continuity equation (contradicting statements in different sources)

0 votes

Distance function and geometry of the set