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Chris Wuthrich's user avatar
Chris Wuthrich
  • Member for 14 years, 8 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Nottingham, UK
5 votes

Splitting of primes in cyclotomic $\mathbb{Z}_p$-extension

5 votes

Semi-Simplicity of Mod-$\ell$ Galois Representations

5 votes

What is the exact meaning of the real period in the $p$-adic formulation of BSD?

5 votes

Elliptic units and Euler system

5 votes

Does the modular form associated to cubic twist of a elliptic curve $E$ corresponds to some twist of $f_E$?

5 votes

Bounds on $p$-primary Selmer groups when $E[p]$ is irreducible

5 votes

Possible $p$-torsion subgroup of $E(\mathbb{Q}_p)$, and if there is a theorem to say which case happens when?

5 votes

Is there an elliptic curve over a number field with a point of order 64 and Mordell-Weil rank zero?

5 votes

Tate-Shafarevich groups under finite Galois field extensions

5 votes

Galois cohomology of Tate modules

5 votes

Order of $37$-Sylow subgroup of ideal class group of $K_{37} = \Bbb Q(\mu_{37^{n}})$ is known to be $37^n$

5 votes

Questions about elliptic curves with level-$n$ structure

4 votes

Reference request for the isomorphism $H^1(G_{K_v},E)[n]\cong (E(K_v)/nE(K_v))^*$ in the context of Tate-duality

4 votes

Lazard module structure of rings with formal elliptic curve

4 votes

Main conjecture for elliptic curves invariant under a $\mathbb{Q}$-isogeny

4 votes

Finiteness of the $p$-primary subgroup of an elliptic curve over the cyclotomic $\mathbb{Z}_p$-extension

4 votes

Elliptic curves and $GL(2)$ Iwasawa theory

4 votes

Kato's Euler System for Isogenous Elliptic Curves

4 votes

Iwasawa invariants

4 votes

Tamagawa numbers of abelian varieties and torsion.

3 votes

applications of Tate-Poitou duality

3 votes

Prime factorization theory

3 votes

finite generation of the Mordell-Weil group over finitely generated fields

3 votes

Pontryagin dual

3 votes

Anomalous elliptic curves over finite rings

3 votes

von Staudt-Clausen for other special values

3 votes

Centralizers of Cartan subgroups

3 votes

Universal homotheties for elliptic curves

3 votes

Is $H^{1}_{Sel}\left(K,E_{p^{n}}\right)\rightarrow\prod_{q \nmid \infty} H^1\left(K_{q},E_{p^{n}}\right)$ an injection?

3 votes

Surjectivity of map between Néron models $\mathcal{E} \to \mathcal{E}'$