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BCnrd's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 10 months
74 votes

Classification of (compact) Lie groups

61 votes

Does "finitely presented" mean "always finitely presented"? (Answered: Yes!)

53 votes

The algebraic fundamental group of a reductive algebraic group

48 votes

Example of connected-etale sequence for group schemes over a Henselian field?

41 votes

Does formally etale imply flat for noetherian schemes?

38 votes

fpqc covers of stacks

36 votes

Flatness and local freeness

35 votes

Moduli stack of principally polarized abelian varieties

32 votes

What is the difference between PSL_2 and PGL_2?

31 votes

Is the fixed locus of a group action always a scheme?

31 votes

Is projectiveness a Zariski-local property of modules? (Answered: Yes!)

29 votes

Standard reduction to the artinian local case?

26 votes

Why are Tamagawa numbers equal to Pic/Sha?

25 votes

Are Jacobians principally polarized over non-algebraically closed fields?

25 votes

Why do automorphism groups of algebraic varieties have natural algebraic group structure?

24 votes

Why does non-abelian group cohomology exist?

23 votes

To prove the Nullstellensatz, how can the general case of an arbitrary algebraically closed field be reduced to the easily-proved case of an uncountable algebraically closed field?

23 votes

non principally polarized complex abelian varieties

22 votes

How do we study the theory of reductive groups?

22 votes

When is an irreducible scheme quasi-compact?

22 votes

The central role of varieties (a comment from Mumford's Red Book)

21 votes

Extra principal Cartier divisors on non-Noetherian rings? (answered: no!)

21 votes

What is a good introductory text for moduli theory?

20 votes

Can Hom_gp(G,H) fail to be representable for affine algebraic groups?

19 votes

Is a quotient of a reductive group reductive?

18 votes

Are complex semisimple Lie groups matrix groups?

18 votes

Non-representable functor, representable on locally Noetherian schemes?

18 votes

Realizations and pinnings (épinglages) of reductive groups

18 votes

Universal definition of tangent spaces (for schemes and manifolds)

18 votes

Comparing algebraic group orbits over big and small algebraically closed fields