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BCnrd's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 10 months
17 votes

Complete intersections and flat families

17 votes

Equivalence of ordered and unordered cech cohomology.

16 votes

The order of the discriminant of a good-reduction elliptic curve

16 votes

What are examples illustrating the usefulness of Krull (i.e., rank > 1) valuations?

15 votes

Existence of fine moduli space for curves and elliptic curves

15 votes

Is $Sym^n (V^*) \cong Sym^n (V)^\ast$ naturally in positive characteristic?

15 votes

Galois cohomology of linear groups over local fields

15 votes

Books on reductive groups using scheme theory

14 votes

When is a coarse moduli space also a fine moduli space?

14 votes

Semi-linear operators

13 votes

Modular curves of genus zero and normal forms for elliptic curves

13 votes

What can we do with a coarse moduli space that we can't do with a DM moduli stack?

12 votes

Points of a variety defined by Galois descent

11 votes

Quasi-separatedness for Algebraic Spaces

10 votes

Unipotent linear algebraic groups

10 votes

Does projectiveness descend along field extensions?

10 votes

Does a locally free sheaf over a product pushforward to a locally free sheaf?

10 votes

Intuition for rational functions

10 votes

components of E[p], E universal in char p.

10 votes

How does one classify finite flat group schemes over a ring where p is nilpotent?

10 votes

What is an example of a regular realization of $C_5$ over $\mathbb{Q}(x)$?

9 votes

Group Cohomology for Reductive Groups

9 votes

Is this true that algebraic spaces etale and surjective over a scheme is a scheme ?

9 votes

Simplifying the definition of a geometric context using sieves?

9 votes

Orientation of a smooth manifold using sheaves

9 votes

Hyperspecial subgroup of a product of semisimple algebraic groups

8 votes

One dimensional (phi,Gamma)-modules in char p

8 votes

If split algebraic groups are potentially isomorphic, are they isomorphic?

8 votes

Flatness of relative canonical bundle

8 votes

Is the category of affine schemes (over a fixed field) Cartesian closed?