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Marty's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 11 months
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7 votes

Design principles for good undergraduate textbooks to enhance student understanding

7 votes

Signs in Chevalley's commutator formula

7 votes

Are the quaternions not uncountably categorical?

6 votes

Does local Langlands functoriality preserve genericity?

6 votes

How to estimate the Haar measure on $G_2$

6 votes

Computing Tamagawa number of torus in Quaternion algebra

6 votes

Fixed Points of the Weyl Group action on a Maximal Torus and the Center of a Reductive Group

6 votes

About the definition of E8, and Rosenfeld's "Geometry of Lie groups"

6 votes

The Schwartz Space on a Manifold

6 votes

The algebraic fundamental group of a reductive algebraic group

6 votes

Exercises in Hodge Theory

6 votes

Harmonic Expansion

6 votes

Smoothness as a topological property

6 votes

Connected components of the orthogonal group O(2n) in characteristic 2.

6 votes

Is the ability to define Haar measure the main (or only) reason to consider locally compact topological groups?

6 votes

Characterizing the Local Langlands Correspondence

6 votes

Can a reductive group act non-linearly on a vector group?

5 votes

What is the standard reference on "infinitesimal space" in algebraic geometry??

5 votes

Classification of real forms up to inner automorphisms

5 votes

The exceptional Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}_2$ and binary cubics

5 votes

Uniform setting for computing orders of algebraic groups over finite quotients of the integers?

5 votes

Embedding commutative associative rings in non associative rings

5 votes

Iwahori decomposition of general groups

5 votes

Constructing groups of Type E7 with certain Tits Index

5 votes

Restriction of smooth representaions of SL(2,Q_p) to the maximal compact

4 votes

How did ancient greek geometers represent solids?

4 votes

Mathematical ideas named after places

4 votes

Hopf algebra of Chevalley group from the root system

4 votes

From symmetric groups to symplectic groups?

4 votes

A comprehensive functor of points approach for manifolds