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Alex B.
  • Member for 14 years, 3 months
  • Last seen this week
5 votes

Irreducible and faithful $\operatorname{PSL}_2(q)$-module

5 votes

Heisenberg group over the Gaussian integers

5 votes

Is the classification of finite p-groups a smooth problem?

5 votes

sharper minkowski bound

5 votes

Structure theorem for finitely generated Z[G] modules

5 votes

What (permutation) groups can occur as galois groups of irreducible polynomials of degree n

5 votes

What heuristic evidence is there concerning the unboundedness or boundedness of Mordell-Weil ranks of elliptic curves over $\Bbb Q$?

5 votes

Examples of DVRs of residue char p and ramification e

4 votes

applications of Tate-Poitou duality

4 votes

Is it possible to recover the degree of a field extension from a list of elements and the ground field?

4 votes

Good algebraic number theory books

4 votes

Classifications of finite simple objects

4 votes

Proving interesting theorems about S_n using its character table.

4 votes

Examples of Using Class Field Theory

4 votes

injective hull and projective cover of simple modules are indecomposable

4 votes

Dihedral extension unramified at primes dividing order of group?

4 votes

Even Counterexample to Statement About the Non Existence of Certain Groups with Two Irreducible Monomial Character Degrees

4 votes

Sets M,N with G action such that C[M] = C[N] as G modules, how are they related ?

4 votes

Mazur's Question on Mod $N$ Galois representations

3 votes

Classifying binary quadratic forms by the set of representable squares

3 votes

Isomorphism related to the first cohomology group

3 votes

Proof of a Simple Converse in Algebraic Number Theory

3 votes

Local factors determine Weil representations - proof of the cyclic case

3 votes

Advice for contacting journals for the first time

3 votes

How can we justify the use of Example 5,4 (of Cohen, Lenstra) assuming their heuristics

3 votes

When is $K(\sqrt{a}, \sqrt{b})$ Galois over $\mathbb{Q}$ for $K$ a cyclic cubic field?

3 votes

Existence of tamely ramified tower of extension over $\mathbb{Q}_p$

3 votes

Autobiographies and correspondences of mathematicians

3 votes

Autobiographies and correspondences of mathematicians

3 votes

Is there any way to compute the restriction of morphism onto irreducible components