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archipelago's user avatar
  • Member for 11 years, 9 months
  • Last seen this week
13 votes

Is the Hurewicz theorem ever used to compute abelianizations?

13 votes

Which stable homotopy groups are represented by parallelizable manifolds?

13 votes

On the state of the art on closed $(n-1)$-connected $2n$ manifolds

11 votes

Characteristic classes of non-linear sphere bundles

11 votes

Mapping class groups in high dimension

11 votes

What are examples when the equality of some invariants is good enough in algebraic topology?

8 votes

cohomology of BG, G compact Lie group

6 votes

Classifying spaces of topological groups whose underlying spaces are homotopy equivalent

6 votes

A $\mathbb{R}^{n}$ -fiber bundle which do not admit a n-dimensional vector bundle structure

6 votes

Naive G-spectrum representing geometric equivariant cobordism

6 votes

Why is $Lex(\mathcal{A},\mathcal{Ab})$ abelian? Does $Lex(\mathcal{A},\mathcal{Ab})\rightarrow Func(\mathcal{A},\mathcal{Ab})$ admit a left-adjoint?

5 votes

$\pi_{2n-1}(\operatorname{SO}(2n))$ element represents the tangent bundle $TS^{2n}$, not torsion and indivisible for $n>1$?

4 votes

Stable cohomology of mapping class group with coefficients in $H^{\otimes n}$

4 votes

Version of pseudo-isotopy $\neq$ isotopy for $(n+1)$-framings

4 votes

connected compact semisimple lie group finite fundamental group

3 votes

Geometric realization of simplicial spaces and finite limits

2 votes

Decomposition of solvable Lie group

1 vote

Homology of loop space

1 vote

Generalize $\pi_0(B\mathcal{C})\cong\{\text{objects}\}/\{\text{morphisms}\}$ to categories internal to topological spaces

1 vote

The reflexive free-category comonad-resolution is a cofibrant replacement of the discrete simplicial category associated with an ordinary category in the Bergner model structure on the category of small simplicial categories?