Let $M$ be a closed $n$-manifold and $\varphi$ be a self-diffeomorphisms of $M$. There is a bordism from $M$ to itself given by $M\times [0,1]$ with the identification $M \cong M \times \{0\}$ induced by $\varphi$ and the identification $M \cong M \times \{ 1\}$ induced by $\mathrm{id}_M$. If $\varphi$ is pseudo-isotopic to the identity, then this bordism is isomorphic to the identity bordism, even though $\varphi$ might not be isotopic to the identity.
I would like to know if this situation changes if we consider a framing on $TM \oplus \underline{\mathbf{R}}$ and use it to fix a framing $T(M \times [0,1]) \cong TM \oplus \underline{\mathbf{R}}$. Let $\varphi$ be a framed diffeomorphism, that is, $\varphi$ preserves the framing on $TM \oplus \underline{\mathbf{R}}$ up to a specified homotopy of framings.
Can the resulting framed bordism be isomorphic to the identity bordism without $\varphi$ being isotopic to the identity as a framed diffeomorphism?