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Greg Stevenson's user avatar
Greg Stevenson
  • Member for 15 years, 2 months
  • Last seen this week
8 votes

Equivalence of derived categories which is not Fourier-Mukai

8 votes

What are the most important instances of the "yoga of generic points"?

8 votes

Graded local rings versus local rings

8 votes

What is interesting/useful about big Witt Vectors?

7 votes

Stalks of sheaf-hom

7 votes

"Points" in algebraic geometry: Why shift from m-Spec to Spec?

7 votes

When does the sheaf direct image functor f_* have a right adjoint?

7 votes

Set theory for category theory beginners

7 votes

Are quotients of polynomial rings almost UFDs?

7 votes

Splitting lemma under assumption of the axiom of choice

7 votes

locally finitely presentable tensor categories

6 votes

Is the homotopy category of a ring also the derived category of another ring?

6 votes

Coreflective Subcategories of the Stable Homotopy Category

6 votes

Do the signs in Puppe sequences matter?

6 votes

Localization(s) of Categories

6 votes

When are GIT quotients projective?

6 votes

Does the fiber product of two regular varieties over perfect field remain regular?

5 votes

Different definitions of the dimension of an algebra

5 votes

How to think about model categories?

5 votes

When does "splits" imply "cosplits"?

5 votes

How is this action of monoidal derived category induced?

5 votes

Assumptions on the category C for sheafification of C-valued presheaves

5 votes

When do chain complexes decompose as a direct sum?

5 votes

Classification of t-structures in derived category of R-mod?

4 votes

Primary decomposition for modules

4 votes

Global proof of Serre duality

4 votes

Sources for exact triangles in triangulated categories.

4 votes

Tate Cohomology via stable categories

4 votes

Algebraic Geometry in an applied setting?

4 votes

Exactness of filtered colimits