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Anweshi's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 11 months
6 votes

Slick ways to make annoying verifications

5 votes

On proving that a certain set is not empty by proving that it is actually large

5 votes

Math puzzles for dinner

5 votes

Good books on theory of distributions

5 votes

LaTeX based document editors

5 votes

Complete formulas book for Communication System engineer

5 votes

"Every scheme as a sheaf" references?

4 votes

Bertrand's postulate

4 votes

Map of Number Theory

4 votes

Algebraic geometry used "externally" (in problems without obvious algebraic structure).

4 votes

Why linear algebra is fun!(or ?)

3 votes

Indeterminate "$x$" in algebra/ring Theory

3 votes

Algebraic geometry examples

3 votes

Functions of several complex variables: book recommendations?

3 votes

What is the proper initiation to the theory of motives for a new student of algebraic geometry?

3 votes

Eisenstein series and the Kronecker limit theorem

2 votes

What is the history of the name "Chinese remainder theorem"?

2 votes

Writing down minimal Weierstrass equations

2 votes

multi-index Dirichlet series

2 votes

How do you see the genus of a curve, just looking at its function field?

2 votes

Why is an elliptic curve a group?

2 votes

Modular forms reference

2 votes

Geometry Vs Arithmetic of schemes

2 votes

Сomplete homogeneous space which is not locally compact

1 vote

Sylow's theorem 3rd Proof Page 96 I.N.Herstein

1 vote

Christening Fermat's Little Theorem

1 vote

references / general idea of kervaire invariant problem

1 vote

How should I approximate real numbers by algebraic ones?

1 vote

Replacing Spectrum with Valuations of a Field - An Alternative to Schemes?

1 vote

What is the relation between vector bundles on a manifold and grassmanians?