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Simon Henry's user avatar
Simon Henry
  • Member for 12 years, 9 months
  • Last seen this week
5 votes

Brouwer's theorem for the Cauchy reals

5 votes

unitization-process of unital- and non-unital $C^*$-algebras

5 votes

Exercise on "locality" in topos theory

5 votes

Relation between norm of any element of $C^*$-algebra in terms of self adjoint elements

5 votes

Counterexample to Riesz representation for Hilbert modules

5 votes

Sheaf associated to presheaf Aut

5 votes

Route to Alain Connes'work about classification of injective factors

5 votes

When can a scheme be recovered from its descent groupoid?

5 votes

Defining a sheaf from its values on a prebase (plus little more structure)

5 votes

Why do sheaves embed in presheaves?

5 votes

Are there any useful conditions for a biclosed monoidal structure on presheaves to descend to a biclosed monoidal structure on sheaves?

4 votes

Constructive proof of existence of non-separable normed space

4 votes

Minimal central projection in W*-algebras

4 votes

second dual of minimal tensor products of $C^*$-algebras

4 votes

Do Hausdorff locally convex inductive limits always exist?

4 votes

$H^{*}$ algebras as a generalization of $C^{*}$ algebras

4 votes

Why $A^*A =A$ implies that $A$ is a C$^*$ algebra (Proposition 5.2.8 of An Invitation to Quantum Groups and Duality by Thomas Timmermann)

4 votes

Measurability and continuity for general topological spaces

4 votes

No Hilbert space can have countable Hamel basis without using Baire's Category theorem

4 votes

Compactification of topological spaces

4 votes

Associating a principal bundle to a torsor

4 votes

Do hom-sets really live in the category Set?

4 votes

A Possible characterization of F.D or AF commutative $C^{*}$ algebras

4 votes

Noncommutative version of Littlewood's First Principle

4 votes

Are constant $\infty$-sheaves constant on connected components?

4 votes

Definition of infinitary regular category

4 votes

Condensed / pyknotic sets in terms of forcing over Boolean-valued models of set theory / multiverse concepts?

4 votes

What does play the role of a subobject classifier for quotient objects?

4 votes

Necessary and sufficient conditions for all sheaves on a site to be continuous functors?

4 votes

Is the coproduct $N=1+N$ universal?