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Sean Eberhard's user avatar
Sean Eberhard
  • Member for 12 years, 11 months
  • Last seen this week
4 votes

A character-free proof that a permutation group is doubly transitive iff the associated permutation module over $\mathbb C$ has irreducible augmentation submodule?

4 votes

Men in a bar - stoch. processes

4 votes

Groups with exponentially growing centre

4 votes

Maximize $f(0)+\cdots+f(n-1)$ subject to $f(x)f(y) + f(x+y) \leq 1$

4 votes

A variation of closed-subgroup theorem

4 votes

Regular subsets of $\text{PSL}(2, q)$

3 votes

Zero trace elements in finite fields

3 votes

Does asymmetric fraction of finite groups tend to $0$?

3 votes

Multiplicative and additive groups of the field $(\prod_{n\in\omega}\mathbb{Z}/p_n\mathbb{Z})/\simeq_{\cal U}$

3 votes

Can $S_n$ be partitioned into subsets containing an involution and satisfying $∀σ≠τ, ∃j$ s.t. $σ(j)≠τ(j),σ^{−1}(j)=τ^{−1}(j)$?

3 votes

Uncountable family of infinite subsets with pairwise finite intersections

3 votes

Finite-index iff positive density?

3 votes

Powers of finite simple groups

3 votes

Is the transpose of an infinite Hadamard matrix also Hadamard?

3 votes

Bounding size of group by number of generators, order of elements, and nilpotency class (Restricted Burnside's)

2 votes

Universal group such that every finite group is a quotient

2 votes

Is there anything known about the lower central series of a group $G\wr C_p$?

2 votes

Can a positive measure subset of a free group be nowhere dense?

2 votes

Request for examples of 4-regular, non-planar, girth at least 5 graphs

2 votes

fixed points of permutation groups

2 votes

Kantor's Singer cycle theorem

2 votes

Simple closed curves and the coefficent of $\exp(i\theta)$ in the associated Fourier series

2 votes

Maximum number of triangles no two of which have a common edge

2 votes

What is the simplest known finite presentation of a free nilpotent group?

2 votes

Algorithm to calculate edge orbits of a graph

2 votes

Is every virtually free group residually finite?

2 votes

Nesterov, 1983 Paper translation from russian to english

2 votes

Lower bound of the probability of singular random matrix over $\{\pm1\}$ in ``Singularity of random Bernoulli matrices"

1 vote

Partitions of ${\rm Sym}(\mathbb{N})$ induced by convergent, but not absolutely convergent series

1 vote

Schur triples question