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Michael Joyce's user avatar
Michael Joyce
  • Member for 13 years, 5 months
  • Last seen this week
  • New Orleans, LA, USA
16 votes

Interesting mathematical documentaries

13 votes

Learning Tropical geometry

12 votes

Using algebraic geometry to understand class field theory

10 votes

Is there a geometric interpretation of skew Schur functions?

8 votes

Algebraic Geometry for non-mathematician

7 votes

Partial order relation on subsets

7 votes

Uniqueness of the wonderful compactification of a semi-simple group

7 votes

References request on the algebraic geometry of projective homogeneous spaces

6 votes

The pseudoeffective cone does not contain lines

6 votes

Cohomology ring of a flag variety and representation theory

5 votes

Good combinatorics textbooks for teaching undergraduates?

5 votes

Where to publish a math textbook in Creative Commons

5 votes

Cohomology Ring of the Flag Manifolds, Cartan Subalgebras, and Weyl Groups

5 votes

the blowing up of a plane curve playing me tricks.

4 votes

Configuration space of flags

4 votes

Where does a math person go to learn quantum mechanics?

4 votes

Examples where adding complexity made a problem simpler

4 votes

Intersection theory for $G$-varieties - an action on the chow ring?

4 votes

Continuous notions with compelling discrete analogues

4 votes

What are the most important open problems in algebraic combinatorics?

4 votes

RSK and crystal operators

3 votes

Reading list for Equivariant Cohomology

3 votes

Is there a standard name for this poset

3 votes

Trying to understand the proof of Laurent phenomenon of cluster algebras

3 votes

Dimension of spaces of invariants/tableaux functions

3 votes

Motivating Algebra and Analysis for Average Undergraduates

2 votes

What is the "right" definition of the homology(cohomology) of an orbifold?

2 votes

Covering relations in $K\backslash G/B$

2 votes

Chains in $K\backslash G/B$ lying over a closed $K$-orbit

2 votes

Graph of $S_n$ with respect to transposition