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Vladimir S  Matveev's user avatar
Vladimir S  Matveev's user avatar
Vladimir S Matveev
  • Member for 13 years, 8 months
  • Last seen this week
5 votes

Reference for when a metric on a four-manifold is Kahler?

5 votes

Vector fields $X$ and $Y$ commute on a closed set $K$. Do there exist commuting $\tilde X,\tilde Y$ with $\tilde X=X$ and $\tilde Y=Y$ on $K$?

4 votes

If there exists a function on a Riemannian manifold such that its Hessian matrix is the identity matrix?

4 votes

On a parallelizable manifold, is there always a frame satisfying $[X_i,X_j]=0$?

4 votes

Applications of Hessian operator in the Riemann manifold. Simple samples $S_{2}(f)$

4 votes

Geodesic flows and Killing fields

4 votes

Generic absence of non-trivial first integrals of geodesic flows

4 votes

Hamiltonian flow local diffeomorphism?

4 votes

Are compact, complex, affinely flat manifolds geodesically complete?

4 votes

Volume-preserving projective transformations are isometries

4 votes

Transitive geodesics on closed surfaces of genus greater than one

3 votes

Does identical scalar curvature imply isometric?

3 votes

Intuition for Levi-Civita connection via Hamiltonian flows

3 votes

Holonomy of compact manifolds

3 votes

Are there hermitian metrics with the volume form of a Kahler metric?

3 votes

Large and Small Conformal Groups

3 votes

Normalized packing number

3 votes

Global conformal equivalence of two regions of Minkowski spacetime

3 votes

Diameter of a convex body relative to its Legendre ellipsoid

3 votes

List of generic properties of Riemannian metrics

3 votes

Connections having the same holonomy along loops at a point

3 votes

Curvature of singular Riemannian metric

2 votes

Obstructions to maximal number of independent constants of motion in a given symplectic manifold

2 votes

Comparing diffusion processes in different metrics

2 votes

Smoothness of the fourth power of the geodesic distance in a Finsler geometry

2 votes

Cusps as warped products

2 votes

vector field on a curve as projection of a constant vector field on an embedding space

2 votes

Ellipse naturally associated with a polygon

2 votes

For what metrics are circles solutions of the isoperimetric problem?

2 votes

Every real-holomorphic Hamiltonian vector field on a Kähler manifold is Killing (and preserves curvature), yes?