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Prime numbers, diophantine equations, diophantine approximations, analytic or algebraic number theory, arithmetic geometry, Galois theory, transcendental number theory, continued fractions

6 votes

Double series problems

The paper Two-dimensional series evaluations via the elliptic functions of Ramanujan and Jacobi deals exactly with double sums of this kind and shows how to evaluate them in terms of elliptic function …
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14 votes

A combinatorial identity involving generalized harmonic numbers

The identity $$ \begin{align} \sum_{s=1}^{m}{2s\choose s}{s\choose m-s}\frac{(-1)^s }{s+1}H_{s}^{(2)}=\frac{2(-1)^m}{m+1}\sum_{s=1}^m H_{s}^{(2)}. \tag{1} \end{align} $$ is equivalent to the following …
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2 votes

A conjecture involving roots of unity

This proves the case $\delta=0$, namely for $z^{mn-1}=1$ $$ S=\sum_{k=1}^{n-1}\left(\frac{z^k}{1+z^{km}}-(-1)^{n-k}\frac{z^k}{1-z^{km}}\right),\quad \text{Re} \,S=(-1)^{n-1}\left\lfloor \frac n2\right …
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8 votes

Partition numbers and Gaussian binomial coefficient

Consider Rogers-Szego polynomials defined by $$ H_n(t)=\sum\limits_{m=0}^{n} \binom{n}{m}_qt^m. $$ In Andrews, "Theory of partitions", exercise 6 in chapter 3 gives three term recurrence satisfied by …
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8 votes

Irrationality of generalized continued fractions

There are such examples in Ramanujan's Notebooks, Part 2, page 116
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10 votes

Identity with Pochhammer and harmonic numbers

The identity under question can be found in the paper S. Boettner, V.H. Moll The integrals in Gradshteyn and Ryzhik. Part 16: Complete elliptic integrals, pages 11-12 …
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12 votes

Is it true that $\sum_{k=1}^\infty\frac{\binom{2k}k^2}{k16^k}(H_{2k}-H_k)=\frac23\sum_{k=1}^...

Let $a_n=\frac{1}{16^n}\binom{2n}n^2$. We have $$ \sum_{n\ge 1} a_n(2H_{2n}-H_n)k^{2n}=-\frac{1}{\pi}K(k)\log(1-k^2). $$ Here $K(x)=\frac{\pi}{2}\sum_{n\ge 0}a_nx^{2n}$ is complete elliptic integral o …
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3 votes

$q$-Eulerian type B enjoy symmetry

$\bf{Step~1}.$ $B_{n,a}(q)=B_{n,n-a}(q)$. $\it{Proof}$. Write $$ \sum_{n\geq1}\dfrac{B_n(t,q)}{t^{n/2}}\frac{z^n}{(q;q)_n}=\frac{e(z/\sqrt{t};q)-e(z\sqrt{t};q)}{\dfrac{e(2z\sqrt{t};q)}{\sqrt{t}}-\sqr …
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18 votes

A mystery sequence

The conjectured identity $$ f(q)=(q;q)_\infty\left(1+\sum_{k=1}^\infty q^k(-q;q)^2_{k-1}\right)=\sum_{\substack{m,n\geqslant0\\n\ne1}}(-1)^mq^{\frac{(m+n)(3m+n+1)}2},\tag{1} $$ using Euler's pentagona …
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13 votes

Ramanujan's Lost Notebook page 1 first equation and OEIS sequence A260195

This conjecture is equivalent to the following $$\frac{q}{(1-q)^2}\sum_{n=0}^\infty(-q)^n \frac{(q;q^2){}_n(-q^2;q^2){}_n}{(q^3;q^2){}_n^2}=\sum_{1\le r,s\le t}q^{t^2-\frac{1}{2}(r^2-r+s^2-s)},\tag{1} …
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10 votes

generating $q$-Catalan numbers

The functions $$ C_n(q)=\sum_{P\in\square_n}q^{area(P)} $$ satisfy the following recurrence relation $$ C_n(q)=\sum_{k=1}^nq^{k-1}C_{k-1}(q)C_{n-k}(q).\tag{1} $$ Proof. (taken from the book "The q, t- …
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25 votes

Bernoulli sum meets golden number

Using the integral representation of Bernoulli numbers I obtain formally the integral representation of the double summation $$ \sum_{k=1}^{\infty}\sum_{j=0}^{k}\binom{k}{j}\frac{B_{j+k+1}}{j+k+1}=2\c …
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3 votes

System of two linear Diophantine equations

Not a complete answer, more like an extended comment. It is possible to remove the inequalities by introducing new variables $y_i\ge 0$ according to \begin{align} x_n&=y_n\\ x_{n-1}-x_n&=y_{n-1}\\ \ld …
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6 votes

3 divides coefficents of this $q$-series

Trivially $$ \prod_{n\geq1} f_n(q)=\frac{\left(q^3;q^3\right)^4_{\infty }}{(q;q)_{\infty } \left(q^9;q^9\right){}_{\infty }}. $$ Denoting $A(q)=(q;q)_{\infty }(q^2;q^2)_{\infty }$, one can see that in …
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4 votes

Limit of an infinite series with quadratic arguments

We will use the following well known fact (e.g., see sections 1.1 and 1.2 in this article): Given $f(x)$ with period $1$, its Fourier series $$ f(x)=\sum_{j=0}^\infty a_j\cos(2\pi jx), $$ and a positi …
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