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Prime numbers, diophantine equations, diophantine approximations, analytic or algebraic number theory, arithmetic geometry, Galois theory, transcendental number theory, continued fractions

19 votes

$\zeta(0)$ and the cotangent function

This is not a completely satisfactory answer. I would like a simpler one. Nevertheless still probably a good exercise in Complex variables. I will only sketch it. What we want to show is equivalent t …
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18 votes

Asymptotics of the n-th prime using the gamma function

The asymptotic expansion of Cipolla starts $$p_n=n\log n+n\log\log n-n+n\frac{\log\log n}{\log n}+O(n(\log\log n/\log n)^2)$$ So the given approximations have errors $$p_n=n\frac{\Gamma'(n)}{\Gamma(n …
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14 votes

A conjecture about certain values of the Fabius function

I have posted in arXiv:1702.05442 the English translation of a paper about Fabius function that I published in Spanish in 1982 (we will refer to it as (A)). With the Theorems in this paper the ques …
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13 votes

For $x$ irrational, is $a_{n} =\sum_{k=1}^{n}(-1)^{⌊kx⌋}$ unbounded?

We have Theorem. Let $\psi(x)$ and $\varphi(x)$ be positive increasing functions such that $$\int_1^\infty \frac{dx}{\psi(x)}=+\infty,\qquad \int_1^\infty \frac{dx}{\varphi(x)}<+\infty.$$ Then for a …
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12 votes

Is this differential equation for zeta on the critical line? One can compute it from its der...

The zeta function can be written $\zeta(1/2+it)=Z(t)e^{-i\vartheta(t)}$ where $Z(t)$ are real analytic and $\vartheta(t)$ is a simple function related to $\Gamma(s)$. The relation between $\zeta(1/2 …
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11 votes

Explicit formula for Riemann zeros counting function

The formula is given by Guinand as said in his answer by Matthew Watkins but it can be found in page 111 of the paper and reads: assuming Riemann Hypothesis and $T>0$ $$\frac12(N(T+0)+N(T-0))=\frac{T} …
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10 votes

Is it possible to reconstruct $\zeta$-function knowing its zeroes?

This is well known (Riemann could have writen it) $$\zeta(s)=\frac{1}{2}\frac{\pi^{s/2}}{(s-1)\Gamma(1+s/2)}\prod_{\Im\rho > 0}\Bigl\{ \Bigl(1-\frac{s}{\rho}\Bigr)\Bigl(1-\frac{s}{\overline{\rho}}\Bi …
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9 votes

Do we know an upper bound for the multiplicity of the non-trivial zeros of Zeta?

It is known that the number of zeros with $T-1 < Im(\rho)<T+1$ is $O(\log(T))$. Therefore the multiplicity of a zero $\beta+\gamma i$ will be less than $C \log|\gamma|$ for some absolute constant $C …
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9 votes

zeta(3) in terms of derivatives of zeta at 1/2 and pi

In fact for odd $n\ge3$ we have $$\Bigl.\frac{d^{n}}{ds^n}\log\zeta(s)\Bigr|_{s=\frac12}= \frac{(n-1)!}{2}\Bigl(2^n L(n,\chi)+(2^n-1)\zeta(n)\Bigr)$$ The proof (due to Voros) is the following: It …
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9 votes

Is this sum of reciprocals of zeta zeros correct?

The series $\sum_\rho \rho^{-1}$ over the non-trivial zeros is not absolutely convergent, this is proved in Davenport p. 80. But as Davenport says and proves in page 81-82 the series converges con …
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8 votes

Fourier transform of the critical line of zeta?

If $\varphi$ is in the class of Schwartz we have $$\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty}\varphi(t)\zeta(\frac12+it)\,dt= \sum_{n=0}^\infty\Bigl\{ \frac{1}{\sqrt{n+1}}\widehat{\varphi}\Bigl(\frac{1}{2\pi}\log (n+1) …
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8 votes

Asymptotic bounds on $\pi^{-1}(x)$ (inverse prime counting function)

Assuming the Riemann hypothesis $$|p_n -\text{li}^{-1}(n) |\le \pi^{-1} \sqrt{n} (\log n)^{5/2}, \qquad n \ge 11$$ This follows from known bounds for $\pi(x)$ due to Schoenfeld. You may see the detai …
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8 votes

Zeros of the derivative of Riemann's $\xi$-function

The Riemann hypothesis implies that the function $\Xi(z)=\xi(1/2+iz)$ is in the Laguerre-Pólya class. Therefore it is a limit, uniformly on compact sets, of a sequence of polynomials with real roots. …
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7 votes

$\pi((n+1)^2)-\pi(n^2) \le \pi(n)$ for all $n \ge 370$?

We know is that the difference between $\pi(x)$ y $\textrm{Li}(x)$ is less than $xe^{-c\sqrt{\log x}}$, and we have the asymptotic expansion $$\textrm{Li}(x)-\textrm{Li}((x+1)^2)+\textrm{Li}(x^2)=$ …
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6 votes

How good can we approximate with algebraic curve the egg shaped vanishing of $\Re \zeta(s)$ ...

The figure of egg is not an elliptic curve. Since the curve pass through the point $(-2,0)$ and $(1,0)$ the equation will be of type $$y^2=(ax+b)(x+2)(x-1)$$ We find the numbers $y_0$ and $y_1$ wh …
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