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Numerical algorithms for problems in analysis and algebra, scientific computation

13 votes

Convergence of finite element method: counterexamples

This may not be what you seek, but in the 1996 paper, "Anisotropic refinement algorithms for finite elements" by Goodman, Samuelsson, and Szepessy (.ps link), they show an example of a function $u(x,y …
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
8 votes

Geodesic triangles in finite element method

I do not believe this is exactly what you seek, but there is literature in computer graphics that starts with a mesh of "traditional triangles" as you describe them, and "remeshes" the surface with ge …
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
7 votes

How to implement Horner’s scheme for multivariate polynomials?

The paper you cite, "On the multivariate Horner scheme" (Pena, Sauer) has an explicit algorithm specified on p.3. The remaining challenge is to penetrate the notation and conventions in the paper lai …
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
6 votes

Algorithm for solving systems of linear Diophantine inequalities

Mathematica implements an algorithm: see the manual here: (Added in response to a comment query.) The paper Hochbaum, Dorit S., and Anu Pathria. "Can a System of Linear Diophantine Equations b …
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
5 votes

Delauney triangulation in high (>20) dimensions

"Is it possible to construct a triangulation by choosing the points in the space as we go along?": The answer is Yes. This is known as the incremental algorithm. First, the Delaunay triangulation of …
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
5 votes

dense lattices in high dimensions

This paper seems to directly address your question: Art Owen. "Latin supercube sampling for very high-dimensional simulations." ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS). V …
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
3 votes

Is there any geometric and intuitive interpretation of Newton-like iterative steps in numeri...

Maybe these images will help?            (Image by Ruye Wang at this link.)            (Image at this link.) If you prefer dynamic illustrations, there is this YouTube video:      
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
3 votes

Numerical equality testing

There is a thread of work that derives from W.-T. Wu's work on geometry theorem proving, and this seminal paper by Schwartz, Schwartz, Jacob T. "Fast probabilistic algorithms for verification of p …
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
2 votes

n-widths and Kolmogorov's entropy

Nothing can surpass the Li and Vitányi book in both readability and comprehensiveness, but that is a significant undertaking, and you might need alternatives. "A Short Introduction to Kolmogorov Compl …
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
1 vote

Interpolation splines of bounded curvature

Perhaps there is a result along these lines? Given any set of distinct points in the plane, there exists a simple (nonintersecting) path through them in a specified order, with the path composed …
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
1 vote

Finding t vlaue in Bezier curve

You can just solve the equation you display directly. For example, let $$ P_0=(0,0),\;\; P_2=(1,0),\;\; P_1=(0.4,0.8) \;, $$ and suppose $B=(0.174,0.168)$:           Then your equation $$ B=P_0+t( …
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
0 votes

Which data structure should I use for hierarchical T-meshes and PHT-splines?

There is literature on how to represent T-meshes. For example, the paper below acknowledges that the flexibility of T-meshes make them difficult to represent in a data structure. So they "recommend …
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
0 votes

How can I efficiently determine which side of a line segment is internal to the polygon?

Select any edge $e_1$, and orient it arbitrarily. Now orient the next edge $e_2$ (the one that uniquely shares the head endpoint of $e_1$) to be consistent with $e_1$. Continuing in this manner, you …
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar