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Reference for PDEs from system of SDEs

I'm working with a system of SDEs \begin{align*} dX_t &= b(X_t, t) + \sigma dB_t\\ dY_t &= c(X_t, Y_t, t) + \sigma dB_t. \end{align*} Here, the Brownian motion is the same. I know that ...
optimal_transport_fan's user avatar
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Quasi-invariance of $\Phi_3^4$ under translation by nonsmooth shifts

In Hairer shows that the $\Phi_3^4$ measure is mutually singular with respect to any nonzero smooth shift. Is it also mutually singular with respect to any nonzero ...
user479223's user avatar
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Finiteness of the moments of the Malliavin derivative of the stochastic heat equation

I am studying section 2.4.2 from Nualart's book "The Malliavin calculus and related topics" on the stochastic heat equation. I have some questions on the validity of some estimates for the ...
user574579's user avatar
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SPDE Renormalization

some SPDE (in higher dimensions) can only be interpreted in a "renormalised" sense. For example considering $\Phi_2^4$ on $\mathbb{R}_+\times \mathbb{T}^d$ the solution is defined as the ...
mathex's user avatar
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Diffusions vs elliptic operators with dkp coefficients

I am wondering if there is any literature on the relationship between diffusions and elliptic equations. In particular I am interested in literature concerning operators with Dahlberg–Kenig–Pipher ...
Diesirae92's user avatar
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Malliavin calculus for the regularity of the density of the supremum of a process

I am reading Chapter 2 from Nualart's book 'The Malliavin calculus and related topics'. Proposition 2.1.10 gives the conditions for the law of the supremum of a process to have a density. Condition (...
user574579's user avatar
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Continuity dependence and convergence of the renormalized $\Phi^4_2$ model

This question is continuous for the one asked here: Local solutions of renormalized stochastic PDE but it was better to ask it separetely. Again, we are interested in the local behavior of the $\Phi_2^...
mathex's user avatar
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Holder-Besov space and time continuity

Let $\mathbb{T}^d$ be the $d$-dimensional torus, $\mathscr{S}:=C^\infty(\mathbb{T}^d)$ the Schwartz space, $\mathscr{S}'$ the space of tempered distributions. We consider a dyadic partition of unity $(...
mathex's user avatar
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Feynman–Kac formula for other operators

I recently came across the Feynman-Kac formula which states that given an open domain $\Omega\in\mathbb{R}^n$ and $f \in L^2(\Omega)$ where $x \in \Omega$ and $t > 0$, then $e^{t\Delta_D}f(x) = ...
Emmie's user avatar
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PDE for the probability of Brownian motion staying in an area (reference request)

I am looking for a (preferably some monograph) reference on the following fact: $$ u ( t, x ) = \mathbb{P} \{ x + B_s \in A \ \text{for all} \ s \leq t \} $$ satisfies the heat equation $$ \frac{\...
tsnao's user avatar
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Norm estimate for parabolic SPDE solution

When $X$ satisfies $${\rm d}X_t=\varphi_t{\rm d}t+\Phi_t{\rm d}W_t$$ on a Hilbert space $H$, where $W$ is a $Q$-Wiener process on a Hilbert space $U$, we know by the Ito formula that $$\|X_t\|_H^2-\|...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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Elliptic PDEs in BSDEs and in optimal control

This soft/reference question is related to this MO post of a similar nature. What are some examples of elliptic PDEs appearing in control and BSDEs?
ABIM's user avatar
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Stochastic representation of Laplace equation with Neumann boundary condition

Consider nice domain $D\subset \mathbb R^d$ and $\Delta u =0$ with $u\big|_{\partial D}=g$. It is well known that $u(x)=E^x[g(B(\tau))]$ where $\tau$ is exit time of $B$ from the domain $D$. What if ...
user479223's user avatar
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Time reversal of infinite-dimensional SDE

Consider the SDE $${\rm d}X_t=b(t,X_t) \, {\rm d}t+\sigma(t,X_t) \, {\rm d}W_t,\tag1$$ where $b:[0,T]\times V\to H$, $\sigma:[0,T]\times V\to\operatorname{HS}(U_0,H)$, $$V\subseteq H\subseteq V^\ast\...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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SPDEs driven by fractional brownian noise

I am looking for some references for the following kind of SPDEs $$dX_t= AX_t\,\mathrm{d}t+BX_t\,\mathrm{d}W^H_t,$$ given $X(0)=X_0$, where $A$ and $B$ are operators and $W^H_t$ is the fractional ...
MathAnimal's user avatar
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Functional integral formulas for the wave equation and other hyperbolic PDEs

The Feynman–Kac formula provides a functional (Wiener) integral representation of the solution $u$ to the heat equation \begin{align*} \partial_t u &= \frac{1}{2}\Delta_x u,\\ u(0,x) &= ...
Emily's user avatar
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When is a stationary measure of a Markov chain "exponentially localized"?

Here exponentially localized can be thought in a non-rigorous manner as a measure that is mostly supported on a sparse number of nodes. Some intuition can gained by thinking about a diffusion process, ...
Piyush Grover's user avatar
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Role of verification theorems in stochastic optimal control?

I am currently working on the optimal control of certain classes of stochastic processes and I have difficulties understanding the roles of verification theorems. My problem is the following: I am not ...
KBS's user avatar
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Wiener Integral and its distribution

Let $(\Omega, \mathcal{A}, \mathbb{P})$ be a probability space. Let $(W(t))_{x \in \mathbb{R}^d}$ be a Gaussian random field. Then, we can define Wiener integral $\int_{\mathbb{R}^d} f(\xi) \, dW(\xi)$...
heppoko_taroh's user avatar
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Uniqueness of global solution

I am reading Section 3.3 of this paper, and trying to understand the proof of uniqueness of a global solution to the following equation defined on the Torus $\mathbb{T}^3$ \begin{align*} \mathrm{d} \...
MathAnimal's user avatar
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Is $p_t(y,x)$ the kernel of the time reversal of the diffusion $X$, for $p_t(x,y)$ the kernel of $X$?

Short version. If $X$ is a diffusion with generator $L$ and the Lebesgue measure is invariant for $X$, then $L^*$ has no term of order zero and it corresponds to another diffusion $X^*$. Denoting by $...
Pierre PC's user avatar
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Definition of Martin kernels

Let $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ $(n \ge 3)$ be a bounded $C^{1,1}$ domain and let $X$ be a Markov process in $\Omega$. My question is regarding the existence of the Green function and Martin kernel ...
T. Huynh's user avatar
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Conditions of parameters to have bounded solution of Dynkin's equation in exit problem

Consider the following Dynkin’s equation in exit problem defined on unit disk $D_1(0)$ \begin{align} \left(\cos\psi \frac{\partial}{\partial r} + \frac{\gamma-1}{r} \sin\psi \frac{\partial}{\partial\...
GilbertDu's user avatar
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Existence of the derivative of functionals of Brownian motion

Let $v(x, t) = \mathbb E [f(x + W_t)]$ with a Brownian motion $W$. Then, Malliavin calculus leads to the sensitivity in $x$: $$\partial_x v(x, t) = \frac{1}{t} \mathbb E [ f(x + W_t) W_t ].$$ I am ...
kenneth's user avatar
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Link between Fokker-Planck equation and Feynman-Kac formula

According to the Feynman-Kac formula, we know the solution of the partial differential equation: $${\frac {\partial u}{\partial t}}(x,t)+\mu (x,t){\frac {\partial u}{\partial x}}(x,t)+{\tfrac {1}{2}}\...
Carl's user avatar
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Solving Fokker–Planck equation

Consider the Fokker–Planck equation: $${\displaystyle {\frac {\partial }{\partial t}}p(x,t)=-{\frac {\partial }{\partial x}}\left[\mu (x,t)p(x,t)\right]+{\frac {\partial ^{2}}{\partial x^{2}}}\left[D(...
Carl's user avatar
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Proof of the link between the Fokker–Planck equation and SDE?

I know the link between the Fokker–Planck equation and SDE given by the Feynman-Kac theorem is as follow: $$d X_{t}=\mu\left(X_{t}, t\right) d t+\sigma\left(X_{t}, t\right) d W_{t}$$ $$\frac{\partial}{...
Carl's user avatar
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Regularity of harmonic functions for a degenerate elliptic operator

This is a question on a degenerate elliptic operator. Let $E$ be a closed unit ball in $\mathbb{R}^d$ centered at the origin. For a positive number $c>0$ and $f \in C^2(E)(:=C^2(\mathbb{R}^d)|_E)$, ...
sharpe's user avatar
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Schwartz regularity for the density of a stochastic process

Let $B$ be a standard Brownian motion in $\mathbb R$. Define the variables $$\begin{align*} X &= B_1, & Y &= \int_0^1B_s\mathrm ds, & Z&= \int_0^1B_s^2\mathrm ds. \end{align*}$$ It ...
Pierre PC's user avatar
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Use stochastic process to express solution to Laplace equation in the whole space

Consider the Laplace equation in $\mathcal{R}^3$ \begin{equation} \Delta u = f, ~~~\lim_{x\to \infty} u(x) = 0. \end{equation} Here we assume $f$ is a smooth, compactly supported function. Of course, $...
Jacob Lu's user avatar
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Finding super(sub)-harmonic functions for an elliptic operator

I am looking for a super(sub) harmonic function for an elliptic operator. Let $n$ be a positive integer. We denote by $(\cdot,\cdot)$ and $|\cdot|$ the standard inner product and norm on $\mathbb{R}^n$...
sharpe's user avatar
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Reference to log-transition-density of a diffusion process

Consider the scalar diffusion $X=(X_t)_{t\geq 0}$ given by $$\mathrm{d}X_t \ = \ b(X_t)\,\mathrm{d}t \ + \ \sigma(X_t)\,\mathrm{d}B_t, \qquad X_0=\xi,$$ with $b$, $\sigma$ smooth, $\xi$ absolutely ...
cts12's user avatar
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Exit time for Brownian motion with stochastic barriers

I am interested in the expected exit time of a one-dimensional Brownian particle from a stochastically evolving interval as follows. Context: If $L_t$ and $R_t$ denote the distance to the left and ...
as1's user avatar
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Itō formula for the solution of a SPDE in the distributional sense

Let $d\in\mathbb N$ $\Lambda\subseteq\mathbb R^d$ be open $(\Omega,\mathcal A,\operatorname P)$ be a probability space $(Y_t)_{t\ge0}$ be an $L^2(\Lambda)$-valued process on $(\Omega,\mathcal A,\...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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A question about Stroock's notes on the Weyl lemma

On p.4 of these notes, D. Stroock gives a quick and efficient construction of the Markov transition functions of a certain diffusion. The idea of his construction (on page 4) is to 'freeze' the ...
5th decile's user avatar
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Is this a "contradiction" on stochastic Burgers' equation? How to understand it?

For the stochastic Burgers' equation with linear noise, I can deduce two results. Both of them can be applied to same initial data, but the first result means the global existence with high ...
YT_learning_math's user avatar
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Extension of probability space problem: Hilbert space valued process V.S. random field

Maybe the question should be "Understanding the measurability: Hilbert space valued process V.S. random field" Consider the SPDE $${\rm d}u+\cdots{\rm d}t=\sigma(t,u){\rm d}W.$$ Consider the ...
YT_learning_math's user avatar
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Taking limits in stochastic partial differential initial value problems

Background: A (stochastic) Cauchy problem I am interested in looks like this: $$ (1) \hspace{0.5cm} \frac{\partial u}{\partial t}+A(u) \cdot \frac{\partial u}{\partial x} =\nu \cdot \frac{\partial^2 ...
Mark's user avatar
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"Brownian motion" related to the $p$-Laplace operator

The link between the Brownian motion and the Laplace operator is well-known. What stochastic process plays an analogous role with respect to the $p$-Laplace operator?
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Spectral gap for the Brownian motion with drift on a compact manifold

Let $M$ be a compact Riemannian manifold without boundary, $X$ a smooth vector field on $M$. Consider the Brownian motion $t\mapsto B_t$ on $M$ with drift $X$, so that its generator is $L=\Delta +X$. ...
Pierre PC's user avatar
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order of the singularity of a Green's function to the fractional Laplacian

I was looking at a problem which involves the Green's function of a fractional Poisson equation. To fix notation, let $D\subset \mathbb{R}^n$ very nice, i.e. a hypercube, and \begin{equation} \begin{...
Kira G.'s user avatar
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Connection between deterministic and stochastic problems in PDEs

In the study of conservation laws in partial differential equations relatively often we see this two problems (problem (1) more than problem (2)): Deterministic Cauchy problem: $$(1) \hspace{1cm} \...
Mark's user avatar
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Is there a Feynman-Kac formula for vector-valued Schrödinger operators?

Given a vector function $$f=(f_1,\ldots,f_n)\in L^2(\mathbb R,\mathbb R^n)$$ (for some $n\in\mathbb N$), let us define $$\Delta f:=(\Delta f_1,\ldots,\Delta f_n),$$ where $\Delta$ is the Laplacian ...
user78370's user avatar
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Expected properties for a PDE whose solution is supposed to be something that doesn't exist

My understanding of Lecture #33, 34: The Characteristic Function for a Diffusion: As an alternative to directly computing the characteristic function of a random variable $X_t$ in a stochastic ...
BCLC's user avatar
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Optimal control of SDEs

I've set up a system of stochastic differential equations that I'd like to control. I'm new to optimal control theory and SDEs (and, admittedly, weak on PDEs), so I'm not certain if I've set this up ...
Hruodland's user avatar
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Looking for access to McKean's original paper?

I'm looking for the PDF version/scan of Henry P McKean Jr.'s paper on propagation of chaos. The reference is as follows - Propagation of chaos for a class of non-linear parabolic equations., In ...
almosteverywhere's user avatar
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Reference request on connection between PDE problems

I am trying to find references in the literature that connect solutions of any two of the problems given bellow. I study deterministic and stochastic conservation laws. Problems that I am interested ...
Mark's user avatar
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Limit density at the boundary of a killed diffusion process

To simplify the question, we start with standard Brownian motion(BM) $B_t$. Then, $$\lim_{\epsilon \to 0} \frac{1}{\epsilon}\mathbb P( 1- \epsilon <B_1 < 1 ) = \phi(1),$$ where $\phi$ is the ...
kenneth's user avatar
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Fokker-Planck equation for a truncated process

Let $X_t = x + bt + \sigma W_t$ be an arithmetic Brownian motion, where $x$ is a random variable independent to $W$, and $\sigma>0$. Suppose the initial distribution is given by $\mathbb P(X_0 \in ...
kenneth's user avatar
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Regularity for Stochastic heat equation with additive noise in d=2

I would greatly appreciate any references were they study the stochastic equation in higher dimensions: $u_{t}=\Delta u+f$ in great detail, especially in dimension 2. In Hairer's Spde notes , he ...
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