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9 votes
2 answers

H^d[U(1)^n,U(1)] of the Borel cohomology and Chern-Simons theory

Firstly I apologize that I am a physicist, with a relatively unrigorous math training. My approach of the problem can be Feynman style. Below $Z$ is the integer $\mathbb{Z}$, and $U(1)$ Abelian group ...
wonderich's user avatar
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Retrieval of algebra structure from spectral sequence

Suppose we have a spectral sequence of algebras and know that it degenerates at some $E_r$, take for example the cohomology Leray Serre spectral sequence associated to some fibration $F\hookrightarrow ...
George's user avatar
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Does the Serre spectral sequence of the Fadell-Neuwirth fibration collapse if there is a cross-section?

I had asked a vague question in MSE where a useful pointer to the Leray-Hirsch theorem was mentioned by Mike Miller in the comments, but received no answers. Here I will specialize to an interesting ...
Cihan's user avatar
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Hochschild-Serre spectral sequence via explicit filtration

Let $$1 \longrightarrow K \longrightarrow G \longrightarrow Q \longrightarrow 1$$ be a short exact sequence of groups and let $M$ be a $\mathbb{Z}[G]$-module. The Hochschild--Serre spectral ...
Laura's user avatar
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Relating bordism groups of $\Omega_{d}^{Spin_c}$ and $\Omega_{d}^{(Spin \times SU(N))/\mathbb{Z}_2}$ to that of $U(N)$

I felt that the earlier question may be too challenging, so let me provide a different angle and more infos to tackle an easier and separate problem. Let us consider a more explicit a short exact ...
wonderich's user avatar
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extension problem for the Atiyah-Hirzebruch spectral sequence

For a generalized homology theory $h$ and a Serre fibration $F\rightarrow E\rightarrow B$, we can define an Atiyah-Hirzebruch spectral sequence\begin{equation}E^2_{p,q}=H_p(B,h_q(F))\Rightarrow h_{p+q}...
Alex Turzillo's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

To compare the total, base and fiber spaces of two fiber bundles

Consider the following commutative diagram of the fiber bundles $% F\rightarrow E\rightarrow B$ and $F^{\prime }\rightarrow E^{\prime }\rightarrow B^{\prime }$ where $B^{\prime }$ is simply connected ...
Mehmet Onat's user avatar
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3 answers

Spectral sequences in algebraic topology [duplicate]

What books/articles do you recommend for learning spectral sequences? I am interested in their applications to algebraic topology, particularly to understand the homology of fibre bundles. I have a ...
8 votes
2 answers

Conditions under which the preimage of a submanifold in nontrivial in homology

Let $\pi: M^{n+k} \to N^n$ be a fibre bundle with fibre $F$ between compact smooth manifolds. What are “mild” sufficient conditions on the topology of $M$, $N$ and $F$ so that given a closed $p$-...
Eduardo Longa's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Cohomology ring of a fiberwise join

I am very interested in the cohomology ring of the following construction. Let $f: Y\to X$ be a map between (connected) topological spaces. Suppose that the image of the map $f^*:H^*(X) \to H^*(Y)$ is ...
Nikolay Konovalov's user avatar
8 votes
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Convergence of spectral sequences of cohomological type

Following the first chapter of Hatcher's great book "Spectral Sequences in Algebraic Topology", I got into problems with spectral sequences of cohomological type. Fix a ring $R$ once and for all. ...
user4676's user avatar
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Torsion in the integral cohomology of $BPU_{n}$

I would like to prove that the integral cohomology of $BPU_{n}$ the classifying space of the projective unitary group of order $n$ has $n-$primary torsion. We have a fiber sequence of the form $BSU_{...
Faye3's user avatar
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Reference request: cohomology of Eilenberg Maclane spaces with $p$-local groups

In Rudyak's 'On Thom Spectra, Orientability, and Cobordism', the following fact is used: Let $\mathbb{Z}_{(p)}$ be $\mathbb{Z}$ localized at the ideal $(p)$. Let $\pi,\tau$ be two cyclic $\mathbb{...
Chi Cheuk Tsang's user avatar
8 votes
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Third differential in the homology AHSS

I need some guidance in identifying the third differential in the homology AHSS for $\Omega_{\ast}^{\text{Spin}^c}(X)$ in degrees $\leq 4$. Remember that $\pi_0(M\text{Spin}^c)=\Bbb Z$, $\pi_2(M\...
Riccardo's user avatar
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Transgressions commute with the Steenrod operations on the base and fiber in a central group extension?

The following sentence is quoted from the paper ON THE COHOMOLOGY OF SPLIT EXTENSIONS by D. J. BENSON AND M. FESHBACH: In general, the differentials in the Lyndon-Hochschild-Serre spectral sequence ...
Minghui's user avatar
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Elementary computation of direct image sheaves.

I am a physicist and would like to understand the section 1 of this math paper, which explains how the SYZ conjecture implies topological mirror symmetry. I have some technical problem and would ...
Gavin's user avatar
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Spin cobordism v.s. KO theory in low or in any dimensions

It seems that from this webpage, the spin cobordism is equivalent to KO theory in low dimension. If we denote the $p$-torsion part (mean $\mathbb{Z}_{p^n}$ for some $n$) $$\Omega_d(BG)_p.$$ ...
wonderich's user avatar
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Adams spectral sequence and short exact sequences. Some clarifications

as the title suggests I'm looking for some clarifications in the computations of the ext charts of some $A(1)$-modules arising as extensions of other modules. In particular, I've the following example ...
Luigi M's user avatar
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fibrations of classifying spaces - Leray Hirsch Theorem converse

Let $G$ be a topological group and let $H$ be a closed subgroup. Assume that $G \rightarrow G/H$ is a principal $H$-bundle. We have a fibration of classyifing spaces $$G/H \rightarrow BH \rightarrow ...
C. Zhihao's user avatar
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Relating bordism generators in d and d+2 dimensions --- an explicit example

This is an attempt to make my relation between bordism invariants in $d$ and $d+2$ dimensions, following a previous attempt more explicit. This counts as a different question, since some more specific ...
annie marie cœur's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Computation of stable homotopy groups of $RP^2$

I would like to compute the first few stable homotopy groups of $RP^2$. I first thought to use the Atiyah-Hirzebruch Spectral Sequence, (see Davis & Kirk, pg. 242). Here is what I computed for ...
Glen M Wilson's user avatar
7 votes
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Do people still use Massey Products for computations in the Adams Spectral Sequence

Hey everyone, It seems to me like in the literature of the Adams Spectral Sequence, older publications (Toda, May, Tengora+Mahowald) make heavy and explicit use of Massey Products for computations. ...
Joseph Victor's user avatar
7 votes
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Calculate the group cohomology classes $H^d[U(1)\rtimes Z_2, Z]$ and $H^d[U(1)\rtimes Z_2, Z_T]$

I would like to know what are the group cohomology classes $H^d[U(1)\rtimes Z_2, Z]$ and $H^d[U(1)\rtimes Z_2, Z_T]$, and/or how to calculate them. It can be shown that $H^d[U(1), Z]$ is $Z$ for ...
Xiao-Gang Wen's user avatar
7 votes
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Explicit 2-Cocycles of G=Z2×Z2xZ2 over U(1)

We know that group cohomology $H^2(G,U(1))$ consists of 2-cocycles $\beta(A,B)\in U(1)$ corresponding to elements in the group $H^2(G,U(1))$, where $A\in G,B \in G$. Note that $\beta(A,B)$ satisfies 2-...
wonderich's user avatar
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Image of J in the classical Adams Spectral Sequence

Hey all, I know that in some versions of the Adams Spectral Sequence you can easily identify the image of $J$, and I was wondering if there was a way to identify the image of $J$ in the $E_2$ page of ...
Joseph Victor's user avatar
7 votes
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Relation between cohomology operations and the Adams spectral sequence

$\newcommand{\Z}{\mathbb Z} \DeclareMathOperator{\Ext}{Ext} \DeclareMathOperator{\Cone}{Cone}$ I'm trying to understand how higher order cohomology operations are related to the Adams spectral ...
Shivang's user avatar
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$G$ cocycle split to a coboundary in $J$, via a group extension

Consider a generic nontrivial $d$-cocycle $\omega_d^G \in H^d(G,U(1))$ in the cohomology group of a group $G$ with $U(1)=\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z}$ coefficient. In otherwords, here the $d$-cocycle $\...
wonderich's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Proof of the ''trangression theorem''

Here is what I would call the transgression theorem. Let $X$ be a pointed space and $\Omega X$ its loop space. There are two maps $H_{p}(\Omega X) \to H_{p+1}(X)$ which should be the same. I am ...
Johannes Ebert's user avatar
7 votes
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Pontryagin square and $\frac{1}{2}(\mathcal{P}(x) -x^2) =x \cup_1 Sq^1 x$

The Pontryagin square, maps $x \in H^2({B}^2\mathbb{Z}_2,\mathbb{Z}_2)$ to $ \mathcal{P}(x) \in H^4({B}^2\mathbb{Z}_2,\mathbb{Z}_4)$. Precisely, $$ \mathcal{P}(x)= x \cup x+ x \cup_1 2 Sq^1 x. $$ ...
annie marie cœur's user avatar
7 votes
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Cohomology groups of quotient by finite group

I know there are already lots of questions about (co)homology groups of a quotient manifold, but please let me ask one more question. Let $G$ be a finite group acting on a manifold $M$ without fixed ...
M Ronagh's user avatar
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Serre spectral sequence degeneration in homology vs cohomology

Let $\pi\colon E \rightarrow B$ be a fiber bundle with fiber $F$. I am not assuming that $B$ is simply-connected. We then have Serre spectral sequences in both rational homology and rational ...
Laura's user avatar
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Hochschild-Serre spectral sequence and non-trivial action on coefficients

Consider an extension\begin{equation}1\rightarrow N\rightarrow G\xrightarrow{\rho} K\rightarrow 1\end{equation}Let $K$ act on a $K$-module $A$ by $\phi_k: a\mapsto k\cdot a$. Define a $G$-action $a\...
Alex Turzillo's user avatar
7 votes
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Explicit 2-cocycle from a 2nd cohomology group $H^2[Q_8 \times \mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}, U(1)]$

I would like to know the explicit expression of 2-cocycle from a 2nd cohomology group $H^2[Q_8 \times \mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}, U(1)]$ with $U(1)\equiv \mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z}$ coefficient, or namely $H^2[...
wonderich's user avatar
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Invariants in relative cohomology and compact support cohomology of the quotient

Let $\cal H$ be the Poincare upper half-plane and $\overline {\cal H}$ the union of $\cal H$ with the set of cusps $\bf P^1 (\bf Q)$, provided with its usual topology. Let $\Gamma$ a congruence ...
Joël's user avatar
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Differentials in spectral sequences and Massey products

Consider a multiplicative spectral sequence such as the cohomological Serre spectral. It is known that differentials will satisfy a Leibniz rule. Is there a clean statement involving differentials and ...
qqqqqqw's user avatar
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Convergence of a spectral sequence of a double complex

In Weibel's book, a spectral sequence $E^r_{p,q}$ is said to weakly converge to a graded object $H_{\ast}$ if for every $n$ there exists a filtration $\dots \subset F_{r}H_{n} \subset F_{r-1}H_{\ast} \...
Federico Barbacovi's user avatar
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spectral sequence for a complex with two filtrations

Suppose $(C,d)$ is a chain complex: an abelian group with a map $d:C \to C$ such that $d^2 = 0$ (people like to assume $C$ is graded; if that helps - feel free to do so). A filtration is an ascending ...
Just Me's user avatar
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Adams spectral sequence for loop spaces

Let $X = \Omega_0^3S^3$ a connected component of $\Omega^3S^3$. I am interested in explicit construction of spectral sequence converging to odd prime torsion in homotopy groups of $X$. There is a ...
Samarkand's user avatar
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Cohomology of Lie group $E_8$, e.g. $H^d(E_8,\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z})$

What is the $d$-th cohomology of a Lie group $E_8$, say $H^d(E_8,\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z})$ with $\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z}$ coefficient? I suppose that there are many nontrivial groups of $H^d(E_8,\mathbb{...
wonderich's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Adams Spectral Sequence for Triangulated Categories

We have the Adams SS with $$ E_2^{p,q} = Ext^{p,q} _{E^*(E)}([S,E],[S,E]) $$ where $E$ is the Eilenberg-Maclane Spectrum yielding $\mathbb{Z}/p$ coefficients. I was wondering if there is a SS for ...
apurva n.'s user avatar
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Homology spectral sequence for function space

The question is in the title. Suppose that $X$ and $Y$ are two pointed connected CW-complexes. I was wondering if there exists a spectral sequence computing the homology of the function space $$H_{\...
tictac's user avatar
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Zero differential in Serre spectral sequence for configuration spaces

I moved this question from Math StackExchange. I am trying to compute homology of $Conf(n, \mathbb{R}^2)$ - ordered configurations of $n$ points on the plane - using Serre spectral sequence. I know ...
Igor Sikora's user avatar
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to compare cohomologies of fibers of two fiber bundles

Consider the following commutative diagram of the fiber bundles $% F\rightarrow E\rightarrow B$ and $F^{\prime }\rightarrow E^{\prime }\rightarrow B^{\prime }$ where $B^{\prime }$ is simply connected ...
Mehmet Onat's user avatar
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multiplicative structure of Ext

Basically, I am trying to compute something with the Adams spectral sequence (as a toy example). The $E^2$ page reduced to computing $Ext^{s,t}_{\Gamma} (\mathbb{F}_2, \mathbb{F}_2)$, where $\Gamma = \...
Elise's user avatar
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Serre spectral sequence with spectra

A friend recently asked me if i had heard anything about a stable Serre Spectral Sequence or one constructed with spectra, has any one else ever heard of this? is there any reason other than ...
Sean Tilson's user avatar
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Different flavours of Vassiliev Conjecture

There is something that puzzles me about "Vassiliev's Conjecture". I am sure I am missing some detail which is obvious to the community, since there are several tightly related kind of ...
Andrea Marino's user avatar
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Cohomology of BG, G non-connected Lie group, and spectral sequence relating to classifying space of connected component of the identity

Suppose $G$ is a Lie group, with $\pi_0(G)$ not necessarily finite, but might as well assume $G_0$, the connected component of the identity, is compact. In the case that $\pi_0(G)$ is finite, then we ...
David Roberts's user avatar
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a question about Bockstein spectral sequence

I find the following theorem for Bockstein spectral sequence at, page 459: Question. for a fixed $k$, if $\beta$ does not hit $H_k(X;\...
Shiquan Ren's user avatar
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Calculating topological index

Consider the space $X=BSL(8,\mathbb{C})/(\mathbb{Z}/2)$. The topological Brauer group of $X$ is given by $Br_{top}(X)=Tor(H^{3}(X;\mathbb{Z}))=\mathbb{Z}/2$. I'm studying concepts of topological ...
Faye3's user avatar
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References for properties of Atiyah-Hirzebruch Spectral Sequence for a spectrum $X$ and generalised homology theory $MSpin_*$

Currently I'm working on the following version of the AHSS $$ E^2_{pq}\cong H_p(M\eta; MSpin_q(\ast))\Rightarrow MSpin_{p+q}(M\eta)$$ where $\eta \colon B \to BSO$ is a stable vector bundle, and $M\...
Luigi M's user avatar
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