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Why has the random Koopman matrix $ G_{xx}^{(-)} G_{yx} $ only eigenvalues on the complex unit circle?

Let U be a $\Bbb{R}^{(n+1)(n+1)} $ matrix with entries drawn from a independent normal distribution, e.g. $$ U_{i j} \sim N(0,1) \quad \quad i,j=1,...n+1$$ Let $ G=U U^* $ be a Gram matrix where $ U^* ...
user3072048's user avatar
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Spectral properties of Ruelle transfer operator

Consider a compact metric space $(X,d)$, a continuous surjective map $T:X \to X$ of finite degree and the space of continuous functions $C(X)$ equipped with the supremum norm. Also, consider only (for ...
Curious's user avatar
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Equidistribution on subvarieties of $\mathrm{SL}_n(\mathbb{Z})$

$\DeclareMathOperator\SL{SL}$Let $\Gamma_{\infty}$ be a maximal parabolic subgroup of $\SL_n(\mathbb{Z})$. I believe there are various equidistribution theorems, which say that Iwasawa $x$ coordinates ...
kindasorta's user avatar
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the second largest eigenvalue of transfer operators

A Gauss map $T$ is mixing and satisfies Lasota-York inequalities. By Henon's theorem, we know that the transfer operator $\hat{T}$ associated with $T$ has a spectral gap. This means there exists a ...
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The definition of simple eigenvalue

This question was posted a long time ago on the mathexchange, but I didn't get any answers there, and despite having discussed it with some colleagues, I don't think I have a definitive answer. I am ...
Mrcrg's user avatar
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spectrum of multiplicative morphisms

Let $T:[0,1]\to[0,1]$ be a continuous map, which is neither surjective nor injective. Put $$ C([0,1])\ni f\mapsto \Phi(f):=f\circ T\in C([0,1]). $$ Notice that, under the above conditions, $0\in\sigma(...
fidaleo's user avatar
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Spectral properties of Non-local Differential operators on real line

I am encountering non-local (and nonlinear) PDEs in my work. To compute stability, I am trying to numerically estimate the spectrum of linearized-but-nonlocal version of the said PDEs. Definition: A ...
mystupid_acct's user avatar
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The Spectrum of certain differential operators

We fix a Hilbert space isomorphism $\phi:H^{1}\to H^{2}$. Here by $H^{s},\;s=1,2,\;$ we mean the sobolev space on $\mathbb{R}^{2}$ or $S^{2}$. We consider the following polynomial vector field on ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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null controllability of linear wave equation

Consider the linear wave equation : $$z_{tt}=\Delta z + k(x) z + h(t) , \; in \; \Omega\times (0,T)$$ Are there sufficient conditions on the functions $k(x)$ and $h(t)$ for which $(z,z_t)$ vanish ...
reseacher's user avatar
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strong stability for the wave equation

Consider the $n-$dimensional wave equation $$z_{tt}=\Delta z + k(x) z - \epsilon {1}_\omega z_t, \; in \; \Omega\times (0,T)$$ where $\omega\subset \Omega.$ Can I have $z(t) \to 0,$ as $t\to+\infty$ ...
reseacher's user avatar
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Exponential stability in nonlinear differential equations

I have this nonlinear differential equation $d\textbf{x}/dt=f(\textbf{x})$, where $\textbf{x}\in \mathbb{R}^n$. There are results which guarantee the convergence of the dynamical system to $\textbf{x}=...
Bravo's user avatar
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Avalanche Principle for higher dimensional unimodular matrices ?

Hello everyone, I have a quick question for people working on quasi-periodic Schrodinger operators, Lyapunov exponents for Schrodinger cocycles or in other fields that might make them aware of this ...
Silvius's user avatar
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Simple system of ODEs with periodic coefficients

I am stuck with a little problem that I cannot solve mith the standard methods I learn at university. I have a system of coupled ODEs: $f'(t) = P \cos(k t + \Phi_1) g(t)$ $g'(t) = Q \cos(k t + \...
4 votes
3 answers

Homogeneous linear differential equation system with simple periodical coefficient matrix

Hello, I encountered the following system of linear first-order differential equations: $y'(z)=A(z) y(z)$ where $y(z): R \rightarrow R^2$ and $A(z)=\begin{pmatrix} 0 & B Cos(\alpha z + \Phi_b) ...
elcron's user avatar
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sum of Perron-Frobenius operators

My operator is the transfer operator $P$ on $L^1$ functions defined on compact $X$. It is the pre-dual of the operator $U:L^∞ \rightarrow L^∞$ defined by $U(ϕ)=ϕ\circ f$, for a fixed map f on X. I ...
filiz's user avatar
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Trapped rays bouncing between two convex bodies

At some point during my research I was confronted with this problem, but I did not dedicate serious time to it. Anyway it stayed in the back of my mind and I'm still interested in hints for it. ...
Piero D'Ancona's user avatar
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Spectrum of a generic integral matrix.

My collaborators and I are studying certain rigidity properties of hyperbolic toral automorphisms. These are given by integral matrices A with determinant 1 and without eigenvalues on the unit circle....
Andrey Gogolev's user avatar
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Is there a name for this differential operator and/or its corresponding spectrum?

Let $\mathcal{M}$ be a real, compact, orientable manifold and let $X$ be a vector field on $\mathcal{M}$. Consider the functional $$E(f) = \int_{\mathcal{M}} X_p(f)^2 dV$$ where $X_p(f)$ is the ...
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