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Dualizing complex of the cone over a manifold

Let $M$ be a smooth (or just topological) closed manifold. Let $C(M)$ denote the cone over $M$, i.e. $C(M)$ equals to $M\times [0,\infty)$ with $M\times \{0\}$ contracted to a point. The image of $M\...
asv's user avatar
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Purity of perverse cohomology sheaves

Let $f\colon X\to Y$ be a morphism of projective varieties over a finite field. Let $K$ be a perverse pure sheaf on $X$. Are the perverse cohomology sheaves of $f_*(K)$ pure? I am just learning the ...
asv's user avatar
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Ext sheaves as extension by zero of locally free sheaves

Let $X$ be a complex projective manifold and let $\phi \colon E \hookrightarrow F$ an injection of locally free sheaves. Then we have a sequence of coherent sheaves $$ 0 \to E \to F \to F/E \to 0 $$ ...
Alan Muniz's user avatar
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Cartier Divisor generated by Global Sections

Let $X$ be an integer curve of (arithmetic) genus $g=0$. (the arithmetic genus $g$ is defined by $g:= 1 -\chi_k(\mathcal{O}_X)$ where $\mathcal{O}_X$ is the structure sheaf of $X$ and $\chi_k(\mathcal{...
user267839's user avatar
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Extension by zero operation

Suppose you have a closed subset $Z$ of a topological space $X$, and $F$ is a sheaf on $Z$. Then one can consider the extension by zero sheaf $F^X$ on $X$. What are some examples and situations which ...
maxo's user avatar
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Dual of slope semistable vector bundle on higher dimensional variety

Recall the definition of slope semistability, taken from section 1.2 of Huybrechts and Lehn's "Geometry of Moduli Spaces of Sheaves" book. Let $X$ be a projective $\mathbb{C}$-scheme and $E \...
maxo's user avatar
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Compatibility of Beck Chevalley condition: sheaves

Given a (not necessarily Cartesian) square of spaces $$\require{AMScd}\begin{CD} X @>g>> \overline{X} \\ @VVfV @VV\overline{f}V \\ Y @>\overline{g}>> \overline{Y} \end{CD}$$ does the ...
Pulcinella's user avatar
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Local extension of holomorphic vector fields

Let $X$ be an open complex manifold, e.g., the complement of a simple normal crossing divisor $D$ in a (smooth) projective manifold $M$. Let $T^{1,0}X$ be the holomorphic tangent bundle of $X$. Let $K ...
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Example of an Algebraic Space ("false" affine line with different tangents at origin)

I have a question about the following example from the Algebraic spaces and quotients by equivalence relation of schemes by Roy Mikael Skjelnes (page 12) of a presheaf quotient, which has associated ...
user267839's user avatar
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On the definition of a principal ideal sheaf

In his book Algebraic Geometry and Arithmetic Curves Qing Liu claims in Exercise 3.4, page 56, the following for a scheme $X$ and a global function $f\in \mathcal O_X(X)$: "The map $U\mapsto f\...
lefuneste's user avatar
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Defining a sheaf from its values on a prebase (plus little more structure)

Let $X$ be a topological space and $\mathcal{B}$ a base of the topology (i.e. it is closed under intersection and every open set is the union of elements from $\mathcal{B}$). Any functor from $\...
I.P's user avatar
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Exercise on "locality" in topos theory

Let $\mathcal E=\mathsf{Sh}(\mathsf C,J)$. Let $A\rightarrowtail \Omega$ be a fixed subobject. For each $X$ in $\mathcal E$, define $T_A(X)$ to be a set of subobjects of $X$ as follows. $U\...
Arrow's user avatar
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what's the cohomological dimension of a Stein space?

I want to know the "cohomological dimension" of a Stein space. I know that: for $X$ differential manifold and for every sheaf $F$ of abelian groups, I have $H_c^j(X,F)=H^j(X,F)=0$ for $j>...
Eric's user avatar
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smooth manifold vs. exceptional inverse image

A well-known theorem in topology says that for a smooth manifold $M$ of dimension $n$ the map $f: M \rightarrow point$ satisfies $$f^! \mathbf R = \mathbf R[n]$$ Here $\mathbf R$ is the constant sheaf....
Jakob's user avatar
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Does anyone understand the notation in this equation for the sheafification of a presheaf on a site?

Hi there, I'm trying to sheafify a constant presheaf on a site, I went to, but can't understand the notation in the equation for W (in the proof for ...
Mario Carrasco's user avatar
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Are vector bundles acyclic for $\Gamma_c$?

Let $X$ be a paracompact topological space or a manifold (which is not a particular case since the structure sheaves are different). It is well-known that vector bundles (more generally, $\mathcal{O}...
Gabriel's user avatar
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Locally free sheaves and vector bundles over smooth connected projective curve

Let $X$ be a connected smooth projective curve over an algebraically closed field $K$. Let $\mathcal{F}$ be a locally free sheaf on $X$ and $\mathcal{E}$ a subsheaf of $\mathcal{F}$, which is again ...
John117's user avatar
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Cohomology of tangent sheaf of a hypersurface

Let $X\subset\mathbb{P}^n$ be an irreducible and reduced hypersurface of degree $d$. How can one explicitly compute the dimension of the vector spaces $H^0(X,T_X),H^1(X,T_X),H^2(X,T_X)$? Here $T_X$ is ...
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Leray Spectral Sequence

Let $f:X\to Y$ be a smooth map between paracompact differential manifolds $X$ and $Y$. Let $U$ be an open and dense subset of $Y$. For any $y\in U$, let $f^{-1}(y)=F$ be a generic fiber that is a ...
user13559's user avatar
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Inclusion of logarithmic de-Rham complex into differentials

Let $X$ be a complex manifold and $D$ a normal crossing divisor. Let $U = X - D$ and $j: U \rightarrow X$ the natural map. Voisen observes that there is a natural inclusion $$\Omega^k_X(\log D) \...
LMN's user avatar
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How does torsion behave under the direct image functor?

Assume we have a finite morphism $f: X\rightarrow Y$ of smooth projective varieties of degree $d$ over $k=\mathbb{C}$. Then $f_{*}$ induces an equivalence between the categoy of coherent $O_X$-modules ...
TonyS's user avatar
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What is the geometric description of the set of isomorphism class of $G$-torsors over a site $C$?

Let $X$ be a topological space and $G$ be a topological group. Let $\tilde{G}$ be the sheaf of groups defined by the sheaf of sections of the product $G$ bundle $ \pi_1:X\times G \rightarrow X $. (1)...
Adittya Chaudhuri's user avatar
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Pushforward in Compactly Supported Cohomology

Suppose $X,Y$ are locally compact Hausdorff spaces and $f:X\to Y$ is a topological submersion of relative dimension $n$. By this we mean that for all points $x\in X$, there exists an open neighborhood ...
Mohan Swaminathan's user avatar
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On sections into Banach bundles over a compact manifold

Let $M$ be a smooth, compact manifold and $\xi: \mathcal B \to M$ a smooth complex Banach bundle over $M$. Here, smooth is understood to be in the Fréchet-sense. Further, let $p: V \to M$ be an ...
H1ghfiv3's user avatar
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Is the restriction of a simple sheaf of modules simple?

Let $X$ be a topological space, $A$ a sheaf of (unital and associative but not necessarily commutative) rings on $X$. Suppose $M$ is a simple quasicoherent $A$-module and $U$ an open subset of $X$. Is ...
Avi Steiner's user avatar
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ample subsheaf contained in the tangent bundle of projective space

Let $\mathcal F$ be an ample subsheaf of $T_{\mathbb P^n}$. Is it actually locally free? If not, is there a counterexample?
Chieh LIU's user avatar
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If presheaf is zero on a covering is the sheaf zero?

Let $C$ be a site and $F$ an abelian presheaf on $C$. Suppose that for each object $U$ in $C$ there is a covering $\{ U_i\to U \}$ such that $F(U_i)=0$. Is it true that $F^{sh}=0$? This should be ...
Rene Recktenwald's user avatar
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Equivariant Derived Category

If $G$ is an connected unipotent group over $k$,and $X$ a scheme of finite type over $k$, (an algebraic closed field of positive characteristic) then we can define the bounded derived categorie of ...
João Dias's user avatar
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Spectral sequences in Hypercohomology of sheaves

Alright, here I go again, don't know if I'm missing something here but let $X$ be a topological space and let $F^{\bullet}$ be a cochain complex of sheaves, I want to compute the cohomology of this ...
Louis A's user avatar
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Orientation Sheaf and Double Cover

The orientation sheaf of an $n$-manifold $M$ is $\mathcal{O}_n=Sheaf(U\mapsto H_n(M,M-U;\mathbb{Z}))$, with stalks given by $(\mathcal{O}_n)_x = lim H_n(M,M-U)=H_n(M,M-x)=\mathbb{Z}$ (the limit is ...
Chris Gerig's user avatar
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How to find the smallest flabby sheaf containing a given sheaf?

None of the spaces $C^k(\mathbb{R}^n)$, with $0 \leq k \leq \infty$, is a flabby sheaf. However, they are respectively contained in the smallest flabby sheaves $C^k_{nd} (\mathbb{R}^n)$ of functions $...
ron l winger's user avatar
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existence of a coherent sheaf

I am doing algebraic geometry. My question is the following: Here $X=\mathbb{A}^1-0$, $\mathbb{A}^1 = Spec A[t]$, $A$ is a commutative, noetherian ring with unity, consider $\mathcal{O}_{Spec A}$ as $\...
KAK's user avatar
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Are the injections of a coproduct a cover in the canonical pretopology?

Assume we're in a category $C$ with all pullbacks and finite coproducts. Recall that the canonical coverage of $C$ is the finest Grothendieck (pre) topology for which all representables are sheaves. A ...
Joey Eremondi's user avatar
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Calculate stalk of etale derived pushforward sheaf (Milne's LEC)

Assume $X=\operatorname{Spec}(A)$ is connected and normal (especially integral), and let $g:\eta \hookrightarrow X$ be the inclusion of the generic point of $X$. In Milne's LEC script on Etale ...
user267839's user avatar
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Unifying categorical equivalences and dualities for the functors : Gelfand spectrum and Zariski spectrum, Structural sheaf and Continuous sections

I would be very grateful for any references I might be led to, from a categorical point of view for the functors: $\textsf{Spec}_{\mathscr{Z}\textrm{arisky}}(-)$, related to $\mathcal{O}(-)$, which ...
Julien Dalpayrat-Glutron's user avatar
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Sheaves on families of genus 2 curves in Hassett's paper

Sorry for a maybe stupid long question but I'm reading the paper "Classical and minimal models of the moduli space of curves of genus two" by Brendan Hassett and I'm not able to unravel a ...
gigi's user avatar
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Some facts about sheafification functor on étale site

I'm studying the book Etale cohomology and the Weil conjecture by Freitag, Kiehl and I have some questions on the subchapter introducing the machinery associating to an étale presheaf a sheaf (that is ...
user267839's user avatar
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What are the sections of an ideal sheaf on a scheme?

Suppose $X$ is a scheme and $f_1,...,f_n\in \Gamma(X,\mathcal O)$ are global sections. One often reads about the ideal sheaf $\mathcal I=\mathcal (f_1,...,f_n)\subset \mathcal O$, but I have never ...
lefuneste's user avatar
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Mathematical background required to learn about sheaves

Due to my interest in type theory (and higher type theory), I have found that learning about sheaves might be useful (for, e.g., sheaf models of type theories). There is Kashiwara and Schapira's ...
xuq01's user avatar
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Nearby cycle functor for a family of stable curves

Let $B$ be a smooth algebraic curve over $\mathbb{C}$ (or rather a germ of it at a point $b\in B$). Let $f\colon E\to B$ be a proper flat family of stable curves with smooth generic fiber. Assume that ...
asv's user avatar
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global sections of higher direct images of étale sheaves

Is there a useful criterion for when $\Gamma(X, R^qf_*F) = H^q(X',F)$, $f: X' \to X$, $F$ an étale sheaf on $X'$?
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On morphisms to projective space arising from a linear system

Context: This question arose as I was reading the proof of Application 6.1 in Mumford's Abelian Varieties. However, I have extracted all of the relevant information below so this question should ...
anonymous's user avatar
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Carving out subsheaves of local hom-sheaves of stacks of categories

Recall from my previous question the definition of a local hom-sheaf of a stack of categories. I am interested in stacks of categories such that the underlying stack of groupoids is a moduli stack. ...
David Roberts's user avatar
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Is restricting the support of an Artinian sheaf a closed condition?

Given a projective surface $S$, and a smooth projective curve $C\subset S$ over $\mathbb{C}$. Furthermore we have a locally free sheaf $E$ of rank $r$ on $S$. Then for any $l\geq 1$, the projective ...
TonyS's user avatar
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vanishing theorems

I would be glad to know about possible generalizations of the following results: 1) (Grothendieck) Let $X$ be a noetherian topological space of dimension $n$. Then for all $i>n$ and all sheaves of ...
Agustí Roig's user avatar
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Are there any criteria for a presheaf which is an etale sheaf to be a sheaf in the fppf topology?

I am happy to hear answers to variants too. For instance, my situation I actually have a sheaf in the smooth topology.
David Zureick-Brown's user avatar
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Hypersheaves vs derived category of sheaves

This question arose from Peter Scholze's notes on six functor formalisms, specifically lecture VII in the proof of proposition 7.1. We fix a LCH space $X$ and consider the functor $D(\mathrm{Ab}(X)) \...
Sam Moore's user avatar
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Understanding spaces is the same as understanding (sheaves of) functions on the space

I'm trying to understand Ravi Vakil's FOAG. In chapter 2 it is written: [...] understanding spaces is the same as understanding (sheaves of) functions on the spaces, and understanding vector bundles (...
Abel 's user avatar
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Higher direct image with compact support of a constant sheaf

Let $f: X \to Y$ be a locally trivial fibration between locally compact spaces with fiber $F$. It is well known that for a constant sheaf $A_X$ on $X$, the higher direct images $R^n f_* A_X$ are ...
Eduardo de Lorenzo's user avatar
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How to compute cup product of derived limits / presheaf cohomology

I have a finite category $\mathcal{C}$, along with a functor $F \colon \mathcal{C}^{\mathrm{op}} \to \mathsf{GradedCommRings}$. If $F_j$ is $j$-th graded piece of $F$, then I write $H^i(\mathcal{C},...
Mr. Palomar's user avatar

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