I have a question about the following example from the Algebraic spaces and quotients by equivalence relation of schemes by Roy Mikael Skjelnes (page 12) of a presheaf quotient, which has associated sheaf which can not be a scheme. It's originally an example from Knutson's book on Algebraic spaces, but there my concern also isn't answered. Here the example:
Example 2.15. . The following example is based on ([Knu71], page 9). Let $X = Spec(k[x, y]/(xy))$ again be the coordinate cross. Let $R$ be the disjoint union of $X$ and $X_0$, where $X_0 = X \ (0, 0)$ is the complement of the origin. We consider the two morphisms $\pi_i: R \to X$, where $\pi_1$ is the natural inclusion on both components of $R$. The morphism $\pi_2$ is the identity on the component $X$, but on the other component $X_0$ the morphism $\pi_2$ switches the axes. Note that the two maps $\pi_1$ and $\pi_1$ are Zariski local open immersions.
The glueing of $X$ along $R$ will give the affine line, but the quotient sheaf $A$, of $R \rightrightarrows X$ is not a scheme, in any topology. To see this note that the presheaf quotient has, over the origo, different tangent directions sticking out. Since the presheaf quotient is separated (Proposition (1.13)), these tangent directions will also appear in the sheaf quotient. Hence, since the sheaf quotient is different from the affine line, it follows that the sheaf quotient can not be a scheme.
Thus, the non-scheme like points, as the tangent directions in the above example, are not particular for algebraic spaces being etale quotient sheaves by ´etale equivalence relations. One encounters these nonscheme points when taking Zariski quotient sheaves by Zariski equivalence relations.
By consruction of the quotient of $R \rightrightarrows X$ the resulting presheaf quotient has, over the origin, two different tangent directions sticking out.
Then it is clamed that since the presheaf quotient is separated (Proposition (1.13)), these tangent directions will also appear in the sheaf quotient. I do not understand. The Proposition (1.13) states:
Proposition 1.13. Let $\operatorname{Cov}$ be a pretopology, and let $R$ and $X$ be two sheaves. Assume that we have an equivalence relation $R \rightrightarrows X$, and let $X_R$ denote its presheaf quotient. Then the presheaf $X_R$ is separated. In particular we have that $LX_R$ is a sheaf, and that the equivalence relation is effective, i.e. $R = X \times{LX_R} X$. (Here: $LF$ is defined by $LF(S)\mathrel{:=} \lim_{T \to S \in \operatorname{Cov}(S)} F(T)$; see also page 5.)
Question: Proposition (1.13) states only that the presheaf (of the quotient) is separated, there is no statement about the separateness of the sheaf itself. So I not see why all tangent directions, which apear in the presheaf, must also apear without any loss in hypothetically existing associated sheaf?
Secondly: I know that separatedness means that it 'separates' points (= $\operatorname{Spec}(k) \to X$-morphisms) in algebro-geometric setting. Does it also 'separate' tangent directions?