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Questions tagged [sheaf-cohomology]

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The Gauss-Bonnet theorem for Sheaves

Euler Characteristic of Sheaves and the Generalized Gauss-Bonnet Theorem Consider a sheaf $\mathscr{F}$ over a site $\mathscr{(C,J)}$, where $\mathscr{C}$ is a small category with a coverage $\mathscr{...
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Equivariant Sheaves, Local system

Let $(G,m)$ be a group scheme unipotent, and $L$ a local system of rank 1 on $G$ such that: $m^*(L) \simeq L \boxtimes L $. Then why is $L$ an equivariant sheaf on $G$ with the action the ...
João Dias's user avatar
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Higher cohomology of sheaves on a projective space

Let $S\subset\mathbb{P}^n$ be a finite set of $s$ reduced points. Let $\mathcal{I}$ be the ideal sheaf of $S$ in $\mathbb{P}^n$. We consider the sheaf $$\mathcal{F}_k:=\mathcal{O}_{\mathbb{P}^n}(kd)\...
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infinite grassmannian in algebraic geometry

Geometric realization of $B{\mathbb G}_{\mathfrak m}({\mathbb C})$ is ${\mathbb C}{\mathbb P}^\infty=\varinjlim_n~ {\mathbb C}{\mathbb P}^n_k$; what if one considers a separable field $k\neq {\...
sms1's user avatar
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Cohomology and proper base change

Let $\pi:\mathcal{X} \to B$ be a flat, projective surjective morphism over $\mathbb{C}$. Assume that $B$ is a smooth quasi-projective curve. Let $\mathcal{F}$ be a coherent sheaf on $\mathcal{X}$, ...
user45397's user avatar
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Why Cech cohomology does not compute sheaf cohomology on an open annulus

Let $A=\{z\in\mathbf{C}:1/2<|z|<1\}$ be an open annulus. Let us cover $A$ by 3 open sets: $U_0,U_1$ and $U_2$ which we assume to be all homeomorphic to a 2 dimensional open disc. Moreover, we ...
Hugo Chapdelaine's user avatar
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Cech cohomology.

Let us consider the scheme $X$ and the coherent sheaf $\cal F$ on it. We consider finitely many affine open covers $U_{\lambda}$ with $\lambda \in \Lambda$. When I calculate Cech cohomology with $U_{\...
Pierre MATSUMI's user avatar
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Sheaves with no cohomology

Let $X$ be a smooth projective variety of dimension $d$ over a field $k$. Suppose $\mathcal F$ is a coherent sheaf on $X$ such that $H^i(X,\mathcal F) = 0$, for all $i$. What can one say about $\...
Carl's user avatar
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A functorial property of higher right derived functors

Let $f:X \to Y$ be a projective morphism of complex Noetherian schemes. Assume $Y$ is smooth and for all $y \in Y$, $f^{-1}(y)$ is of pure dimension $1$. Let $\mathcal{F}_1, \mathcal{F}_2$ and $\...
user46578's user avatar
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Pull-back of globally generated sheaves

Let $X$ be a smooth projective surface in $\mathbb{P}^3$, $D=\sum_i n_iD_i$ an effective Cartier divisor. Let $C$ be a smooth irreducible curve on $X$. Denote by $i:C \hookrightarrow X$ is the closed ...
user43198's user avatar
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Cohomology of sheaf extended by zero

Let $X$ be a projective scheme of pure dimension $1$. Let $U$ be a open subscheme and $j:U \to X$ the open immersion. Let $\mathcal{F}$ be a coherent sheaf on $U$. Denote by $j_!(\mathcal{F})$ the ...
user45397's user avatar
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Restriction of sheaves on curves

Let $C$ be a scheme of pure dimension $1$. Let $C_1$ be a closed subscheme of $C$ of pure dimension $1$. Denote by $i:C_1 \hookrightarrow C$ a closed immersion. Given a sheaf $\mathcal{F}$ on $C$, ...
user45397's user avatar
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The Existence of Pure Resolutions, Given a Degree Sequence?

I have been trying to understand the proof of the following theorem for the last month, I read some basics of sheaves theory and their cohomology, but still can't get the idea of this important ...
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Example of non-vanishing of first cohomology of a torsion coherent sheaf on a curve

By a curve we mean a projective scheme of pure dimension one. Can some one give an example of a curve $C$ and a torsion coherent sheaf on $C$ such that its first cohomology group does not vanish? ...
Jana's user avatar
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Compare global sections of restriction and pullback of sheaves

Let $X$ be a projective scheme and $X \subset \mathbb{P}^n$ for some positive integer $n$. Let $j:Z \hookrightarrow X$ be a closed subscheme. Is it true that $H^0(j^*\mathcal{N}_{X|\mathbb{P}^n}) \...
user45397's user avatar
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Relating deformations of a scheme to deformations of its singular locus

Let $X$ be a normal scheme with quotient singularities and $Y\subset X$ its singular locus. The first order deformations of $X$ are parametrized by $\mathcal{E}xt^{1}(\Omega_{X},\mathcal{O}_{X})$. ...
Puzzled's user avatar
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Convolution of DQ-Modules

On page 92 of Deformation Quantization Modules Kashiwara and Schapira define two different convolution products for DQ-modules that differ by whether one uses $Rp_{13*}$ or $Rp_{13!}$ to push forward....
operadical's user avatar
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Explicit examples presheaves associated to higher direct images which fail to be sheaves

So I would like to have a few simple examples where the presheaf associated to higher direct image of sheaf fails to be sheaf. So I'm looking for two (natural and simple) topological spaces $X$ and $Y$...
Hugo Chapdelaine's user avatar
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Is the higher direct image sheaf of a locally free sheaf over $\mathbb{P}^1$ locally free?

Let $f:X \to \mathbb{P}^1$ be a projective flat morphism, $X$ is a projective scheme. Let $\mathcal{F}$ be a locally free sheaf on $X$. Are the higher direct image sheaves $R^if_*\mathcal{F}$ locally ...
Jana's user avatar
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Cohomology of tangent bundles

Let $X$ be a smooth scheme and $Z\subset X$ a smooth subscheme. Consider the blow-up $$\pi:\widetilde{X}:=Bl_{Z}X\rightarrow X$$ of $X$ along $Z$. What is the relation between the cohomology of the ...
Puzzled's user avatar
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Topological information via cohomology of sheaves

On a projective smooth variety $X$ over complex numbers (or rather compact Kahler) we have a specific set of sheaves, namely sheaves of holomorphic forms ${\mathcal \Omega}^p$ of various degrees. The ...
N B's user avatar
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global sections of higher direct images of étale sheaves

Is there a useful criterion for when $\Gamma(X, R^qf_*F) = H^q(X',F)$, $f: X' \to X$, $F$ an étale sheaf on $X'$?
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Sheaf cohomology with compact supports (and Verdier duality?)

Consider a manifold and a complex where cochains are sections of vector bundles and coboundary maps are differential operators, which are locally exact except in lowest degree (think de Rham complex). ...
Igor Khavkine's user avatar
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Euler Characteristic of Coverings via Sheaf Theory

Let $X$ be a nice space (compact $CW$-complex or triangulated space, compact manifold, whatever works), $f:Y\to X$ be a finite covering of degree $n$, and $\chi(X)$ be the euler characteristic. By the ...
Oliver Straser's user avatar
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Terminology: complex of sheaves with cohomology sheaves concentrated in degree zero

What is the proper terminology for a complex of sheaves $\mathcal F^\bullet$ whose homology sheaves $\mathcal H^i\mathcal F^\bullet$ vanish for $i\ne 0$?
John Pardon's user avatar
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Global sections of twisting ideal sheaf of a smooth closed point on a projective space

Let $X = \mathbb{P}^n_k$ be a projective space over an algebraically closed field $k$ and $x$ be a closed point. Given an integer $m$ and a positive integer $r$. What are the global sections of $\...
Philip's user avatar
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When does the sheaf cohomology of a topological space vanish?

The question is in the title. A more precise formulation is: Let $X$ be a topological space. When does $H^i(X,F) = 0$ for all $i > 0$ and all abelian sheaves $F$ on $X$? The obvious example is a ...
anon's user avatar
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Leray spectral sequence of the inclusion of an open subvariety

Let $X$ be a smooth variety over a field $k \subset \mathbb{C}$ and $Z$ a smooth subvariety. Let $U=X-Z$. I'm trying to understand what information do the Leray spectral sequences attached to the ...
lerex's user avatar
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13 votes
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Etale homology via étale cosheaves

Can one develop a theory of étale homology via étale cosheaves? The hope is that this would, for example, return the Tate module (and not its dual) for an elliptic curve, and it would return group ...
David Corwin's user avatar
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When does sheaf cohomology commute with arbitrary direct sums?

It is well known and more or less proven in Hartshorne's 'Algebraic Geometry' (p. 209) that for every noetherian scheme $X$ and every collection of abelian sheaves $\mathcal{F}_i$ the canonical map $$...
Lennart Meier's user avatar
21 votes
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Cohomologically trivial stacks

The following theorem of Serre is well-known: A noetherian scheme $X$ is affine if and only if $H^i(X; \mathcal{F}) = 0$ for all quasi-coherent sheaves $\mathcal{F}$ on $X$ and all $i>0$. (...
Lennart Meier's user avatar
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Eilenberg-Steenrod axioms of sheaf cohomology

Cohomology of a space is often defined axiomatically: a cohomology theory is a functor from pairs of spaces to abelian groups satisfying the Eilenberg-Steenrod axioms. Is there a similar ...
Dan Petersen's user avatar
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How can one compute the cohomology of $i'^*C$, for $i':\mathbb{A}^{N-1}\setminus \{0\}\to \mathbb{A}^{N}\setminus \{0\} $?

For an (etale or 'topological', constructible bounded) complex of sheaves $C$ on $X'=\mathbb{A}^{N}\setminus \{0\} $, $i'$ being the embedding $\mathbb{A}^{N-1}\setminus \{0\}\to \mathbb{A}^{N}\...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
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Vanishing of Ext group

Let $C$ be a cartier divisor on a smooth projective surface in $\mathbb{P}^3$. Then we get the short exact sequence $$0 \to \mathcal{O}_X(-C) \to \mathcal{O}_X(-C_{red}) \to F \to 0$$ for some sheaf $...
Naga Venkata's user avatar
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Cohomology of a sheaf with only one stalk

Let $X$ be a proper scheme over a henselian discrete valation ring. I have a Nisnevich sheaf $F$ of which has only one stalk at the generic point of $X$ (and all other stalks vanish). I believe that ...
Thomas Geisser's user avatar
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Cohomology of line bundles

For sure answers to my questions are well known - but I never saw them anywhere. Let $X$ be a smooth projective (or just proper) variety over an algebraically closed field $k$. Let $A_i$ be the ...
Piotr Achinger's user avatar
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cohomology and $j_!$

I have a projective variety $X$ and an open immersion $j : U \to X$. Say I have a sheaf, locally free in my case of interest, $\mathcal{S}$ on $U$. Is there any reasonable relationship between $H^i(X,...
Andy B's user avatar
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Cohomology groups interpreted as sheafs

Hi Folks, I just came across a few lines where a (sheaf-)cohomology group of a scheme is treated as a sheaf. I've never seen this in Hartshorne. Could you give any reference for this? Thanks Steven
Steven Gro's user avatar
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Top cohomology detecting compactness

I am looking for a reference for the fact that the top cohomology $H^n(X;A)$ of an $n$-dimensional manifold $X$ is non-trivial precisely when $X$ is compact. I tried to ask this question on Math....
Earthliŋ's user avatar
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How to Draw Complex Line Bundles

I am giving a presentation soon on the Classification of Complex Line Bundles and I would like to have some very "basic" visualizations to use as examples. Background and Context I am considering ...
cheyne's user avatar
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why is the local field Q_l not an etale sheaf over a scheme X?

I would like to know the reason why the local field Q_l is not an etale sheaf over a scheme X while its ring of integers Z_l can be regarded as a constant etale sheaf?
John's user avatar
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Is this Sequences of Complexes of Sheaves Exact?

So in another question of mine there is a sequence of complexes of sheaves which the author asserts is exact. Let $K^{\bullet} = \underline{\mathbb{C}}^* \ \underrightarrow{d\ log} \ \underline{...
cheyne's user avatar
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Weil Kostant Integrality Result as Stated by Brylisnki

I'm reading through Brylinski's "Loop Spaces, Characteristic Classes and Geometric Quantization" and I am stuck on a piece of Theorem 2.2.15, which asserts that If $K$ is a closed complex-valued 2-...
cheyne's user avatar
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Cohomology of a cochain complex of acyclic sheaves

Ok, sort of as a follow up to my previous question, let's recall the de Rham-Weil theorem: Let $F$ be a sheaf on a topological space $X$ and let $\mathcal{L}^{\bullet}$ be an acyclic resolution of $F$....
Louis A's user avatar
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Sheaf cohomology invariant of weak homotopy type?

Is sheaf cohomology an invariant of the weak homotopy type? More precisely let $R$ be a commutative ring and $f:X\rightarrow Y$ a weak homotopy equivalence. Does it follow, that the induced maps $H^n(...
Jan Weidner's user avatar
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Deducing properness from $H^i(X, \mathcal{F})$ finitely generated over $\Gamma(O_X)$

Suppose that $X$ is a quasi-projective variety over a field $k$ and that we further know that for every coherent sheaf $\mathcal{F}$, $H^i(X,\mathcal{F})$ is finitely generated over $\Gamma(O_X)$. Is ...
Daniel Pomerleano's user avatar
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Is $H^i(X,F)$ finitely generated over $\Gamma(O_X)$ if $F$ is coherent?

Suppose $\mathcal{X}$ is a smooth quasi-projective variety over $\mathbb{C}$ (I apologize if these hypotheses have little to do with the question at hand). Let $\mathcal{F}$ be a coherent sheaf on $\...
Daniel Pomerleano's user avatar
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Are injective quasi-coherent modules acyclic?

Let $X$ be a scheme and $F$ be an injective object of $\mathrm{Qcoh}(X)$. Is it true that $F$ is acyclic with respect to the usual sheaf cohomology? For noetherian schemes $X$ this is well-known; ...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar
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sheaves for which the derived (compact or not) pushforward is zero

Conventions: sheaf = complex of constructible sheaves (in the l-adic setup with etale tplg or in the complex coefficients setup with analytical tplg). I would like to understand if there is an ...
Dragos Fratila's user avatar
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If $f: X \to Y$ is a finite flat morphism of schemes, $g: Y \to Z$ is a proper morphism of relative dimension one, $Z$ is affine and $E$ is a vector bundle on $Y$ with $R^1g_*E=0$ then $H^1(X,f^*E)=0$?

Let $f: X \to Y$ and $g: Y \to Z$ be morphisms of schemes* such that f is flat and finite, g is proper and $R^{> 1}g_*E=0$ for all sheaves and Z is affine. Let E be a vector bundle on Y such that $...
Yosemite Sam's user avatar
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