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Questions tagged [sheaf-cohomology]

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62 votes
8 answers

Sheaf cohomology and injective resolutions

In defining sheaf cohomology (say in Hartshorne), a common approach seems to be defining the cohomology functors as derived functors. Is there any conceptual reason for injective resolution to come ...
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28 votes
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Two points of view about Borel-moore homology

They are several ways to define the Borel-Moore homology on a locally compact space $X$. The first one is by analogy with the singular homology but instead of using finite chains, we use locally ...
C. Dubussy's user avatar
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11 votes
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Resolutions of unbounded complexes: Condition ($\ast$) in Spaltenstein's paper

In the paper "Resolutions of unbounded complexes" (Compositio Math., vol. 65, no. 2, pp. 121-154) N. Spaltenstein generalizes the 6 functor formalism to unbounded complexes of sheaves over ...
algori's user avatar
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9 votes
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Construction of generalized Eilenberg-MacLane spaces

The Eilenberg-MacLane spaces $K(G,q)$ are readily generalized to study cohomology with local coefficients.The generalized Eilenberg-MacLane space $K_{\pi}(G,q)$ are spaces with only two nnvanishing ...
Xiaoyu Li's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Top cohomology detecting compactness

I am looking for a reference for the fact that the top cohomology $H^n(X;A)$ of an $n$-dimensional manifold $X$ is non-trivial precisely when $X$ is compact. I tried to ask this question on Math....
Earthliŋ's user avatar
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Can we use sheaf cohomology to say anything interesting for vector bundles with non-flat connections?

Given a vector bundle $E \to M$ with connection $\nabla$, we get a twisted de Rham sequence using the exterior covariant derivative: $$0 \to \mathcal{E} \xrightarrow{d^\nabla} \Omega^1_M \otimes \...
ಠ_ಠ's user avatar
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8 votes
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Injective model structure on sheaves of bounded complexes of $A$-modules

The following might be very well known for people who works with model categories, but I do not find the answer. Let $A$-be a ring. Denote $\mathbf{Ch}_+(A)$ the category of positive degree cochain ...
Tintin's user avatar
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7 votes
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Converses to Cartan's Theorem B

Here is a phrasing of some Cartan Theorem B statements: Consider the following conditions: $X$ is a {Stein manifold, affine scheme, coherent analytic subvariety of $\mathbb{R}^n$, contractible ...
Tim's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Smooth analogue of Cartan's Theorem B

Cartan's Theorem B can be stated as follows: Let $X$ be a space let $\mathcal{F}$ be a sheaf on $X$. Consider the following three conditions: $X$ is "simple"; $\mathcal{F}$ is "nice&...
Tim's user avatar
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Is the derived category of sheaves localised at pointwise homotopy equivalences locally small?

In order to define the cup and cross products in sheaf cohomology, Iversen makes computations in an intermediate derived category. If $K(X;k)$ is the triangulated category of cochain complexes of ...
FShrike's user avatar
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When is derived category of ringed space perfectly generated?

Let $(X,\mathcal{O})$ be a ringed space. Also assume that $X$ is nice, e.g. locally compact, Hausdorff, some type of finite dimension, ... We can then consider $\mathcal{D}(\mathcal{O}\text{-}Mod)$. ...
Rene Recktenwald's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Cohomology and base change without Noetherian assumption

In the "The Rising Sea" by Vakil one can find the base change theorem for proper morphisms over a locally Noetherian base (28.1.6). He later indicates (28.2.M) how one could exchange the ...
Fabian Ruoff's user avatar
6 votes
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The Yoneda pairing, hypercohomology, and cup product

Let $\mathcal{F}$ and $\mathcal{G}$ be coherent analytic sheaves on $\mathbb{P}^n$. Let $\mathcal{F}_\bullet$ be a locally free resolution of $\mathcal{F}$. In Principles of Algebraic Geometry by ...
Svinto's user avatar
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An algorithm to compute coherent sheaf cohomology in projective space over a ring [closed]

EDIT: As the article was put on hold, because it was unclear what I am asking, here I put again my two questions: 1) Is the argument I used to derive the algorithm valid? The second question is a ...
Jürgen Böhm's user avatar
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Homeomorphic endomorphism of schemes inducing equivalence of sheaves

Let $F: X \to X$ to be an endomorphism of scheme $X$, which is additionally assumed to induce an universal homeomorphism on the underlying topological space $| X|$. Then it is known that this induces ...
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